Yes, it has been a Record Breaking Summer here in the Portland Metro area. As we fad in to fall, the statistics mount. Average summer temperature, 72.2, 4.8 degrees above average. 29 days over 90 degrees, 17 above average and 5 above the previous record. In addition, we have only received 2.2" of precipitation since May 1st, only 45% of normal. To date, we are 20% above the season ending irrigation need compared to last year and 25% above the 5 year average. Despite the few rains we have received, the forecast is for mostly dry, above average weather the next 2 weeks. It is likely we will end the season at 30% above normal irrigation water use. With that in mind, we have been keeping things on the dry side going into fall. A few dry spots are normally acceptable going into fall as the rains will return soon.
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Past Issues

Pansies Are Coming 

Fall Is Near 

Irrigation Needs 

Drought Stress 


Lawn Alternatives 

Record Drought 

How much rain? 


Landscape Assets 

Record Water Bills 

Lawn Alternatives 

Heat Wave 

Propane Equipment 

Tree Huggers 

Portland Water Supply 

Pacific Best Green 

Azalea Lace Bug 

Aeration Saves Irrigation 

Irrigation Season Begins 

Mayor Declares Drought 

Rainbird IQ Credit 

Annual Summer Flowers 

Rain Returns 


Curb Appeal 

Rejuvenation Pruning

Record Temperatures 

Irrigation Management 

New Mobile Software 

Irrigation Services

Warm Winter, Early Spring