
February 2017

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Alexandria Tisdale

Tommy Trevillian

Save the Dates

March 13
New 8-Week Spring Classes Start
(see here)

April 23 
SVCC Chorus Spring Concert

June  7
SVCC  Foundation Golf Tournament

SVCC Grad's Cool Job Helps Others
Saving lives and helping the sick and injured are cool ways to spend your working days.  Being an emergency room physician is the cool choice for Michael Cieslinski, who started his higher education path at Southside Virginia Community College. 
"SVCC is such a great community of teachers and learners.  The faculty really seem to love what they do and pass that love of learning on to their students," he said.
Take a Professor to Lunch
SVCC student Velma Green (left) recently took Associate Professor of Math, Brent Richey, to lunch as part of the "Take a Professor to Lunch" program. The program is student initiated and sponsored by SVCC Student Services. 
Bernadette Battle, Director of Student Services, says, "I am excited about the program! It allows opportunities for students to become better acquainted with our faculty. Sharing lunch and an informal conversation is a great way for our students to explore educational opportunities, identify or confirm career direction, etc".
Precision Machining   Jump Start Through Dual Enrollment   
The Dual Enrollment Program at Southside Virginia Community College gives many students a jump on college and education beyond high school...during high school. Joshua Vaughan of Skippers is taking advantage of the boost.
As a senior at Greensville County High School, he is working to earn his Career Studies Certificate in Precision Machining through SVCC. He also is a Welding student in dual enrollment in which he is a competitor in SkillsUSA and will be going to the state competition in SkillsUSA welding. 
February is American Heart Month
Practical Nursing Students from the Christanna Campus practiced some heart healthy measures by taking blood pressures of interested students, faculty, and staff.
On the John H. Daniel Campus, The Heartbeats 2nd Annual Health Fair was held. The public, as well as students and staff were encouraged to attend and received blood sugar and blood pressure checks.
Father & Son Among Newest Truck Driver Graduates  
Father and son Joe and Joey Hendricks of Kenbridge were among the recent graduates of SVCC's Truck Driver Training program.  But they are not the only Hendricks to be truck drivers. Their son and brother, Terrence, completed the program last year and is driving for Schneider National.
To date, SVCC has offered 229 Truck Driver Training classes, graduating approximately 2150 students.
For information about upcoming classes, contact Duncan Quicke at 434-292-1650.
SVCC Celebrates Black History Month
Dylan Pritchett, a native of Williamsburg, Virginia and a full-time storyteller, made presentations on both campuses this month. Mr. Pritchett takes his African and African-American folk tales to an average of over a hundred schools annually. He enjoys a twelve-year, professional association with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where he performs and leads workshops for teachers on using storytelling in the classroom. Drawing on his experience in historical research, he has created two classroom presentations; "Scraps of History," which uses real documents from the 18th and 19th centuries to weave African-American history into the fabric of the American past and "Bringing History to Life" which teaches students how to research, write and tell heir own personal and unique family  stories.