Volume 42
January 13, 2021
  • New Year’s Resolutions
  • Success Cycles Matter
  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  • Start with Why
  • Know Who
  • Launch Phase
Typically, New Year’s resolutions come and go with little consequence. From dieting plans to fitness routines or learning more to enjoying new hobbies, rarely are these moments pivotal to lasting change. Given this pattern, how can we instill healthy habits which improve practice growth trajectories?
“There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.
There is no such thing as a negative experience,
only opportunities to grow, learn and advance
along the road of self-mastery.”
—Robin Sharma
In an early issue, our “Did You Know?” comorbidity education program was introduced: "With whole person care a public health policy imperative, comorbidity education raises awareness of how medical conditions relate to one another. While crucial for all healthcare specialists to lead in their area of expertise, the hearing health profession is uniquely positioned to do so."
And further… "As we admire healthcare heroes on the frontlines daily, think about talented researchers who devote years and careers to publish peer-reviewed research of high integrity. As data speaks, we should listen, learn, understand and skillfully guide others to benefit similarly. While translational research in academia typically refers to sharing between the “lab and clinic”, how can we amplify our influence by intuitively sharing educational wisdom in well-respected peer-to-peer and patient-friendly ways?"

Just as New Year’s Resolutions require behavior change, so does systematically achieving optimal business growth. While intuitively knowing Better Hearing is Better Healthcare, daily action steps must deliver optimal results for our patients and practice – starting with Motivated Leadership and a logical flow including careful tracking. With this developmental process, diligent headway with each building block is a natural catalyst for the next.
While consistently assisting patients to achieve their medical and lifestyle goals most effectively, do we lead by example with proven methods which accomplish our crucial practice growth objectives?

In 2021, For the Better, we should optimistically set S.M.A.R.T. Targets which are...
  • Specific and clear, to maximize collective understanding
  • Measurable, with objective methods to track results
  • Achievable via progress that is challenging but realistic
  • Relevant to core initiatives and competitive advantages
  • Time-bound with targeted aims on planning calendars

With essential goals in mind, where should we start being S.M.A.R.T.?

Early in the New Year, many contemplate personal wellness. Are new exercise machines, specialty vitamins or the latest diets on your menu? With consumer marketing presently directed this way and social distancing communication challenges prevalent, it is a S.M.A.R.T. time to ensure your medically-related wellness referral program is prepared to prosper in 2021. With Q1 as our intended foundation, here is a structured and motivational perspective.
As we Start with Why such as reputable education and well-planned growth, we Know Who should benefit, including patients, practice and community. Clearly, Success Cycles entail organized teamwork among leadership, clinicians and patient care coordinators. Within each group, Captains should manage daily plans and weekly accountability with fellow team members. Often, the “buddy system” is a human resource development technique to employ. What is more challenging alone can be mutually supportive and fun together.
With each sub-team’s specific goals and methods documented, your launch phase can get off to a SMARTer start. From the outset, expectations are set for disciplined follow-up necessity. While some past initiatives, like New Year’s Resolutions, may not have fostered substantive changes, it should be emphasized this practice growth “treatment plan” is integral for long-term success in many respects, particularly how patient experiences and advocacy are nurtured.

Daily action steps and weekly accountability are at the core of monthly progress assessments which sensibly guide how current and upcoming quarterly plans should be fine-tuned. With ingenuity and tenacity, each team member's valuable contributions can help achieve collective goals. To promote this, constructive peer-feedback loops should be encouraged and modeled.
Now resolved to maximize wellness referrals in 2021, next week’s issue will describe In Sight, In Mind display ideas and operational techniques. After all, daily encounters are when and where your talented team will exercise their educational muscles.

Stay safe,
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)

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