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 Current Summer Heat Exposes Inefficient Irrigation Due To Age



Most irrigation systems become inefficient as they age.Think about it, does your older furnace, washing machine, or computer work as efficiently as it did when it was new? Consider this when thinking about your irrigation system. The important thing to consider is that as your system becomes less efficient, your cost will go up and resulting impact on your landscapes goes down. Without repair and upgrading, you will waste water and money while not keeping your lawn green and shrubs healthy.

There are three significant factors that impact an irrigation system when it ages. Components fail or become less effective, technological advancements improve effectiveness, and your landscapes water needs change as it ages.


Component Failure: Sprinklers wear out, leak, break and just stop distributing water as uniformly as they age due to wear and tear. This results in poor water distribution resulting in wet and dry spots.

New Technological Advancements: Along with anything manufactured, sprinklers become more efficient, accurate and effective every year due to improved design and manufacturing brought on by research. New sprinklers provide significantly greater uniformity of water distribution than those made even 5 years ago. Weather based control is advancing every year as well.

Changing Landscape: As lawn, trees and shrubs mature, their water needs change and compete with each other. Tree roots in lawns compete with lawns making it hard to keep lawns green and shrubs block sprinkler distribution as they grow up. A perfect design in a new landscape may be totally ineffective as the landscape matures.

We have kept on the forefront of these changes and have multiple options to help you improve your deteriorating irrigation system and many often have decent ROI. As a part of your 2015 budget letter, you will receive our recommendations for your specific sites. We look forward to helping you improve your system and save on your long term operational expenses.