Grace Alumni Association (North America)
affiliated with Grace Christian College (formerly High School) of Manila, Philippines
"...Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1:17)
Issue: February 10, 2015
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♦ Vancouver Gala Celebration
     Registration Form (UPDATED)

Alaska Cruise


Hotel Accommodations 

2014 Mooncake Festival
Part 1        Part 2
by School's Senior Chaplain
(Rev. Stephen G. Tan)
School Hymn:
"Wonderful Grace of Jesus"
History & Lyrics of Hymn 
Register Early
and Save
"Early Bird Special" for Grand GALA Celebration (Vancouver)
Offer Expires
Feb. 28, 2015.
♦ GRACE Statement of Faith
       English  Chinese
A Word from the President, GAA-NA
Dear GRACE Alumni, Teachers and Friends,


        Warm greetings from beautiful Vancouver, Canada - where I am meeting with our FAITHFUL Planning Committee. Only 4 months before the Grand Celebration!


       (1) URGENT: Help UPDATE North America Alumni List


       Your assistance is urgently needed, to UPDATE the North America Alumni list - especially Names and Emails.


       If you know any schoolmates did not receive the last January newsletter, please email me immediately at >.


       (2) REMINDER: Gala "Early Bird" Deadline


       Early registration (for Gala) ends February 28, 2015.
(No more extensions.)


       Register today for the Early Bird Special $65.00 Gala dinner ticket. Starting March 1, tickets will be $80.00.


       Marriott Hotel needs a final head count soonest possible.


       (3) REMINDER: Alaska Cruise


       Alaska Cruise response has been very good. July is the best time for cruising Alaska. Join us in sailing to Alaska!


       REGISTER NOW! Some cabins are still available, but the ship is filling up fast.


       Contact: Genevieve Lieuson (Phone: 604-430-9279;




                 SCHEDULE for Grand Celebration:


June 25 (Thursday)

                     Food Critique Gourmet Dinner Tour

                     Western Cuisine Editor-in-Chief, Ricky Xu

                     Cost: To Be Announced


June 26 (Friday) 

                     PICNIC from 11 AM - 2 PM

                     Cost: $15.00 (registration required)


June 26 (Friday)  

                     Evening open for batch reunions

                     (We heard many batchmates are

                     planning their own special gathering.)


June 27 (Saturday)  


                     Venue: Marriott Pinnacle, Vancouver Downtown

                     1128 W. Hastings St.,

                     Vancouver, BC V6E 4R5,

                     (604) 684-1128

                     TIME:     5:00 PM

                     Attire:    Semi-Formal


June 28 (Sunday)  

                      WORSHIP SERVICE 

                      Venue: Marriott Airport Hotel, Richmond

                      7571 Westminster Highway,

                      Richmond, BC V6X 1A3

                      (604) 276-2112

                      TIME:   9:00-10:00am


June 28 (Sunday)  

                      ALASKA CRUISE

                      (Ship departs at 5 PM)

                      Transportation available upon request

                      Leaving 11:30 AM for cruiseship terminal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


       As we go further along, we will need many volunteers. Please email me if you are willing to volunteer for this Grand event. Categories needed include: registration, picnic event, hospitality, transportation (for out-of-town guests without car).


       For those needing hotel accommodations, please contact:


Marriot Airport Hotel

7571 Westminster Highway, Richmond BC

(800) 228-9290, (604) 276-2112.

Booking Code is Grace Alumni Reunion 2015


       I encourage you to Click on the various LINKS provided in this email. It's wonderful to listen to our School Anthem, evoking many memories of school days at GRACE. The New Year's sermon was such a boost to a new year with HOPE. (New songs & sermons will be on each of our newsletters.)




Esther Tan Wong, 

                                 (713) 890-2888 (USA)


Swan En Lin Dychinco

Join our 7-Day Alaska Cruise!
School Founder: Mrs. Julie Lee Tan

       "If only there was a large piece of land, where a Chris­tian village could be built, with a first-rate school, a Bi­ble-centered church, with beautiful music heard daily inside this village; and where the villagers live under an at­mosphere of culture and spirituality, beloved by both God and man..."

       This was the DREAM--­some 65 years ago--of a slightly built young lady, Mrs. Julia L. Tan.
This lady hap­pened to be a poor widow with five small children in the Philippines.

Grace Alumni Association - North America
Phone:   (713) 890-2888
Address:   P.O. Box 16188, Sugar Land, Texas 77496