Mercy High School Performing Arts Proudly Presents:

"Pride & Prejudice"

Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19 at 7:30pm

Sunday, October 20 at 2:00pm


Tickets: $15 Adults; $10 Student/Seniors/Children

Secure Your Seat Here

Pride & Prejudice Tickets


Swim & Dive Oakland County Champions

Congratulations to Mercy Swim & Dive on winning the Oakland County Championship! The Marlins finished with 363 points, 120 points ahead of second place.

Midnight Golf Program Class of 2025

Congratulations to the following Seniors who were accepted to the Midnight Golf Program Class of 2025!

Haleigh Cameron

Bryce Costa

McKinley Funchess

Taryn Henderson

Nadiya Jones

Bianca Pine-Robinson

Ava Prempeh

Mackenzie Thomas

Jordan Vaughn

Only 250 students are accepted from 1,000+ applicants in Metro Detroit. MGP Mission: "We are dedicated to equipping determined young adults through life skills training, proactive coaching, long-term mentoring, and the discipline of golf in order to succeed in college, in their careers, and beyond." 

Learn more at

Volleyball CHSL Champions

Mercy Volleyball captured the Catholic League Championship defeating Marian in three straight sets. Way to go, Marlins!

DIA Field Trip Featuring Alumna Artist

Art students recently enjoyed an inspiring day at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA)! The visit included a docent-guided "Thinking Through Art" tour, where students explored the museum's incredible collection while developing new ways to think critically and creatively about art. They also had the special opportunity to tour the exhibit Tiff Massey: 7 Mile + Livernois, featuring works by Mercy alumna Tiff Massey '00. Massey's powerful exhibit, reflecting Detroit's rich culture, left a lasting impact on our students. 


Enjoy fabulous music and delicious baked treats with coffee/hot cocoa in a casual setting at our upcoming CoffeeHouse Concert!

Tuesday, October 22 at 7pm

Mercy High School Drama Studio

Featuring: Mercyaires, Varsity Chorus with Special Guests from the U of D Jesuit HS Music Department including Varsity Singers, Jazz Instrumentalists, Solos and Small Groups

Admission is free (donations accepted). Please use Auditorium/Gym Lobby entrance.


We are looking forward to filling the halls of Mercy with visitors during our Open House on Sunday, October 27thAll Mercy families are invited to take a sign (or multiple) and please place prominently in your yard to advertise Open House and show your Mercy pride.

As an incentive, students will receive one raffle ticket for each lawn sign they take and display to be entered in a weekly raffle to win a $25 gift certificate to the cafeteria. Signs are available for students to pick-up in Adviser Group and extras are in the Admissions Office.

THANK YOU for your support in helping to make our Open House a success!


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The Mercy Mothers' Club is excited to invite you to two upcoming events. We hope you will join us!

Fall Member Meeting: Tuesday, October 29 in the Mercy Cafeteria

If you’d like to enjoy dinner and drinks before the meeting at 6:30pm, we kindly request a $20 donation to help cover expenses. If you prefer to attend just the meeting starting at 7:00pm, there’s no charge. We'll be discussing volunteer and committee opportunities and upcoming events for MMC members to get involved.

Euchre Night: Saturday, November 9 at 6:30pm in the Mercy Cafeteria

Enjoy heavy appetizers and drinks starting at 6:30pm, with card games beginning at 7:00pm. The entry fee is $25 per player, and you don’t need to come with a partner—we’ll randomize the tables for a chance to meet and mingle. This event is open to everyone, so feel free to invite family and friends! We’ll have prizes for the top three scores, a 50/50 raffle, and Mothers' Club merchandise available for purchase. If you do not want to play, but would like to help make this event a success, we are looking for volunteers.


Read the latest issue of the student-produced Newsprint here. Features include: New school year brings new AP classes; Freshmen step into high school life; Review of Mercy girls' favorite albums; Fall Sports: Interviews with Captains and more.



Talk with Tarps is open to all students and staff members. Come chat with Dean of Student Affairs Mrs. Tarplin during 2nd hour in the Lobby on the following days and ask questions, express concerns, complaints, compliments, or just have a casual conversation. Snacks will be provided.

1st Semester Talk with Tarps, 2nd hour:

  • Tuesday, 10/22, D3
  • Wednesday, 10/30, D2
  • Tuesday, 11/5, D6
  • Tuesday, 11/12, D5
  • Thursday, 12/5, D1


Iced Coffee Stand

Students can stop by South Alcove during the school day on Tuesday, October 22 for a fun Fall drink. Proceeds will help fund bibles for our Bibles and Bagels program. Reach out to Mrs. Mary Kate Becker at if you have any questions!

Bibles & Bagels for Freshwomen & Sophomores

9th & 10 graders are invited to small group "Bibles and Bagels" sessions reflecting on the Book of James and Book of Ruth throughout October.

