October 2023

Upcoming Deadlines

Annual Renewals Have Concluded!

Thank you to users for taking the required Annual Renewal training. This keeps all users informed on client data privacy & security as well as the updated FY 24 Data Standards updates for this year.

Users who have not completed the required trainings will be inactivated and their Agency Admins and Coc Leads will be notified. If inactivated users do not respond asap, they will have to take the entire new user training over to get access to HMIS.

If you haven't already completed the Annual Training, visit our Learning Management System and complete training as soon as possible.

Contact for any needed login help.

Upcoming A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report

A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report

It is once again time for users to run, correct errors, and submit the A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report. Reports will need to be individually ran for all HMIS participating projects for best results.

However, as a result of the FY2024 Data Standards update, the A020 report has not been working properly. In order to mitigate this issue, run the APR & CAPER reports in place to identify and correct any errors and to remain ahead of the curve while the Data Center works to fix the issue.

A020 Data Quality Monitoring Reports are due on October 30th for the October 2022 - September 2023 reporting period. Start running your reports today to stay ahead of reporting errors!

Past training on the A020 report can be found on the Data Center News Archive page:

Use the new Data Quality October 2023 Submission link to submit your reports once complete.

Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Data Corrections

Your agency's HMIS data is critical to the Longitudinal System Analysis and System Performance Measures reports due to HUD this Fall. To make sure your agency and CoC performs well in competitions, we need your help to review and correct data before Thanksgiving.

Phase 1 Regular A020 Data Quality Plan Submission

The first phase is to give you and your agency time to correct your data yourself. You know what is accurate for your clients best!

Phase 2 Corrections Sent by the Data Center

After your agency submits their A020 reports, the Data Center will review all three CoC's data and find the issues that remain. Some errors can only be seen at the system level and will be new to you. If you accidentally forgot any corrections in October, those may be required as well. Phase 2 will be due before Thanksgiving by November 22nd.

HMIS@NCCEH System Changes

FY2024 Data Standards Changes Are Live!

Untitled Design

The Fiscal Year 2024 Data Standards Changes officially took effect on October 1st! There have been changes to language options, the addition of new Data Elements, and the retirement of some Data Elements.

For additional details, refer to the Fiscal Year 2024 Data Standards Updates email where you can find details regarding the changes that took effect as well as other helpful resource materials.

Please note that some BusinessObjects reports have broken due to Data standards updates. The Data Center must manually update these to restore access. Let us know if there are any specific reports you require this week!

Updated Data Collection Paper Assessments

Revised Data Collection Paper Assessments have also been updated as a result of the Data Standards Changes.

Review the Time to Print New Forms email Alert for a summary of changes that you will find in the new Data Collection forms. To find the updated PDF forms navigate to the HMIS Administrative Documents page and print your new forms today!

Training & Resource Round-Up

System Updates Meeting

Agency Admins should attend the monthly meeting on the second Tuesday to stay on top of all things HMIS. This is your Agency's monthly HMIS meeting to get updates, escalate problems, and give feedback.

Your Next System Update Meeting: October 10th!

For details and registration, go to NCCEH's calendar event.

Agency Administrators, Program Managers, and Supervisors are expected to attend. Agency representatives must share this important information internally with colleagues.

If you missed one, recordings and materials are posted on the News Archive under HMIS System Updates Meetings.

ZenGuide Knowledge Base

If you haven't yet, bookmark this link!

The HMIS@NCCEH Zenguide is where you can find tip sheets, guides, and other written tools all in one place!

There are already 93 articles published! You can find instructions for how to run your ESG-CAPER and CoC-APR reports, how to update sub-assessments like Income, and how to manage Households!

Featured Articles:

Please keep searching for answers - that helps us identify the next articles to create!


Save the Dates:

  • Tuesday, October 10th: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting
  • Wednesday, October 18th: Monthly HMIS Training: Annual Assessment Corrections & Reports
  • Monday, October 30th: DQ Submission Deadline for 10/1/22 - 9/30/23 Data
  • Tuesday, November 14th: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting
  • Wednesday, November 22nd: HMIS Monthly Training (TBD)
  • Wednesday, November 22nd: DQ Submission Deadline for October Corrections
  • Tuesday, December 12th: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting
  • Wednesday, December 20th: HMIS Monthly Training: Canceled

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?

Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meeting slides or recordings.

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NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |