COVID-19 Update 11.0
San Juan County - Utah's Canyon Country
Wednesday 25 March 2020
Dear Partner,

This afternoon, federal bills are filing out, and keeping up to date on what is available, where the funds can be accessed, and etc can be somewhat overwhelming. Here is a quick brief on the federal bills that have rolled out so far, and what to expect. Many thanks to Congressman Curtis' Office for the fact checks and updates .

The Federal Assistance package is a three-part bill:
Phase 1 : The Aid package came first, about $8 billion (passed)
Phase 2 : Then the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (passed)
Phase 3 : The CARES act (currently being worked on).
  • There is a hold up while they negotiate the amount of unemployment compensation at $600/week which could end up being more than some people make which creates an incentive to not go back to work. Linked below is a Q&A for reference.

After the completion of the three parts there is now talk about a fourth and possibly even a fifth bill.
As apart of the Senate introduced bill titled the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act , there is an increase in funding made available to the SBA 7(a) loan program - these loans made by lenders and guaranteed by SBA. These 7(a) loans will be available for an amount equal to 2.5 times monthly payroll plus operational expenses. Please note these loans are in addition to the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), see below, which is currently open for businesses to apply for and where loans are directly from the SBA.
The Utah Economic Response Task Force will host a “Facts & FAQs” virtual conference call on  Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. MST  to provide an update on the status of economic efforts to mitigate the coronavirus. This Zoom video conference will provide an overview of the federal stimulus package and highlight innovative business solutions.

Economic Response Task Force Facts & FAQs:
Federal Stimulus Package Overview & Innovative Business Solutions
Thursday, March 26, 2020
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. MST

Tentative Agenda

  • Welcome - Utah Economic Response Task Force Chair Derek Miller
  • Federal Delegation Report - Representative John Curtis
  • Tactics and Implementation of the Economic Response Plan - Kristen Cox, Governor's Office of Management and Budget and Dean Taylor Randall, David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah
  • Business Story - Don Willie, St. George Area Chamber of Commerce and David Moody, Silver Reef Brewing Co.
  • Federal Stimulus Package Overview - Miles Hansen, World Trade Center Utah
  • Tourism Industry Update - Vicki Varela, Utah Office of Tourism
  • Available Financial Resources - Howard Headlee, Utah Bankers Association

Please join us at:  or watch on the  Chamber's Facebook page .
(Video recording will be available after the meeting on the  Chamber's YouTube page .)

Due to the number of participants, audio functionality will be limited to agenda speakers. However, please use the Q&A function to submit questions during the virtual conference.

If you would like to receive future communications on the Economic Response Task Force,  click here
Lodging Property Resources

  1. STR will be hosting webinars discussing the impact of COVID-19 on U.S. hotel performance every Thursday at 2pm CST with updates from the prior week. Register Here ( This section of the STR website also houses recordings from prior webinars and a number of press releases and articles from the past two months. 
  2. HNN find complimentary industry news (
  3. Free STAR report for current non participants: To understand hotel and market impacts, hotels can sign up here (
USDA Rural Development has taken a number of immediate actions to help rural residents, businesses and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Please see the following announcement for the latest on their resources available.
Kiln will be hosting an SBA Loans and Your Business Live Stream Friday, March 27, 2020. The SBA is expected to discuss and answer questions regarding Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) which is the SBA application that is currently open and are direct loans made from the SBA.

Watch Live by following this link:
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)
If you are considering to apply for SBA disaster relief funding we understanding the process can be somewhat daunting. We've linked SBA's 3-step application process as well as a loan assistance application guide (as a note, we continue to add helpful tips to this guide as local businesses are applying--if there is anything you would recommend we add please let us know).

  • Applicants must meet the SBA requirements of a small business (500 employees or
  • fewer)
  • Businesses directly affected by COVID-19
  • Businesses that offer services directly related to the businesses in the declaration
  • Other businesses indirectly related the industry that are likely to be harmed by losses in their community (Example: Manufacturer of widgets may be eligible as well as the wholesaler and retailer of the product)

  • Agricultural Enterprises: If the primary activity of the business (including its affiliates) is as defined in Section 18(b)(1) of the Small Business Act, neither the business nor its affiliates are eligible for EIDL assistance.
  • Religious Organizations
  • Charitable Organizations
  • Gambling Concerns (Ex: Concerns that derive more than 1/3 of their annual gross
  • revenue from legal gambling activities)
  • Casinos & Racetracks (Ex: Businesses whose purpose for being is gambling (e.g., casinos, racetracks, poker parlors, etc.) are not eligible for EIDL assistance regardless of 1/3 criteria above.
  • Cannabis Industry
Remember to Read...
Current San Juan County Updates
Bluff businesses will be closed until May 10th
Many of our local businesses are doing what they can to keep their doors open and services available to our residents .

Click here for our director of county businesses and their temporary COVID-19 hours, adjusted operations, and offerings.

Business Directory:

To be listed or edit a listing contact:
Business Weekly Spotlight
With many of our local businesses remaining open we will be running features on our Newsroom to inspire our community to buy local. The first spotlight is Wagon Wheel in Monticello, click the image below for a full read.
Many of our local businesses have taken the time to get creative in their business models allowing them to stay open & make sales while still encouraging social distancing. Sarah Pipkin with Unique Creations , in Monticello, has always been a go-getter. From Facebook posts to text messages, she is always sharing simple ways to get your DIY juices flowing. She will even ring your doorbell and leave the project on your doorknob.
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SanJuanStrong
Let's take a moment to recognize the positive moments in our community. Twin Rocks and other local volunteers, with Bluff Area Mutual Aid or BAMA, have come together to provide locals with assistance in the greater Bluff, Utah area. This assistance includes: deliveries, food, water, hygiene products, and more.
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SJCMonumentalMoments
Previous Emails
For business and tourism industry updates please refer to:

We are aware of the concern many businesses have, particularly those impacted by the travel industry. This web page is intended to be a resource for businesses regarding changes in the travel industry as well as business relief funding options as they become available.

Please note, this web page is not intended to be a source for updates on COVID-19. For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit the state of Utah’s Coronavirus (COVID-19)  information hub :
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions 435-587-3235 or 800-574-4386
San Juan County EDVS

Natalie Randall,
Allison Yamamoto-Sparks,
Stuart Smith,