  • Book of James: Oct 15, 22, 29
  • Book of Ruth: Oct 10, 17, 24, 30
  • Time: Before school at 7:10 am
  • Location: Tea Room off Lobby
  • Refreshments: Bagels, cream cheese, juice, and other beverages will be provided.

Sign-up here for Book of James and contact Sophomore student leader, Gabby Tauil at Email Khloe Duneske at if you'd like to join for the Book of Ruth sessions.

Kairos Retreat

The Class of 2025 is invited to attend a Kairos retreat during their Senior year November 12-15, February 4-7 or April 8-11. We welcome ALL Seniors to attend regardless of their religion or where they are on their faith journey. Kairos is a four day retreat Tuesday-Friday. A sign-up form was emailed to all Seniors. Please direct any questions to Mary Kate Becker at


Show your Marlin Pride at the Powerderpuff Flag Football Game!

Don't miss the Class of 2025 as they take on St. Catherine in the 2nd Annual Powderpuff Flag Football game Friday, October 25 at 7pm at The Hawk. Purchase tickets here.

Senior College Bound Athlete Event

Attention Class of 2025! Are you signing a National Letter of Intent or committing to play a sport in college? The Mercy Athletics Department will be hosting a group signing day to celebrate Senior Athletes committing to play a sport next year at the college level. 


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

2:45pm - 3:45pm

Mercy Gymnasium

You're welcome to invite your family and coaches. Please wear your college shirt. We will take individual and group photos. Kindly RSVP and complete one form per athlete/family online here by November 8. Contact Kate Scalzi at with any questions.

Go Marlins

Come out and support your Marlins! Check Athletic calendar here for events.

Follow Marlins on Social Media

Be sure to follow Mercy Athletics on Instagram @mercyathletics, Facebook @mercymarlinsathletics and Twitter@mhsmiathletics. GO MARLINS!

Athletic Website


Upcoming Parent Meetings

The B.A.S.E. Black College & Culture Tour is February 17-23, 2025. This tour will allow students to explore college campuses, speak with Admissions counselors directly, experience HBCU culture, and even meet Mercy alumnae currently attending these schools.

If you are interested in your Mercy girl attending the BASE 2025 HBCU College Tour, please join us for one of the upcoming Parent Meetings. Register for a meeting here. Both parent meetings will be virtual.

Parent Meeting #1

Wednesday, October 30, 7:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting #1

Meeting ID: 839 3559 1448

Passcode: MERCY

Parent Meeting #2

Thursday, November 14, 7:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting #2

Meeting ID: 842 0897 7819

Passcode: MERCY

If you would like to donate to support our efforts and help make this trip accessible for all students, please visit Select "Other" from the "Designation" section drop-down box, and input "BASE College Tour." Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. Eleasha Tarplin

Dean of Student Affairs

B.A.S.E. Moderator

Mrs.Traci Smith

Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

HRC Moderator

Meeting Registration


Family Fundraiser

The 2024-25 Mercy HS Maroon & Gold Raffle Family Fundraiser kicks off Friday, October 25th. All Mercy families are required to sell tickets to benefit the General Fund at Mercy. Our goal this year is to raise $153,000! 

Keep an eye out for a special email outlining all of the raffle details including prizes, incentives and days off. Each student will receive their tickets and info about our annual fundraiser after the kick-off pep rally on October 25th. Let's Go Mercy!

Maroon & Gold Raffle


Juniors & Seniors: Upcoming College Visits at Mercy

October is "College Month" at Mercy where colleges and universities will be visiting the school to share information with interested students. We have many schools already scheduled to visit and your participation is highly encouraged! Parents can reference the college visit list here. Please note this list will be continually updated. Students are asked to log on to SCOIR to check out the college visit calendar and sign-up.

Michigan College Month Application Fee Waivers

Class of 2025: Click here to see a list of colleges waiving application fees and waiver codes (if needed).


Secure Your Copy Today!

Yearbooks are available for purchase online here with code 13826.

Place a Yearbook Ad

The Lore Yearbook staff is very excited to capture memories of the year for our students, especially this year’s Senior Class.

Within Lore every year, the families of the graduating class have the opportunity to purchase ads to celebrate their students with a personalized message and photo. This opportunity is available again this year. Ads must be purchased by December 8, 2024 to appear in the yearbook, so don't delay!

There are various sizes and price options for these ads, ranging from a full-page ad ($325) to a sixteenth-page color ($25). To design and purchase an ad for your graduating senior, please visit the order website (job number: 13826) and follow these instructions:

  1. Choose the size ad you would like to create.
  2. Select student when prompted for whom to buy the ad.
  3. Enter your student’s name. Please use her full name as it appears on PowerSchool, not a nickname.
  4. Choose whether you would like to create the ad online or send the message and photos to the Lore staff to make the ad. 
  5. Follow all of the prompts and instructions to complete the ad.

