
May 2017

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Karen Meyers

Jennifer Myrick

Fred Davis

June  7

Graduation Speaker , SVCC Grad Stephen Parker Has a Cool Job
"Don't ever forget your experience at this college and how it shaped you," urged Stephen E. Parker, alumnus and graduation speaker for Southside Virginia Community College's Commencement held May 13, 2017 on the John H. Daniel Campus under clearing skies. A crowd of approximately 2,500 people attended the annual event. 

Stephen E. Parker performs his cool job in Washington D.C., the beating heart of the United States of America. Growing up in rural Prince Edward County, Virginia, Parker never envisioned being able to go to college, much less becoming immersed in the political capital of the nation.
May is Graduation Month at SVCC
Kitty Solari Nursing Scholarship Established
To honor Kitty Solari's dedication to her profession, her brother, Bill and his
wife, Sylvia Solari, have established a scholarship at Southside Virginia
Community College. The Kitty Solari Nursing Scholarship recognizes Kitty through an enduring gift to aid students attending the local program. The Solari's are passionate supporters of this community and especially, the health care realm. They know the value of attracting good candidates into the local nursing program and the important role of nurses in health care.

The Solari family recently attended a luncheon held at SVCC to honor and
celebrate this recognition of their beloved sister, relative and friend.
Foundation Golf Classic Renamed in Memory of Fred "Freddie" Reekes

In 2008, Bobby Wrenn and Freddie Reekes coordinated the 1st Annual Southside Virginia Community College Foundation Scholarship Golf Classic.  Funds raised through the event support student scholarships.   This year marks the tenth time the tournament will be held and is slated for  June 7, 2017, at the Lake Gaston Golf Club.  The SVCC Foundation Board recently voted to rename the annual golf tournament the Fred "Freddie" Reekes Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic. 

Freddie's passing on May 7 shocked and saddened the Southside community.  Freddie spent 40 plus years in education.  He taught in the Brunswick County Public Schools and later recruited students to SVCC. He was also a legendary basketball coach for both girls and boys at Brunswick.  In addition to being an educator, Freddie was an avid golfer and his team, "Old Coach", was a consistent participant in the Golf Classic.

Scholarship Support for SVCC Students

Dr. Chad Patton,  Dean of Career & Occupational Technology, accepts a donation from Commander Raymond Walker from American Legion Post 79 in memory of William M. "Bunky" Warren and Jack M. Rainey.

Cindy Thomas, Sr. Vice President (center -l), and Nancy Edwards, Business Banker (center -r) of First Citizens Bank present a check to  SVCC President, Dr. Al Roberts and Dr. Michelle Edmonds, Dean of Nursing, Allied Health & Natural Sciences.

Dr. Roberts accepts a donation from 40 & 8 Voiture Locale #1312, represented by Paul Doucette. 

Tracy Estes, representing Lancaster Leaf Tobacco Co. and The Universal Leaf Foundation, presents a check to Dr. Roberts.