Grace Alumni Association (North America)
affiliated with Grace Christian College (formerly High School) of Manila, Philippines
"...Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1:17)
Issue: April 2, 2015

Vancouver Gala Celebration
     Registration Form

Alaska Cruise


Hotel Accommodations  


Contact Information  

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Reunion 2010 Pictures

School Hymn:
"Wonderful Grace of Jesus"
History & Lyrics of Hymn 
GRACE Statement of Faith
       English  Chinese

2014 Mooncake Festival
Part 1        Part 2


Dear GRACE Alumni, Teachers and Friends,

       This week is the Passion Week/Holy Week, when we especially remember our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ - and His sacrifice for us.


       This Sunday (Easter Sunday) is when Christians worldwide celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.  Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.


       In this issue, we are highlighting an article (on Christ's resurrection) by Grace school co-founder Dr. Edwin Spahr.  Many of our beloved Grace alumni knew Dr. and Mrs. Spahr as missionaries, with a "heart as wide as the ocean."  ENJOY!




       Aside from the Grand Gala Celebration, we have a Reunion PICNIC.  This is an informal, relaxed setting, where you can meet & talk with schoolmates.  Hope you can join us!



*  DATE: June 26, 11 AM - 2 PM


       London Heritage Farm

       6511 Dyke Road

       Richmond, BC V7E 3R3


*  COST:  $15



       -- We need an accurate head count, in order to order enough Picnic lunchboxes.


       -- For those who (1) already registered for the Grand Gala, you may simply EMAIL to register for the picnic, and pay at the entrance. (2)  For those who have not-yet registered, you may simply add PICNIC to the total cost, and mail Registration to us.



       I am presently in the Philippines and greater Asia.  Many Manila classmates are asking if you will be at June's Vancouver Reunion.  Many overseas alumni are considering to attend our Grand Celebration.  If you have not registered, please do so today!


       Hope to see you soon,


Esther Tan Wong, 

                                 (713) 890-2888 (USA)


Swan En Lin Dychinco

Join our 7-Day Alaska Cruise!
School Founder: Mrs. Julia Lee Tan

       "If only there was a large piece of land, where a Chris­tian village could be built, with a first-rate school, a Bi­ble-centered church, with beautiful music heard daily inside this village; and where the villagers live under an at­mosphere of culture and spirituality, beloved by both God and man..."

       This was the DREAM--­some 65 years ago--of a slightly built young lady, Mrs. Julia L. Tan.
This lady hap­pened to be a poor widow with five small children in the Phil ippines.

Grace Alumni Association - North America
Phone:   (713) 890-2888
Address:   P.O. Box 16188, Sugar Land, Texas 77496