Seniors: Take Your Yearbook Portrait at Prestige

Seniors must have their yearbook photo taken at Prestige Portraits by October 25, 2024 to be pictured in the yearbook and the class composite. Pose must be picked by November 15, 2024. To schedule your Senior portrait session, visit or if you need further assistance, please call (248) 427-1002. The dress code is modest neckline, no strapless or low cut tops. Those who do not comply with the dress code or deadlines will not be included in the yearbook and class composite.

Please feel free to contact the Lore Yearbook staff with any questions at


Road Ready is offering Segment 1 and 2 sessions at Mercy in October. Classes are open to Mercy and non-Mercy students. All classes are in S-4.

Segment 1

October 7 - November 1, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 3:30-5:30PM

  • Monday, 10/7 will be rescheduled to Thursday, 10/31
  • Monday, 10/28 will be rescheduled to Monday, 11/4

Segment 2

Thursday, 10/10, 12-2pm

Thursday, 10/17, 3:30-5:30pm

Thursday, 10/24, 3:30-5:30pm

Upcoming Sessions

  • Segment 1: November 11 - December 10 (MTW, with a class on Thursday, 12/5, 3:30-5:30pm)
  • Segment 2: November 7, 14, 21 (Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm)
  • Segment 1: February 3 - 26 (MTW, with classes on Thursday 2/6 & 2/13, 3:30-5:30pm)
  • Segment 2: February 6, 13, 20 (Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm)

*Note: The schedule will be adjusted for holidays, half days, no school, or other special schedules. 

For more information and to register visit, email or call 248-308-1048.


Social Media

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Connect to @mercyhighmi, @mercyathletics, @mercyperformingarts and @missionandministry_mhsmi on Instagram. Plus, show your own Marlin pride and use the Marlin giphy stickers available on Instagram by searching @mercymarlins when you post to stories! Don't forget to follow @MercyHighSchoolMI, @MercyMarlinsAthletics and @MHSMIPerformingArts on Facebook. Check out list of social media accounts here.

Mobile App

Be sure to download and use the Mercy mobile app designed to enhance communication and engagement between our school, parents, students and community! You’ll find quick access and links to resources with the click of an icon. 

To get started:

  • Visit the App Store or Google Play
  • Search for "Mercy High School - MI"
  • Download and install the app
  • Open and explore


Frosh One Love & Diversity Retreat

This is a reminder of the 10/15 communication to Frosh families in regard to tomorrow's retreat and 12:30pm dismissal.

PSAT Exam Day Info

This is a reminder of the 9/16 communication to Sophomore and Junior families in regard to the upcoming PSAT Exam tomorrow, Wednesday, October 16.

College Financial Aid Info Night

This is a reminder of the 10/14 communication to Junior and Senior families in regard to the upcoming College Financial Aid INfo Night Tuesday, October 22 at 6pm.

Marlin Shop

The Marlin Shop will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday after school until 3:30pm. The Marlin Shop has an online store here which is open 24/7! You can choose from a variety of custom made to order Mercy gear. The uniform quarter zip will be available for purchase online and in the Marlin Shop.

Important Dates at a Glance 2024-25 & Special Schedules

Wednesday, October 16: Seniors No School; Juniors & Sophs PSAT, Frosh Diversity Retreat, Dismissal at 12:30pm

Friday, October 18 - Sunday, October 20: Pride & Prejudice Fall Play

Tuesday, October 22: Coffee House Concert

Wednesday, October 23: Blessing of Student Leaders Mass

Friday, October 25: Maroon & Gold Raffle Kick-Off; Powderpuff Flag Football Game

Sunday, October 27: Open House

Monday, October 28: No School Students, Staff In-Service

Thursday, October 31: Haunted House; Halloween Dress Up Day

Friday, November 1: All Saints Day Mass

Wednesday, November 6: Junior Parent College Meeting; Dads' Club Meeting

Friday, November 8: Mothers' Club Euchre Night

Friday, November 8 - Friday, November 15: Focus: HOPE Food Drive

Tuesday, November 12 - Friday, November 15: KAIROS Retreat

Tuesday, November 19: Ethnic Bazaar

Wednesday, November 20: 1:35pm Dismissal Staff Meeting

Thursday, November 21: Mothers' Club Sip & Shop

Share your Mercy News

Have any news to share for the Mercy Messenger? Please send announcements, media inquiries, awards, accolades, and more to Director of Communications Julie Earle at





Web Site

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Compelled by our Catholic faith and the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy High School is a premier college preparatory school that educates and nurtures young women of diverse backgrounds to excel academically, serve compassionately, and lead courageously.

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