The 2025 Klondike Derby at Cub Adventure Camp was a tremendous success over the weekend of March 1st, with nearly 100 Scouts participating in a Race Through Space to complete challenging activities and earn "gold" for their teams! Join us in giving a huge SHOUT-OUT to Troop 709-B on their tremendous planning and execution of the 2025 event. We hear it was out of this world! [See the photo album] | |
Hello, Heart of Virginia! | |
Camp Work Days hosted by RUST
Get involved and make a difference by joining hands-on Camp Work Days at Camp T. Brady Saunders and Cub Adventure Camp! Hosted by our Reservation Upkeep & Service Team (RUST), these events bring the community together to tackle important camp projects, including painting bathroom partitions (starting March 1), constructing a floating fishing pier (March 8), and plumbing upgrades during Flush Fest (March 16). Volunteers should bring work gloves, tools, and BSA Medical forms (Parts A & B). Help improve camp while enjoying camaraderie, and service—sign up today!
[Learn More & Register]
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FREE Slushies at Summer Camp?!
Camp Card Bonus Prize Alert
Scouts have a cool new incentive to sell Camp Cards this year—FREE Slushies at Summer Camp for Top Sellers. The top-selling Scout in each district and the top-selling Pack and Troop will enjoy this refreshing reward during their week at Summer Camp at either Cub Adventure Camp or Camp T. Brady Saunders. Don’t miss out—Early Bird sales end April 11, and the Camp Card Sale runs through May 31!
[Crush the Camp Card Sale!]
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Tournament of Eagles Presented by Patriot Industries
May 19th
Join us on Monday, May 19th at The Country Club of Virginia for a day of golf, fellowship, and fundraising to support Scouting in Central Virginia. This Captain’s Choice format tournament welcomes golfers of all skill levels, with sponsorship opportunities available to showcase your support for local Scouting. All teams will play on the James River Course, a scenic and challenging course recognized by Golf Digest—but spots are limited, so early registration is encouraged! Participants will enjoy lunch, awards, giveaways, and the chance to make a lasting impact on youth in our community.
[Learn More & Register]
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Deep Run Day Camp for Cub Scouts
June 9th–13th
Cub Scout Day Camp is often called “the camp that comes to the Scout.” Day Camp is an organized program for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts under certified leadership, at Deep Run Park in Richmond. Cub Scout Day Camp is a unique program; it is usually the first major activity for Scouts after graduating from their previous rank. At Day Camp, Scouts begin to work toward their next rank in the Cub Scout program, and we use the same ranks to identify age groups as your “home pack.” We welcome non-Scout buddies to join in on the fun, as well!
[Register Today!]
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Scouts BSA, Exploring, Venturing, & Sea Scouts | |
Scouts BSA Test Lab
Have you visited the Scouts BSA Test Lab? This is a unique opportunity for Scouts to test drive potential merit badges, and provide their feedback, in the hopes of adding new badges to the program. Right now, you can complete the proposed requirements for Auctioneering, Wildland Fire Management, and Life Skills, but the Test Lab will regularly feature new and exciting proposed badges. Scouts completing these test badges will earn a certificate (which does not count toward advancement), but if it becomes official, they will be credited with having earned it. Let us know if you give it a try, and what you like about each proposed badge.
[Enter the Lab]
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Did You Read the March Courier? | |
Get these five stories and so much more by reading the Courier, our monthly newsletter! Scheduled for the last Friday of the month at noon, the Courier features all the news, special events, and useful information you need to get the most of your Scouting experience.
[Read This Month's Courier]
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"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

- Alexander Graham Bell, scientist, inventor, and teacher of the deaf, who received the
patent for the telephone in the US on this day in 1876.
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