Pacific Landscape Management Seasons




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FALL IS HERE (finally) 



Yes, it is sad to see summer go as our fall and winter can be LONG. Gone soon are the comfortable days outdoors but the good news is that irrigation season is coming to a close. This has been the longest, driest late summer and early fall we can remember. As shown on the graphs above, our irrigation need has remained summer-like through September with twice the irrigation need as last year. We have warned you that your water bill will be more than last year but we are turning down systems now and most will likely be off some time soon.


As we head into fall, our priorities change too. Lawns and shrubs will slow their growth and we will transition into Leaf Removal. Summer flowers will fade and Fall Pansies will start going in. We will even start to plan for Winter Snow and Ice Services. Fall is busy but a very welcome change in season.