Fig Leafing | Hannah Garrity | |
Dear People of St Andrew’s,
It seems hard to believe that we are almost halfway through Lent!
How are your intimate conversations with God going?
During the next few weeks, I encourage you to spend intimate time with God. Let God know about your concerns, your sorrows, your hopes, your joys. Let God join you in your concerns and sorrows. Allow God to participate in your hopes and joys.
This week we are hearing about the fig tree that didn’t bear fruit. In this time of constant change, invite God in to feed and refresh you. God will nourish you and give you the energy you need to bear much fruit for the Kingdom here in Pacific Beach and everywhere you go.
Have you felt the Spirit moving? Has the Spirit whispered something in your ear? Share it and let’s see what happens!
May you be blessed this week and always!
Pastor Cyndi
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This Sunday - March 23rd
Worship Service
10:30 am
Sunday School
Godly Play (3 years- 1st grade)
Seekers (2nd-5th grade)
& Nursery (0-3 years)
Youth Group following the Service
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Welcome to the world, Rocco Rogan! Parishioner Erika Kullberg welcomed her newest family member, Rocco, on Tuesday morning! We can't wait to meet him. Congratulations!
We will be having a baby sprinkle after church on an upcoming Sunday, as well as putting together a meal train for the family. Please email Kari if you would like to get the meal train link when it is ready.
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Faith to Go in Lent
This Lent, enjoy the rhythm of a daily podcast–listening while driving, exercising, making coffee, or at the end of the day can provide connection and support. Hearing how others wrestle with or find hope in the same Scriptures can offer comfort. It reminds us that we’re not alone in the wilderness. Faith to Go in Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, with a new episode airing Monday through Saturday each week. The final episode will air on Good Friday. And the regular episode of Faith to Go will still arrive as scheduled on Monday mornings!
Today's reflection is written by our very own Family Minister, Kari Robinson. Read this week's written devotional here or listen here.
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Transition Updates
- Pastor Cyndi began at St. Andrew's as our Interim Priest-in-charge on January 22nd.
- You can reach out to send a note of welcome to Pastor Cyndi at
- The Vestry has approved our Calling Committee slate: David Carlson, Anne Cass, Alex Wu, Cathleen Flowers, Hans Kullberg, and a youth representative: Sam Carlson. They will begin meeting and seeking input from the congregation soon.
- Senior warden Cyndie Woodbury has announced she will be moving out of state next month, and Timi Shields has stepped up into the role.
- At the Vestry meeting last week, the Vestry approved the "charge" for the Calling Committee, as well as moving forward in pursuing a property manager and leasing the rectory for a short term, pending approval from the Diocese.
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St. Andrew's Youth Group
Please mark your calendars for Youth Group after church this Sunday! We will walk to the Habit for lunch and then return to the church for games and discussion. Youth Group is open to all 6th-12th graders.
Also, please read on for details about a Youth Group overnight on March 29th. We already have 2 St. Andrew's Youth signed up to attend!
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NightWatch March 29th
NightWatch, the annual EDSD Lenten youth retreat, is back and at All Souls! This overnight event is a time for youth from all over the diocese to connect in worship, play, and fellowship. This year we will explore The Peace and consider ways to share this peace in the world. The event includes games, food, small group work, worship, laughter, tie-dye, love, friendship, and more!
Register here!
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Opportunities to Get Involved
Do you have a background in finance or an interest in numbers? We are looking for someone to help with our 2024 audit and parishioners to serve on our Finance Committee.
Are you a creative and spiritual individual who would like to use your gifts to serve the church? Do you have an interest in having a voice in the planning of our worship services? Do you love liturgy? If so, join us for our next liturgical planning meeting, where we will be discussing Holy Week & Easter.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer roles, please send an email to Pastor Cyndi and let her know!
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Rebel Women Bible Study
Every Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am in the Sanctuary
The Bible is full of women who bucked the status quo. Ruth, Naomi, Deborah, Jael - meet the real women of the Bible. No experience reading the Bible? No problem! We approach these stories with curiosity and encourage doubt, questioning, and wrestling with the text.
Discover that "biblical womanhood" is all about risk, strength, and justice for the marginalized.
Come connect with other women asking big questions and seeking support on their spiritual journey.
Email for more information.
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Dances of Universal Peace at St. Andrew's
We are excited to announce that the San Diego Dances of Universal Peace group will be bringing their spiritual practice to the St. Andrew's sanctuary on the second Sundays of the month. Learn more about the Dances of Universal Peace here. What a blessing to share our sacred space with them. All are welcome to join and try out this spiritual practice of chant, live music, and movement.
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Support Saturday Meal Service
Every Saturday morning, Jodie and her team of volunteers set up their folding tables in front of St. Andrew's and feed anyone who is hungry. This past Saturday, they fed 80 people a hearty breakfast.
Jodie and her team from small potatoes foundation have been serving meals on Saturdays at St. Andrew's since June 2024. Their organization is dedicated to offering nourishing and wholesome meals to those facing hardships.
Check out this note from Jodie:
"We deeply appreciate your generosity in allowing us to use your church lawn as a space to feed our guests. Your support truly helps us in our mission to serve those in need. We are dedicated to making a significant impact on the lives of our neighbors facing adversity and food insecurity. We believe a meal made with love is a tangible way to show compassion and understanding. If you’re able, please consider making a donation to help us continue feeding our neighbors in
need. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to making a lasting impact.
From our bustling kitchen, Chef Jodie"
Scan the QR code to give directly to small potatoes foundation. We're so grateful for Jodie and her team, and for the difference they make in our neighborhood.
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Call Your Representatives and Ask for Ceasefire in Gaza
“People of faith and goodwill can organize and address our governments to call for humanitarian aid to flow freely to those in desperate need in Gaza; for the release of all hostages; for an end to all targeting of children and other civilians; and for a de-escalation of violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.” - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
As death, destruction, and violence continue in Gaza, we urge you to lift your voices and do everything possible to put pressure on all parties for an immediate and sustained ceasefire.
We are not helpless in the face of the world's horrors. Takeon a new spiritual practice: every day, call your representatives and ask them to call for an immediate ceasefire, access to humanitarian assistance to end starvation and avert any further risk of famine, and urge the release of hostages.
You can click this link to go to the Episcopal Public Policy Network website, which has a script for contacting your representatives, as well as a form you can fill out right on the site.
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Donations Needed for Border Ministry
Our diocese is continuing to respond to the needs of those seeking asylum at the US/Mexico border and being held in open-air detention sites and awaiting transport at the airport. The diocese prepares 200 sack lunches every Monday at the Cathedral at 3 pm to be distributed, and are asking for the following:
- jelly
- packaged snacks like: potato chips, protein bars, fruit gummies
- brown paper bags
- sandwich bags
Please drop off donations at church on Sunday.
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