Dear Partner-
Applications for SBA Disaster Relief Funding for UTAH businesses has opened.
The terms of the SBA loans are as follows:
- 3.75% interest rate for small businesses
- 2.75% interest rate for non-profits
- Repayment terms of up to 30 years
Economic Injury Worksheets are NOT part of the Disaster Loan application. They are a tool used to show the economic impacts of the COVID-19 event and were needed in order to request the SBA Economic Impact Disaster Loan program be activated in Utah.
If you have not yet submitted a Worksheet:
We have received the required number of worksheets to declare all counties within Utah. We no longer need businesses to submit the Economic Injury Worksheets and ask that you wait for the official announcement from SBA to begin your loan application.
If you submitted a Worksheet:
Thank you for supporting our efforts by providing a worksheet. They were a great help in showing the economic impacts in the State of Utah and in assisting the Governor in requesting the SBA disaster loan program. If there is any need for clarification or more information regarding your Worksheet I will follow up with you. If you do not hear from me, then your application was accepted as is and there is no further need to follow up.
If you have questions about the SBA disaster loan program
please contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center. Call 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) or e-mail
. A factsheet on the loan program is attached below.