Pacific Landscape Management Seasons

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In addition to our lower emission and low noise two-cycle hand held equipment that we have been utilizing, we have now begun to use battery powered equipment on our downtown, green roof and rooftop gardens. Battery powered landscape tools are still relatively new but the technology has improved to the point that they are becoming a viable option for specialty care areas. This equipment is safer to take in buildings and elevators and produces no emissions and lower noise which is much better for the downtown rooftop gardens. Stihl, maker of the gas powered hand held equipment we use is also the leader in battery powered equipment.     



This month PLM started maintaining the LEED Platinum certified Vestas Headquarters at 1417 N.W. Everett St. Vestas is the world's largest wind turbine maker. Its North American headquarters in Portland is home to one of the city's largest arrays of solar panels and a gorgeous green roof eco-garden terrace. In line with the company's sustainability vision and mission, this property was the motivation to invest in this lithium ion battery operated equipment. These commercial high performance machines are also environmentally responsible. These tools are mobile, clean, and quiet to make an impact on landscape without the carbon footprint.