Revised Data Collection Paper Assessments have also been updated as a result of the Data Standards Changes. You can find the updated PDF forms on the HMIS Administrative Documents page.
Reminder, the summary of changes will include:
- Only the last 4 digits of SSN required
- New Element Translation Assistance Needed
- Standard response updates for Client prefers not to answer
- Picklist updates to Race, Ethnicity & Gender
- Pickist updates for Prior Living Situation, Current Living Situation & Exit Destination
- Picklist updates for Veteran related questions & retiring Last Permanent Address
- New PSH elements for Sexual Orientation & retiring Well-being
- Retiring portion of HOPWA Medical Assistance questions
For an in-depth view of data changes, view the FY24 Data Standards Updates Monthly Training video.
New Data Elements will appear in HMIS on October 1st! In preparation for these changes next week, please ensure that you print off the new forms.