July 2024

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Dear Community Members,

Scroll down for the new location of our Veteran Services Office and Farmworker Resource Program; important Medi-Cal renewal information; security upgrades coming to EBT cards; job opportunities; community highlights; and more!

Celebrate Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride Month, celebrated every year in July, recognizes the experiences and achievements of people with disabilities. It also reminds us of the importance of promoting visibility of people with disabilities and a more inclusive community that provides better experiences for all.

Read more about Disability Pride Month, including ways to celebrate. And visit our website to learn about the wide range of services and programs available to help children and adults with disabilities thrive.

Chip-Enabled EBT Cards Coming Soon

In effort to combat increasing fraud, CalFresh and CalWORKs participants will soon receive new EBT cards with embedded chip technology in the mail. These cards allow users to make contactless payments using tap-enabled POS terminals at retailers, making card transactions more secure. If a user visits a retailer that doesn't yet have tap-enabled POS terminals in place, they can still pay by swiping the magnetic stripe on the back side of their EBT card.

This chip upgrade is a major milestone in the fight against EBT fraud, offering enhanced protection for both retailers and benefits program participants.

View more information on the EBT card upgrade, including additional security features.

Image graphic showing how to use EBT chip-enabled card in POS machine

Community Members Share Feedback on Farmworker Resource Program

Two town hall meetings were held last month to hear from community members about their experiences with HSA's Farmworker Resource Program (FRP) and their suggestions for ensuring that FRP continues to meet the needs of farmworkers in Ventura County. The meetings, which were held in Oxnard and Santa Paula, were planned and organized by HSA and community partners Líderes Campesinas, CAUSE and MICOP.


Close to 100 farmworkers and other community members attended the town hall meetings. The feedback and suggestions shared will be used to strengthen FRP services and ensure the program remains responsive to the voices of those served.


Ventura County’s Farmworker Resource Program was launched in 2019 and is the first program of its kind in California. It has since served as a model for other counties in the state.

Visit the FRP website for more information about the program.

Young woman in standard yoga pose

Wellness Centers Open at Two Oxnard Junior High Schools

HSA's Children & Family Services (CFS) Department has partnered with Hueneme Elementary School District to establish wellness centers at Charles Blackstock and E.O. Green Junior High Schools in Oxnard. Both centers celebrated their grand opening this past spring and have taken off with strong student interest and participation.

Wellness centers provide a safe, supportive, and calming space where students can visit and discuss various feelings, emotions, and life stressors at their own pace, as well as participate in mental health and wellness-related activities. Daily activities offered during lunch are designed to engage students in positive and motivational outlets such as yoga, breathwork, and collaborative projects. If necessary, teachers may send students to visit a wellness center for a 15-minute “cool down,” where they're able to sit, listen to calming music and settle down. Wellness centers also provide a quiet place for students to go before and after school to work on homework assignments. Additional resources, such as backpacks, personal hygiene products, and connections to other unmet needs, are also available based on individual circumstances. 

CFS case aides have been partnered with a mental health clinician at each school to run the centers. Case aides support the students, engage with school administration, and assist with facilitating the daily activities of the wellness centers. They serve as a liaison between the school and community resources, and help make connections for students and families as needs are discovered. Mental health clinicians provide supportive and therapeutic services to students by appointment through a school referral, or in the event of a crisis or an immediate need. Clinicians do not replace the school psychologist; their purpose is to work closely with the student, counselor and family to provide short-term support to the student.

If you have questions or would like more information about the wellness centers, please contact Chelsea Wisdom at or 805-826-5928.

IHSS Program Celebrates Over 50 Years of Supporting Californians

Since its inception more than 50 years ago, the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program has been helping California residents to live independently and safely in their own homes.

The IHSS program is one of the longest-standing state programs, with 670,000 providers serving over 730,000 recipients statewide. Achieving this significant milestone demonstrates the continued commitment and teamwork that was attained over the past five decades. This unwavering commitment continues today.

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is celebrating over 50 years of IHSS by sharing personal stories from some of the many voices that helped shape the success of the IHSS program. See video below.

