Grace Alumni Association (North America)
affiliated with Grace Christian College (formerly High School) of Manila, Philippines
"...Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1:17)
Issue: June 11, 2015

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♦ Vancouver Gala Celebration
     Registration Form

Alaska Cruise
     Registration Form


Hotel Accommodations  


♦ Contact Information 


GRACE Statement of Faith
       English  Chinese

Dear GRACE Alumni, Teachers and Friends,


Countdown... Only 16 days until the Grace Alumni Reunion ! Follow are some REMINDERS...


(1)  PICNIC  (June 26) 

Date:   June 26 (Friday), 11 AM - 2 PM
Venue:   London Heritage Farm

       6511 Dyke Road, Richmond, BC  V7E 3R3 

Cost:   $15.00 (registration required)


Note:  For those who have not emailed us that you are coming, please do so.  Pay at the door.



Date:   June 27 (Saturday), 5:00 PM 
Venue:   Marriott Pinnacle, Vancouver Downtown  

       1128 W. Hastings St.,

        Vancouver, BC V6E 4R5,

       ( 6 0 4 ) 6 8 4 - 1 1 2 8 

Attire:   Semi-Formal


       (2-A)  During the June 27 Gala Celebration, alumni are invited to give a ONE-minute recollection of their days at GRACE. Limit: total of 10 Gracians.


       (2-B) Door prizes will include 2 RT air tickets from North America to Asia (total value of C$3,000), two Mac Air laptop ($1,200 value each), three mini ipads, Bose Sound Touch 30 Series II Wifi Music System ($620)


(3)  SUNDAY SERVICE  (June 28) 

Date:   June 28 (Sunday), 9:00 - 10:00 AM 

Venue:   Marriott Vancouver Airport Hotel  

       7571 Westminster Hwy,  

       Richmond, BC, B6C 1A3

       Tel: ( 6 0 4 ) 2 7 6 - 2 1 1 2  
       Our beloved missionaries will be presiding the service.   This service is open to all of you and your friends.


For those needing transportation to Picnic and/or Gala, please contact Ms. Evelyn Tiu
       Phone: ( 6 0 4 ) 6 0 3 - 9 6 6 5 

       Please note that those who are registered for the bus transportation from Hotel (Marriott Vancouver Airport Hotel) to the Cruiseship terminal MUST be on time.  Bus will leave from hotel at 10:30am SHARP.

       (The Cruiseship departs at 4:00 PM.) 



Important Note from Cruiseline representative, Ms. Genevieve Lieuson: 

The Celebrity Infinity will depart Canada Place at 4 pm. All guests must be onboard at least 90 minutes prior to departure.  As passengers will need to check-in their luggage, go through port security, United States Customs and Border Protection and ship check-in, please be at Canada Place no later than 1:30 pm. However, there is a long line up anytime past 11 am. So recommendation is to arrive at the port by 11 am.


Hope to see you soon!



Esther Tan Wong, 


       ( 2 8 1 ) 9 8 0 - 8 7 8 8 (USA) - For calls before June 17

       ( 7 7 8 ) 2 3 8 - 7 1 2 6 (Canada) - For calls after June 17 

Swan En Lin Dychinco

       ( 6 0 4 ) 3 7 5 - 5 0 4 0 (available evenings only) 

Join our 7-Day Alaska Cruise!
Grace Alumni Association - North America
Address:   P.O. Box 16188, Sugar Land, Texas 77496