COVID-19 Update 16.0
San Juan County - Utah's Canyon Country
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Dear Partner ,
As of tomorrow, April 1, 2020, Natural Bridges National Monument and Hovenweep National Monument will be closed to public access, in accordance with the San Juan Health Recommendations. Read Press Release here.
On our COVID-19 business page on our website we have added a tab " COVID-19 Webinars " for you to reference the various webinars with funding updates, business resources, and more occurring throughout the state and country.
Please note changes in SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance below.  In order to qualify for the Advance, you must submit this   new application   even if you previously submitted an EIDL application. Applying for the Advance will not impact the status or slow your existing EIDL application.

Funds will be made available within three days of a successful application, and this loan advance will not have to be repaid.
Below we have outlined local, state, and federal resources where funding is available. We recommend that businesses act quickly if they are interested.
  • Local Funding Options
  • SEUALG Emergency Loan Program
  • State of Utah Options
  • GOED Bridge Loan
  • Federal Options
  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)
  • SBA Loan Advance
  • SBA 7a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
  • SBA Express Bridge Loan
  • USDA
A dditional resources can be found by following:
1 - Local Funding Options
Emergency Loan Program

Applications: Open
The purpose of this loan program is to provide financial relief to small businesses in Carbon, Emery, Grand, and San Juan counties that are likely to experience a decrease in business due to an unforeseen emergency. These funds will be made available through the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) that has been established prior to this.

All funding available through this program will be distributed on a first come, first served basis . Applications should be submitted as soon as possible.

The program is intended to help businesses retain their employees and remain financially stable during a time of economic hardship. The loans provided by this program are intended to bridge the gaps for what may be a shortened financial hardship period.

Loan Program Guidelines :
  • Loan Maximum: $10,000
  • Loan Minimum: $5,000
  • Interest Rate: 4%
  • Loan Term: 3 year Term with 3 Months Deferred Payments, 9 Months Interest Only Payments, 2 Years Amortized Payments
  • Businesses Must be Able to Prove a Need for Emergency Funds
  • Business must be current on all business taxes (ie: TRT, sales, payroll)
  • Loan Funds May Only Be Used For:
  • Working Capital
  • Marketing
  • Inventory
Repayment for loans received from The Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments ( SEUALG) Emergency Loan Program will be deferred for approximately 90 days following the expiration of any state or federally approved crisis. 

Directions to Apply for the SEUALG Emergency Loan Program :
  • Fill out application
  • Include items requested on application
  • Sign application, there is a digital consent.
  • Submit the completed application for review.
The Program Manager for the Revolving Loan Fund will be available to answer questions regarding the application process. Dawna Housekeeper can be reached at 435-613-0031 or
2 - State of Utah Options
GOED Bridge Loan (Phase 1)
Application: Open 3/31/20 (8AM)-
Closes Friday, 4/3/20 (noon)
Utah-based small businesses with 50 or fewer employees impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic may apply for a new bridge loan program offered by the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED).

Loan amounts range from $5,000 to $20,000 with 0% interest for up to a 60-month period. Loans cannot exceed three months of demonstrated operating expenses. Loan payments are deferred for 12 months, and GOED will use at least 25% of the program funds to support rural Utah businesses.

There are guidelines, eligibility requirements and required information that must be submitted with applications.

The following are some highlights, but please refer to  for complete details.

  • Criteria Highlights
  • Businesses must be established and licensed before January 1, 2020, and in good standing with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code (will be verified here).
  • Applicants must have employees on their payroll for whom they have had payroll taxes withheld (i.e., W-2 employees).
  • Applicants must provide six months pro-forma of estimated lost revenue or other documented loss evidence.
  • Eligibility Highlights
  • Businesses that have experienced severe economic impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Businesses that can demonstrate a multiplier impact on other industries.
  • Businesses that play a key role within a strategic state supply chain.
  • GOED will determine the eligibility of applicants. Applying is not a guarantee of funding.
  • Requirement Highlights
  • Financial statements: profit and loss, and balance sheet statements for the previous year, and most recent quarter or month.
  • Last year’s business state of Utah tax returns (2019 or 2018).
  • A copy of the business lease agreement or mortgage statement for the business location.
Utah small businesses can apply for the Utah Leads Together Small Business Bridge Loan starting on March 31, 2020, closing April 3, 2020.

This will be a 2-phase program, possibly 3-phase. Phase 2 information will be forthcoming.
3 - Federal Options: SBA EIDL, SBA PPP, SBA Loan Advance, & USDA
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)

Application: OPEN
These are direct loans made by SBA (not through private lenders).

  • Working capital loans up to $2 million, rates at 3.75%
  • Businesses with less than 500 employees

  • Pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can't be paid because of the disaster's impact.
  • May not be used to refinance long-term debt. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits or for expansion.

