
October 2017

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Joshua Worrell

Tayia Smith

Quadre Pulliam

Read about
SVCC's Quality Enhancement Plan
iRead, iLead, iSucceed:  
"A Commitment to Literacy"

Verghese Award Presented
Lori Hafey was a recent recipient of the K. George Verghese Memorial Academic Merit Award. Dr. Verghese was a long time faculty member at SVCC and was instrumental in the establishment of the Registered Nursing and Practical Nursing Programs. Lori (left) is shown with  Patricia Archer, Associate Professor of Practical Nurse Program.

Cool Intern Jobs at  Parrish Pumpkin Patch
In fairy tales, pumpkins turn into coaches; in Dundas, Virginia pumpkins turn into the latest successful agribusiness venture for one farm family. Producing and providing 'genuine farm charm' is the way the Parrish family has reinvented agribusiness on a four-generation piece of land in Lunenburg County called the Parrish Pumpkin Patch (PPP).

Currently, two students of the SVCC Agribusiness program have the cool job of working there as interns. Students gain hands-on experience to complement classroom training and determine if the responsibilities of the internship position match future full-time employment interests.

Casey Early (above left) of Keysville interns at the PPP. She has plans to continue her SVCC studies by transferring to Virginia Tech. Caitlin Lee (above right) of Kenbridge is also interning at the pumpkin farm and plans to continue studies for her four-year degree. 
Dual Enrollment is Beginning of Great Things

Local Man Reaches Goal to W ork for 
U.S. Secret Service 
 By Bobby Conner
Contributing writer for the Brunswick Times-Gazette
For most of his life, Matthew Barton had an interest in law enforcement.  After taking an introductory class on criminal justice in high school, he decided on a path that has led him to the top, the United States Secret Service.  It took careful planning, hard work and sticking to his goals to get to where he finally wanted to be. 
On a Supreme Path
During his sophomore year at Buckingham County High School, Ty'Leik Chambers made a decision that focused the course of his life and set him on an education and career path that he hopes will culminate with a seat on the U.S. Supreme
Reekes Posthumously  Honored
A Commemorative Stew Paddle was presented to the family of the late Freddie Reekes, former SVCC recruiter, and emcee of the Taste of Brunswick Festival held on the campus in Alberta.  Reekes was an integral part of the event for many years and he was chosen for the honor presented  on October 14, 2017. 
Nursing Ad Campaign
Robert Townsend is one of several SVCC grads featured in the campaign
The Center of Nursing Excellence and Area Health Education Center (CNE/AHEC) Advisory Committee formed this year to bring together the entities housed at the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center with area hospitals and colleges providing health careers education. The committee adopted a Nursing Is Here theme to promote the area's opportunities in careers and training in the health field.
The campaign features a website that includes pertinent information about programs and jobs in Southern Virginia along with personal stories of students who have trained and now work in the area. The stories, banners, advertisements have been featured throughout the area to enhance and inform potential students about the availability here.