Pacific Landscape Management Seasons

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Mowing Season Is Here
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Mowing Season Is Here
This time of year, it is always a game to determine when to start mowing. With the forecast for dry conditions over the next week or two, we are out mowing as possible.   
We focus much of our attention during January and February on pruning, shrub bed grooming and spring preparation. Although the occasional sunny days tempts us to mow, we have found that starting too early can have a negative impact. The ground is very wet even during the days that it doesn't rain. Mowing when the ground is soft can result in damage as seen in the picture above. We wait as long as possible to allow the ground to firm up as the weather improves in early spring.

Although we cannot always avoid the damage, we do monitor site conditions and the weather to mow when the best conditions exist. We work very diligently to train our staff to make the right judgment call on site each day.

As the weather improves as it has this week, the potential for damage subsides for lawn areas. However, poorly draining areas and those with heavy shade can stay soggy throughout much of the year. In these areas, drainage or tree pruning may be necessary.

The good news is that spring is near and before you know it the weather will warm up and the rain will subside. It may only be a few short months before we begin talking about irrigation and fighting dry spots.

Although there is really nothing you can call normal weather, there is average. For the Portland area, average spring weather is cool and wet. The 2014 Spring forecast is for cooler than average and normal to wetter than average( We are always monitoring the weather as our work, especially during this time of year, is very much impacted by the weather conditions.


Luckily, the sun is shining and we are taking advantage and getting our first mowing in this and next week.