  • Applicants must meet the SBA requirements of a small business (500 employees or
  • fewer)
  • Businesses directly affected by COVID-19
  • Businesses that offer services directly related to the businesses in the declaration
  • Other businesses indirectly related the industry that are likely to be harmed by losses in their community (Example: Manufacturer of widgets may be eligible as well as the wholesaler and retailer of the product)
  • Small non-farm businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture

  • Religious Organizations
  • Charitable Organizations
  • Gambling Concerns (Ex: Concerns that derive more than 1/3 of their annual gross
  • revenue from legal gambling activities)
  • Casinos & Racetracks (Ex: Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (e.g., casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of 1/3 criteria above.
  • Cannabis Industry
SBA Loan Advance: $10,000 EIDL Advance

Application: OPEN
These are direct loans made by SBA (not through private lenders).
$10,000 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance if you qualify.

Funds will be made available within three days of a successful application, and this loan advance will not have to be repaid.

In order to qualify for the Advance, you must submit this  new application  even if you previously submitted an EIDL application. Applying for the Advance will not impact the status or slow your existing EIDL application.

This application is quick, the only "numbers" you will need to initially provide are:
  • Gross Revenues for the Twelve (12) Month Prior to the Date of the Disaster (January 31, 2020)
  • Cost of Goods Sold for the Twelve (12) Month Prior to the Date of the Disaster (January 31, 2020)
In the third step be sure to check the box that you would like to be considered for the loan advance, enter in bank information, and then submit.
SBA 7(a) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

Application: OPENS MONDAY APRIL 6, 2020
These are SBA loans applied for through approved SBA lenders.

These are SBA loans applied for through approved SBA lenders. SBA will be releasing rules on this loan Friday (4/3/20). Our recommendation if you are interested in this loan is to contact your local SBA lender immediately--in San Juan County this includes Zions and Wells Fargo.

  • Apply through local bank on Monday April 6th
  • Businesses with less than 500 employees
  • Funds up to 2.5 times average monthly payroll
  • Must maintain same number of equivalent FTE’s
  • Forgiven if you use funds for payroll, utilities, rent or mortgage interest
  • Principal balance of loan will be reduced by an amount equal to subsection e. during the first 8 weeks after the loan is granted.
  • Remaining principal balance will be amortized for a period of up to 10 years; Interest not to exceed 4%.
  • Guidelines will be published on Friday April 3rd, but you will need to establish an average monthly payroll. Otherwise, no credit underwriting, tax returns, financial statements, credit reports, guarantees will be required.
Zions Bank customers, below is a one-sheeter from Zions. Please contact your local branch representative for more information:
Monticello Branch:
Derryl R. Jack
Vice President and Branch Manager
Zions Bank, Monticello
NMLS: 596428
(435) 587-2218
Blanding Branch:
Kim Palmer
Blanding Branch Manager
111 E Center St
Blanding, UT 84511
SBA Express Bridge Loan

Application: NOT YET OPEN
These are SBA loans applied for through approved SBA lenders.

More information to come.
USDA Disaster

On Friday (3/13), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a primary agricultural disaster designation for counties in Arizona.  Under this disaster designation, producers in contiguous counties in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah (San Juan County) also qualify for benefits. 

Additional information on USDA’s disaster assistance program, including county lists and maps, can be found at

For more information:
Remember to Read...
Current San Juan County Updates
Bluff businesses will be closed until May 10th
Many of our local businesses are doing what they can to keep their doors open and services available to our residents .

Click here for our director of county businesses and their temporary COVID-19 hours, adjusted operations, and offerings.

Business Directory:

To be listed or edit a listing contact:
Business Weekly Spotlight: Patio Diner, Blanding
With many of our local businesses remaining open we will be running features on our Newsroom to inspire our community to buy local. For a full list visit our business directory:
Many of our local businesses have taken the time to get creative in their business models allowing them to stay open & make sales while still encouraging social distancing. The Monticello Branch - San Juan County Library is offering pick up times for books, movies, and audiobooks! Just call (435) 587-2281
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SanJuanStrong
Let's take a moment to recognize the positive moments in our community. If you have ever enjoyed a meal at Cottonwood Steakhouse , in Bluff, then you've taken home your bandana napkin. Here's how to turn that Cottonwood Steakhouse bandana into a facemask!
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SJCMonumentalMoments
Previous Emails
For business and tourism industry updates please refer to:

We are aware of the concern many businesses have, particularly those impacted by the travel industry. This web page is intended to be a resource for businesses regarding changes in the travel industry as well as business relief funding options as they become available.

Please note, this web page is not intended to be a source for updates on COVID-19. For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit the state of Utah’s Coronavirus (COVID-19)  information hub :
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions 435-587-3235 or 800-574-4386

Who to contact?
Natalie Randall,
  • Business & Funding questions (RLF, SBA, State, etc)
Allison Yamamoto-Sparks,
  • Visitor Information 1-800-574-4386
Stuart Smith,
San Juan County EDVS