Sonoma County 5th District

February 8 , 2024

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It has been a wild, wet two weeks in West County!

Your D5 team has been hard at work preparing for, responding to, and assisting with recovery from the two atmospheric rivers that slammed into the coast and swept across our county, bringing saturated soils and high winds and causing downed trees, localized flooding, mudslides, and power outages.

Here are a few of the things we’ve been working on during this wild weather:

● Evacuating residents living in RVs and trailers from low-lying flood areas, and providing them with ongoing support during the evacuation.

● Tracking major infrastructure failures, visiting impacted neighborhoods, and working on repair plans and funding.

● Advocating with PG&E to provide promised information to residents. (They promised estimated restoration times, repeatedly, within 24 hours of an outage — yet all of West County was still listed as “to be determined” long after that.)

● Advocating with PG&E to stand up community resource centers in Sonoma County. (They had already provided community resource centers in Lake and Napa Counties, which had fewer customers without power than West County, and meanwhile West County Community Services used their own budget and resources to do PG&E’s job at the Guerneville Senior Center here in West County.)

● Advocating with the CPUC. In the midst of this storm event, AT&T has been going through a process to try to weasel out of providing landline service to customers. As we’ve seen during prolonged power outages and in remote areas with no cell access, landline service can be the only way to receive information in an emergency. We are doing everything we can to stop this service reduction and oppose AT&T’s proposal to eliminate their obligations as a “Carrier of Last Resort.” You can provide public comment on the issue here.

● Advocating with the state legislature to stop your electric bills from getting even higher than they already are by opposing the proposed graduated utility tax.

● Working on providing chipper services and food to residents in need.

Chipper Program

We’re coordinating with Fire Marshal Steve Masurchiak, his staff, and Circuit Rider crews to deploy chipper resources to West County. Stay tuned for updates and further details.


The largest road infrastructure impacts we’ve seen have been to Rio Nido, Giovanetti Road in Forestville, and Austin Creek Road in Cazadero. We know there are lots of potholes and other surface damage, too — and our roads crews will get to those! — but for the moment we are in triage mode, and are focused on collapsed culverts, sinkholes, and roads that are falling into creeks.


Rio Nido experienced a catastrophic culvert failure impacting Canyon 7. This culvert system dates back to WPA, the Works Progress Administration implemented by President Roosevelt as part of the New Deal, so it’s been around for quite a while and has never been fully replaced. The collapse of the culvert led the creek that runs between Rio Nido Road and Canyon 7 to flow over Canyon 7 and also undermine the HOA’s property near Peewee Golf and the BBQ pits. This caused severe localized flooding, including impacts to nearby apartments, and also a substantial sinkhole on HOA property.


Meanwhile in Caz, Austin Creek Road experienced multiple landslides which undermined the road base and pulled chunks of asphalt into the creek. Austin Creek is one of the flashiest creeks in West County, with an ability to rise quickly and carry entire redwood trees down to the River. Saturated soils and high winds led to a lot of downed trees, which contributed to the bank erosion we experienced.


A culvert failure on Giovanetti Road in Forestville — which is a one-way-in, one-way-out road serving a local neighborhood — led to extreme flooding in both of the recent storms. Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Director Johannes Hoevertsz visited the site after the first storm and we attempted to clear the culvert, but the second storm showed us that a more substantial repair or replacement is needed. 


I also want to acknowledge that trees have fallen into homes, and some residents face a long road to recovery. Fort Ross School sustained direct damage from a tree. Some students have been out of school for days, and some residents are staring down a full week without power. 


But there is always a rainbow after a storm. And so I want to say: THANK YOU to the helpers. As usual in West County, when the going gets tough, the tough get going! During the storms we saw neighbors helping neighbors, community members clearing clogged drains, non-profit organizations stepping up to deliver generators and lanterns and services. First responders — from firefighters to Sheriff’s deputies to CHP to roads crews to PG&E workers — were out in the middle of the storm trying to clear roads and keep people safe. If “stuff” is going to hit the fan, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than West County, because we all pull together to take care of one another.

Flood water at Armstrong Woods Rd
Flood Water at Pee Wee Golf, Rio Nido
Flood water in Rio Nido

Armstrong Woods Road

Rio Nido

Rio Nido

Sink Hole in Rio Nido
Floodwater in Rio Nido
Austin Creek Road

Rio Nido

Rio Nido

Austin Creek Road

Community Resource Center

A Community Resource Center at Guerneville Senior Center (15010 Armstrong Woods Road) has been opened to provide access to basic resources. Available resources include blankets, snacks, water, heating, device charging, ice, ADA-accessible restroom and washing station, seating, small medical device charging and Wi-Fi. The Resource Center will be open from 12:30-10:00 PM. Note, all community members are welcome, including non-seniors and residents from outside of Guerneville.

Food Assistance

If you receive CalFresh Benefits and experienced loss of food due to the storms, you can apply for replacement benefits by submitting a REPLACEMENT OR DISASTER SUPPLEMENT AFFIDAVIT (CF 303). Please note, the form CF 303 must be received ten days from the date the food was destroyed or lost, not the postmark date.

These forms can be submitted online at if you have a BenefitsCal account. This video explains the online submission process: Benefits Cal: How to upload a document (

You can also submit the form in person at 2550 Paulin Drive, Santa Rosa or at Sonoma Works, 2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA. If you are delivering your form in person, you will be greeted and connected to the right staff person to manage your inquiry, but there can be a line. To avoid having to wait in line, simply drop the form in a secure drop box, which are located in the front of both buildings listed above. These boxes are checked on a daily basis. Or, you can mail the form to P.O. Box 1539, Santa Rosa, CA 95402, but the form must be received within 10 days of the food loss

If you need support by phone, you may face long wait times. Please call (877) 699-6868, M-F 9:00am – 3:30pm

Road Closures

As of 10 AM Thursday, 15 county roads remain closed due to fallen trees. The wonderful folks at Public Infrastructure have been hard at work. Twenty-three roads have reopened since Monday. 

Increased Discount for Low Income Adults

Using Sonoma County Transit

Did you know? Supervisor Hopkins is the Vice Chair of the Sonoma County Transit Authority. Since 2020, Sonoma County Transit has offered a 20 percent discount for eligible adults earning under 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Sonoma County Transit has increased this discount to 50 percent for eligible adults. For more information and to apply, please call (855) 614-9149 or visit the Clipper START website. A full list of Sonoma County Transit’s discount fare categories is available online or by calling (707) 576-7433.

Need anything else?

We are here to help. If there’s anything we’re missing, please email us at

Upcoming Community Meetings & Events

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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