COVID-19 Update 22.0
San Juan County - Utah's Canyon Country
Wednesday 8 April 2020
Dear Partner,
Please read the new recommendations released by San Juan Public Health .
Businesses join the #SanJuanStrong T-shirt Movement!

Jackalope Trading Company is collaborating with Bear Skins Custom Ink to support small businesses county wide. Every shirt sold means $10 goes to a local San Juan County small business. This project was created to provide customers with an opportunity to give their favorite small business the support they need right now.

If you are a San Juan County business and would like to join the #SanJuanStrong t-shirt movement email
SBA 7a Personal Protection Program (PPP) Updates:
Funding for this program is distributed by SBA lenders, we advise you talk to your local SBA lender ASAP.

  • Wells Fargo is expanding applications and will open applications this afternoon (4/8/20), you will need to have had a WF Business Checking Account since 2/15/20. Apply here: 
  • Zions Bank is continuing to accept applications. Apply here: 
  • For a list of lenders who do not require a previous relationship click here:
  • Online lenders, such as Divvy are also entering the arena. Read more, click here.
  • For a full list of lenders visit this link:
  • For sole proprietorship businesses applications will open Friday (4/10/20)

Also, if you are interested in PPP--consider reading through this latest FAQ sheet from the SBA. For a sample application click here .
Department of Workforce Services (DWS) will be hosting a Statewide Virtual Job Fair on Thursday April 16th . This Sponsored in conjunction with the Salt Lake Chamber and the Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCUtah), this opportunity is available to employers with job openings anywhere in the state. See this YouTube video   for a short overview: click here
Interested companies are encouraged to use the button below to contact the Utah Department of Workforce Services.

Please note: the deadline to participate as an employer is this Friday, April 10.

To participate, please contact: Blaine Roberts , 801-822-3635,
Impact Utah: Supplier Scouting
Does your business have the ability to adapt to produce medical supplies? Items for production include, but is not limited to, disposable gowns, N95 Masks, surgical procedure masks, sanitizing/disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer bottles, and hand soap.

Contact Jared Neilson at  for more information
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2020 – USDA Rural Development has taken a number of immediate actions to help rural residents, businesses and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Rural Development will keep our customers, partners, and stakeholders continuously updated as more actions are taken to better serve rural America.

Read the full announcement  to learn more about the opportunities USDA Rural Development is implementing to provide immediate relief to our customers, partners, and stakeholders.
Check out our brand new Utah's Canyon Country Activity Packet ! Feel free to use this packet to inspire your customers/visitors to think San Juan County during this time.

Click the link to download and print
A note : our emails are becoming long, particularly with all the funding resources available. Please note that often you cannot see the entire email in your email window. If you scroll to the base of our email just click "[Message clipped] View entire message" to view the full email.
As a reminder all pertinent economic development & business webinars, as they become available are being posted on our website scroll down to the tab "COVID-19 Webinars"
The University of Utah - David Eccles School of Business will be hosting free forums called Navigating COVID-19: How to Save Your Business . These forums are focusing on specific business topics related to navigating these unprecedented times every Tuesday and Friday in April. For more information visit:
Economic Task Force Town Hal: What to Expect from the Utah Legislature's Coronavirus Special Session
Thursday, April 9, 2020, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. MST
  • Utah Legislature's Coronavirus Special Session - President Stuart Adams and Speaker of the House Brad Wilson
  • City Halls are "Open" for Business - Cameron Diehl, Utah League of Cities and Towns
  • Unemployment Claims Update - Kevin Burt, Unemployment Division, Utah Department of Workforce Services
  • Business Story - Monica Holdaway, Box Elder Chamber of Commerce and Tommy Montoya, Procter & Gamble
Impact Utah is offering a free webinar series titled "Your COVID Business Plan Survive Then Thrive." Click here for details:
Below we have outlined local, state, and federal resources where funding is available. We recommend that businesses act quickly if they are interested. Please note information is constantly evolving, if you are tracking a funding source be sure to check back regularly. There is an update timestamp in the footer of the resource document for reference.
  • Local Funding Options
  • SEUALG Emergency Loan Program - open
  • State of Utah Options
  • GOED Bridge Loan - re-opens 4/16/20
  • Federal Options
  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) - open
  • SBA Loan Advance - open
  • SBA Express Bridge Loan - open
  • SBA 7a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) - open
  • USDA
Please note changes in SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance In order to qualify for the Advance, you must submit this   new application  even if you previously (prior to 3/30/20) submitted an EIDL application. Applying for the Advance will not impact the status or slow your existing EIDL application.

Funds will be made available within three days of a successful application, and this loan advance will not have to be repaid.
Utah has launched an SBA Rapid Response team to help answer immediate SBA loan/program questions. Please use the following form to reach out to the team. Also you are welcome to contact our office.
A dditional resources can be found by following:
Bluff businesses will be closed until May 10th
Many of our local businesses are doing what they can to keep their doors open and services available to our residents .

Click here for our directory of county businesses and their temporary COVID-19 hours, adjusted operations, and offerings.

Business Directory:

To be listed or edit a listing contact:
BUSINESS WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT: Jones & DeMille Engineering
With many of our local businesses remaining open we will be running features on our Newsroom to inspire our community to buy local. For a full list visit our business directory:
Homestead Steak House had drawings for free pies. Win a Homemade Pie... Every call in order gets one ticket in a drawing for one of our Homemade Pies! Call us today and place a order 435-678-3456. View our full menu at  www.homesteadsteakhouseut. com
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SanJuanStrong
Monticello locals are looking for ways to support their local businesses. Marci Bothwell & Kristine Curtis created the Monticello Charity Challenge . Stay fit and have the opportunity to be entered into a weekly drawing to win a Monticello business gift card.
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SJCMonumentalMoments
Remember to Read...
Current San Juan County Updates
Previous Emails
For business and tourism industry updates please refer to:

We are aware of the concern many businesses have, particularly those impacted by the travel industry. This web page is intended to be a resource for businesses regarding changes in the travel industry as well as business relief funding options as they become available.

Please note, this web page is not intended to be a source for updates on COVID-19. For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit the state of Utah’s Coronavirus (COVID-19)  information hub :
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions 435-587-3235 or 800-574-4386

Who to contact?
Natalie Randall,
  • Business & Funding questions (RLF, SBA, State, etc)
Allison Yamamoto-Sparks,
  • Visitor Information 1-800-574-4386
Stuart Smith,
San Juan County EDVS