Grace Alumni Association (North America)
affiliated with Grace Christian College (formerly High School) of Manila, Philippines
"...Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1:17)
Issue: February 19, 2015
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click below.

♦ Vancouver Gala Celebration
     Registration Form

Alaska Cruise


Hotel Accommodations  


♦ Contact Information  

■   HYMNS:

       "The Value of Time"
       時 間 的 價 值 
       by School's Chaplain Emeritus
       (Dr. Paul Lee Tan  陳宏博牧師)
■   POEM: 
       "Never Grow Old  不老歌"


       "China and Christianity" 


   Reunion 2010 Pictures

School Hymn:
"Wonderful Grace of Jesus"
History & Lyrics of Hymn 
Register Early
and Save
"Early Bird Special" for Grand GALA Celebration (Vancouver)
Offer Expires
Feb. 28, 2015.
♦ GRACE Statement of Faith
       English  Chinese

2014 Mooncake Festival
Part 1        Part 2
A Word from the President, GAA-NA


Dear GRACE Alumni, Teachers and Friends,


       First, a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you.  May God's abundant blessings be upon you in this coming year.


       VERY IMPORTANT:  Only 8 more days for the GALA "Early Bird" Special.  Register now!  (Early Bird Special ends Feb. 28 - no extensions.


       We are thrilled to announce 2 new venues of communication


   1.  New Website : 


   2.  New Facebook page :  Grace Alumni - North America

             (Note:  You must be logged-in to your FB account to see this.)


       The PICNIC location (for June 26, 2015) is finalized--

       Place:       London Heritage Farm

       Address:   6511 Dyke Road, Richmond, BC  V7E 3R3


       URGENT:  Many alumni emails are still missing.  Kindly enter your Names & Emails HERE.  Thanks to those who have emailed me already.


       Please continue to spread the news of the Grand Celebration.


       The last Reunion (in 2010) was very successful, with a wonderful turnout.  In this newsletter, we've included some pictures of the happy occasion in Vancouver.


       Listening to our Grace School song brings back wonderful memories.  And I was blessed by Rev. Stephen G. Tan's wonderful sermon.


       For this issue, we have a special sermon - for the Chinese New Year - which you will surely enjoy.


Best for the New Year!


Esther Tan Wong, 

                                 (713) 890-2888 (USA)


Swan En Lin Dychinco

Join our 7-Day Alaska Cruise!
School Founder: Mrs. Julia Lee Tan

       "If only there was a large piece of land, where a Chris­tian village could be built, with a first-rate school, a Bi­ble-centered church, with beautiful music heard daily inside this village; and where the villagers live under an at­mosphere of culture and spirituality, beloved by both God and man..."

       This was the DREAM--­some 65 years ago--of a slightly built young lady, Mrs. Julia L. Tan.
This lady hap­pened to be a poor widow with five small children in the Philippines.

Grace Alumni Association - North America
Phone:   (713) 890-2888
Address:   P.O. Box 16188, Sugar Land, Texas 77496