COVID-19 Update 32.0
San Juan County - Utah's Canyon Country
Wednesday 22 April 2020
Dear Partner,
In collaboration with the San Juan Public Health this video was released sharing the message of how in San Juan County we have a history of overcoming challenges, thanks to our dedication, grit, and plenty of "stickity tuity." This community unity and strength is helping San Juan County residents and businesses adapt during this COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage locals to continue to support local businesses, stay healthy, and enjoy the outdoors. Together, We Are San Juan Strong.

Watch the video here:
San Juan Health order clarification on outdoor recreation in San Juan County is not prohibited to visitors. However, we are still encouraging visitors to please stay home. Avoid all unnecessary and leisure travel. If you choose to visit and recreate in San Juan County, we request that you continue to maintain the following guidelines as outlined:
  • Group gatherings are limited to a maximum of ten (10) people or a single household, and that each group is located at least 100 feet away from any other group.
  • Out-of-state visitors to San Juan County are asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • San Juan County residents returning from out-of-state travel (not including day trips), are asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • All residents and visitors are asked to follow Governor Herbert’s directives regarding social and physical distancing and hygiene.

All user groups are allowed on appropriately designated areas and trails within San Juan County. This includes, but is not limited to: ATV, OHV, mountain bikes, dirt bikes, equestrian, hiking, and etc. Dispersed camping is allowed on BLM and USFS lands within San Juan County. User groups are asked to adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. 

San Juan County will be opening a revolving loan fund with Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments this Friday, April 24, 2020 at noon . Applications will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis and as applicants qualify.
The application will be available here:

Please have the following documents prepared:
  • The entity's most recent tax returns from either 2018 or 2019
  • The most recent tax returns from all owners of the entity from either 2018 or 2019
  • A completed and signed w9 form that can be found at:
  • A copy of the entity's business license
  • The entity's profit and loss statement from the most recent quarter or month
  • A copy of the driver's licenses or government-issued IDs of all of the entity's owners
Every Tuesday and Thursday we will be giving away some Utah's Canyon Country swag items. Encourage your customers as they shop locally to show off their purchases with #SanJuanStrong

For a list of businesses open, online options, and adjusted hours click here:
Additional federal a ppropriations are anticipated to total: $483.435 billion
  • $321.335 billion for the PPP;
  • $75 billion for health care entities;
  • $25 billion for testing;
  • $2.1 billion for SBA salaries and expenses;
  • $50 billion for SBA disaster Loans; and
  • $10 billion for Emergency EIDL grants.
Alternative business funding has opened throughout the country. Here is a list of options created by the Colorado Office of Economic Development, some are Colorado specific--however many include nationally available grant/loan options.
USDA Rural Development has taken a number of immediate actions to help rural residents, businesses and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Rural Development will keep our customers, partners, and stakeholders continuously updated as more actions are taken to better serve rural America.

Read the full announcement  to learn more about the opportunities USDA Rural Development is implementing to provide immediate relief to our customers, partners, and stakeholders.
A note : our emails are becoming long, particularly with all the funding resources available. Please note that often you cannot see the entire email in your email window. If you scroll to the base of our email just click "[Message clipped] View entire message" to view the full email.
As a reminder all pertinent economic development & business webinars, as they become available are being posted on our website scroll down to the tab "COVID-19 Webinars"
Rural Business Resources Webinars, April 23
Join this webinar to better understand what funding you can obtain to help your rural business survive the COVID-19 crisis. The government grant and loan options will be deciphered along with the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A session with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), Congressional Offices and affiliated government agencies.

“This webinar will gather all the resources together in one expert panel, to offer information and insight as to how to find and apply for the loans and grants the federal government offers as well as local programs,” said SBA Utah District Director Marla Trollan.

Thursday, April 23 from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Password: 434992
Telephone Dial-in: (669) 900-6833  

The agenda includes:
  • Introduction: Miles Hansen, President & CEO WTC Utah
  • Senator Lee’s Office: Justin Anthony
  • Senator Romney’s Office: Scott Albrecht
  • SBA: Marla Trollan, SBA Utah District Director
  • USDA: Randy Parker, State Director
  • GOED: Ryan Starks, Director
  • Other Resources: Miles Hanson
  • Q&As
The Utah Economic Response Task Force will now only hold Town Halls on Tuesdays. However, the Salt Lake Chamber, University of Utah Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational & Environmental Health and WCF Insurance, recently hosted a webinar to help businesses create a safe and healthy work environment plan.

Health and safety experts shared tips for businesses to incorporate to quickly get back to work and re-open in a safe and healthy way. Participants learned key aspects of putting together their own internal return to work plan for their unique business and industry.

Speakers included:

  • Dr. Kurt Hegmann, MD MPH, Director, University of Utah Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational & Environmental Health
  • Dr. Matthew Thiese, PHD, MSPH, Associate Professor, University of Utah Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational & Environmental Health
  • Kathryn H. Clark, CIH, CSP, ARM-E, Sr. Vice President & CRO, WCF Insurance\
  • Linda Wardell, GM, City Creek Center - The Taubman Center

The following materials are available for your use:

We encourage you to watch the video recording and register for the second webinar in the series, to be held on April 29, 2020 at 2 p.m., which is focused on  “Implementing a Safe and Healthy Work Plan ."
The University of Utah - David Eccles School of Business will be hosting free forums called Navigating COVID-19: How to Save Your Business . These forums are focusing on specific business topics related to navigating these unprecedented times every Tuesday and Friday in April. For more information visit:
Impact Utah is offering a free webinar series titled "Your COVID Business Plan Survive Then Thrive." Click here for details:
Below we have outlined local, state, and federal resources where funding is available. We recommend that businesses act quickly if they are interested. Please note information is constantly evolving, if you are tracking a funding source be sure to check back regularly. There is an update timestamp in the footer of the resource document for reference.
Utah has launched an SBA Rapid Response team to help answer immediate SBA loan/program questions. Please use the following form to reach out to the team. Also you are welcome to contact our office.
Bluff businesses will be closed until May 10th
Many of our local businesses are doing what they can to keep their doors open and services available to our residents .

Click here for our directory of county businesses and their temporary COVID-19 hours, adjusted operations, and offerings.

Business Directory:

To be listed or edit a listing contact:
Help us find and share these features by tagging @sanjuanedvs and #SanJuanStrong
Current San Juan County Updates
Previous Emails
For earlier updates visit our website: , tab "Local Resources"
For business and tourism industry updates please refer to:

We are aware of the concern many businesses have, particularly those impacted by the travel industry. This web page is intended to be a resource for businesses regarding changes in the travel industry as well as business relief funding options as they become available.

Please note, this web page is not intended to be a source for updates on COVID-19. For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit the state of Utah’s Coronavirus (COVID-19)  information hub :
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions 435-587-3235 or 800-574-4386

Who to contact?
Natalie Randall,
  • Business & Funding questions (RLF, SBA, State, etc)
Allison Yamamoto-Sparks,
  • Visitor Information 1-800-574-4386
Stuart Smith,
San Juan County EDVS Team