First, a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you. May God's abundant blessings be upon you in this coming year.
VERY IMPORTANT: Only 8 more days for the GALA "Early Bird" Special. Register now! (Early Bird Special ends Feb. 28 - no extensions.
We are thrilled to announce 2 new venues of communication
1. New Website :
2. New Facebook page : Grace Alumni - North America
(Note: You must be logged-in to your FB account to see this.)
The PICNIC location (for June 26, 2015) is finalized--
Place: London Heritage Farm
Address: 6511 Dyke Road, Richmond, BC V7E 3R3
URGENT: Many alumni emails are still missing. Kindly enter your Names & Emails HERE. Thanks to those who have emailed me already.
Please continue to spread the news of the Grand Celebration.
The last Reunion (in 2010) was very successful, with a wonderful turnout. In this newsletter, we've included some pictures of the happy occasion in Vancouver.
Listening to our Grace School song brings back wonderful memories. And I was blessed by Rev. Stephen G. Tan's wonderful sermon.
For this issue, we have a special sermon - for the Chinese New Year - which you will surely enjoy.
Best for the New Year!