Here at HSA, we extend our appreciation to all of our IHSS team members and providers who continue to contribute to the program's success. For information about HSA's IHSS Public Authority program, visit

Adult male drinking from reusable water bottle on hot day

Stay Safe in the Summer Heat

Temperatures are heating up. Follow these tips to stay safe during extreme summer heat:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Wear loose, lightweight clothing.
  • Limit outdoor activity.
  • Never leave people or pets in parked cars.
  • Seek shade or AC.

Public buildings, shopping malls and movie theatres are good places to beat the heat. For a list of cooling centers near you, visit:

Sowing Seeds Of Success program flyer. Text reads: Our program aims to support eligible farmworkers by providing them with skills to succeed in their career journey. Call us at: 805-232-4484 or 805-263-

Nominations Open for VCAAA's LEGACY Awards


The nomination period for Ventura County Area Agency on Aging’s (VCAAA) LEGACY Awards is now open. These awards recognize the contributions of Ventura County residents and businesses that are dedicated to helping older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers to live optimally.


The deadline for submitting nominations is Sunday, Sept. 1. The winners will be announced in November.


The three nomination categories are:

  • Business/Organization;
  • Dementia-Friendly Business/Organization; and
  • Community Member Volunteer.

View eligibility criteria and submit your nomination today.

Join the HSA Team!

We're currently recruiting for a variety of positions. Benefits include:

  • Medical, dental, vision and life insurance
  • Educational and bilingual incentive pay
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Paid sick and vacation leave
  • 401(k) and 457 deferred compensation plans
  • Flexible workweek and telework schedules
  • And more!

View the full job descriptions and submit your application today at:

Image of computer screen featuring silhouettes of four people in separate rectangles

Virtual Veteran Services Orientation

The Employment Development Department and America's Job Center of California (AJCC) invite veterans and their family members to attend an orientation of services available to veterans. This event will take place on Zoom, Tuesday, July 9, from 10-11:30 a.m. and will include information about:

  • AJCC employment and training programs.
  • Counseling and rehabilitation to get back to work and civilian life.
  • VA education and medical benefits as well as federal and local benefits.

Call 805-288-8400 to register and receive the Zoom meeting link.

Close-up of clipboard in person's hands

How to Apply for a County of Ventura Job

Join the County of Ventura recruitment staff for a FREE workshop, where you'll learn:

  • About the application process.
  • How to review a job bulletin to help you understand what recruiters are looking for.
  • How to complete an application.
  • Application do’s and don’ts.

Upcoming workshop dates:

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 10-11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 11, 10-11:30 a.m.


America’s Job Center of California

2901 N. Ventura Rd., 3rd Floor


Individuals who require a disability accommodation (including interpreter, sign language translation, alternate document format, or other auxiliary aid) should contact the Workforce Development Board of Ventura County (WDBVC) staff at 805-477-5306 at least 5 business days prior to the meeting in order to ensure the availability of the requested accommodation.

If you have questions about the workshop, please contact For information about the WDBVC, visit:

Gavel and scale

Fresh Start Legal Clinics

The Ventura County Public Defender invites you to attend one of their upcoming Fresh Start Legal Clinics at 4601 Telephone Rd., Suite 102, in Ventura:

Wednesday, July 24, 4-7 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 4-7 p.m.

Volunteer attorneys from the Public Defender's office can help you dismiss misdemeanor convictions that are eligible for expungement. An expungement can help clear your record and help to secure better employment, education and housing opportunities. View the expungement application.

The Public Defender's office also provides access to Homeless Court sessions, which give eligible applicants an alternative option to perform community service or treatment hours in lieu of paying fines/fees owed to the court. View the Homeless Court application.

For more information, call 805-654-2201.

Is It Time to Renew Your Medi-Cal?

Medi-Cal members: Be sure to check your mail for important Medi-Cal renewal information. If you’ve moved in the last three years, make sure to update your contact information.

Renewing Medi-Cal coverage is FREE and can be done by mail, phone, in person or online to avoid a gap in health coverage.

For additional information, including instructions on how to complete your renewal form, visit:

If Applying for or Renewing Your Medi-Cal ...

Watch this video to learn about the income questions on the Medi-Cal application or renewal form and how to answer them. For more information, visit the Medi-Cal website.

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For more updates, visit the Ventura County Human Services Agency website:

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