Third Sunday in Lent

March 23, 2025

Two Worship Services: 8am Holy Eucharist and 10am Choral Eucharist 

View the Printed Liturgy for the 10am service.

The 10am service will be livestreamed here.

The Season of Lent and Easter

Lenten Series Continues: March 26, April 2, and 9

Reading and Living the Bible

Join us on the Wednesdays in Lent from 6:30 to 8:30pm in the Parish Hall to continue our exploration of reading scripture using the same kinds of approaches and questions as when we read other kinds of literature, especially poetry. Each evening, there will be time for personal reflection, sharing, and group discussion. Snacks (not dinner) will be part of the evening, so please plan accordingly.

Easter Dedications

It is Trinity’s tradition to decorate our sanctuary with gorgeous flowers and greenery for our Easter services. We are asking for your help to support this tradition by making a donation in memory of a deceased loved one; or to honor, or give thanks for a friend or family member. The suggested donation is $20. You will be listed as a donor with your dedication in the printed liturgies. Please use the online form to make your dedication or fill out the printed form on Sundays. Dedications are due Wednesday, April 9. Donations may be made here by selecting "Easter Offerings" from the drop-down menu. Thank you!

Participate in Holy Week Services and Easter Decorating

Click the image above for the full details

Maundy Thursday, 5:45pm: The service begins in the Parish Hall with blessings over the food, and hearing the story of The Passover. After enjoying the food and the company of others at your table, we’ll hear the gospel where Jesus instructs his disciples to love and serve. Use the easel on Sundays to sign up to attend and to bring something to share.

Decorating the Church, April 19: Help transform our sanctuary with beautiful flowers for our Easter services. No experience necessary. Stay for as little or as long as you are able. Sign up online or on the easel on Sundays.

Easter Vigil Reception, 9pm: We end the evening with a festive reception in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to bring an appetizer or dessert; beverages of all sorts will be provided. Use the easel on Sundays to sign up to bring something to share.

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Women's Group: Women at the Well

Saturday, March 22, 3pm

Newcomers Welcome! The Women at the Well group continues to focus on Rachel Held's Wholehearted Faith

For more information please contact: or

Meetings are held in the Youth Group room (enter from Micheltorena).

Transition House Meal

Saturday, March 22, 4:15-6:30pm

Transition House, which began in 1984, is one of Trinity's foundational ministries. Join us on the fourth Saturday of the month to provide, prepare, and serve a meal to families living there. Helpers are needed in April. Sign up here.

Hot Lunch at the FARO Center

Wednesday & Thursday, March 26 & 27

Trinity serves a hot meal to our unhoused neighbors at the FARO Center (621 Chapala St.) on the 4th Thursday of every month. On the Wednesday afternoon prior, a team meets at Trinity to prepare the meal. There are many volunteer slots available: Shopping, cooking (no experience needed), serving (the servers will meet at the church and drive the food over to the center), and cleaning. Take a look at the volunteer sign-up for opportunities to serve this month. Questions? Contact Rev. Sarah Thomas: or call the office at 805-965-7419.

Memorial Service for Kent Carlander

Thursday, March 27, 1-3pm

Join us in celebrating Kent's life at the memorial service at Trinity with a reception following in the Parish Hall. The service will be livestreamed. A note on parking: Trinity has a small church lot for key personnel only. Please do not use the Village Properties lot (on Micheltorena) during the week. There is plenty of street parking available and two public, paid lots located nearby.  Lot #6, 1221 Anacapa St. and Lot # 5, 1220 Chapala St. Thank you.

Message from the Rector

Dear people of Trinity,

For the past year, Mark Ismond has served as a member of Trinity's Vestry, as well as filling the role of Junior Warden and chair of the Buildings & Grounds Committee. Because of changes going on in his life (including a new grandchild!), Mark is unable to continue as Jr. Warden and B&G chair, although he'll still be an active member of the Vestry and the B&G Committee. On behalf of all of Trinity, I want to thank Mark for generously sharing his time and expertise over these past months. He has a deep knowledge of how mechanical and other building systems work, and knows what to do when they're not working! I've appreciated Mark's responsiveness, especially in critical times, like serious leaks into the Children and Youth building, and the collapse of the rectory's sewer system. Thank you, Mark!

The Vestry is in the process of selecting and electing a new Junior Warden, and we are also working on identifying and calling a new chair (or co-chairs) to lead Buildings and Grounds. As those positions are filled, we'll announce to the congregation the leadership changes.

With gratitude,


Baptism at Trinity

The Baptism sacrament is a joyous public service of initiation. The gathered community takes vows to support the newly baptized, and celebrates with and welcomes them. At Trinity we baptize people of any age within our regular worship services. Our next date for baptism is Saturday, April 19 at the Easter Vigil evening service. If you would to make an appointment with clergy for baptism preparation, please contact the Trinity

Care Kit Assembly

Sunday, March 30

At Coffee Hour after the 8am and 10am services, we will be packing Care Kits for our neighbors most in need.  This project is led by parishioner Susan Zink, with the support of the Children and Youth Council, and the Trinity children. Please sign up to donate shelf-stable items. NOTE: If bringing your donations to the church prior to March 30, please leave them in the Library. We have other events that will require the kitchen counter space. Thank you. Contact: Theo Patterson,

Noon Concert for Piano and Bassoon

Monday, April 7, 12:15-12:45pm

Please join us for the next Noon Concert, featuring pianist Natasha Kislenko, principal keyboard of the Santa Barbara Symphony, and bassoonist William Wood. $10 suggested donation at the door or online (select "Music Events" from the drop-down menu.)  

Help Needed on a Website Project

Betty Wenzel, Director of Communications is looking for help with building new website pages describing the many ministries at Trinity. The digital "brochure" will help people easily find a ministry as they are ready to become involved. The project timeline is brief, lasting a few weeks in April. Strong computer skills are required. Training on the website provided. The work can be done remotely. Contact: Betty Wenzel,

Justice and Outreach (JOC)

The JOC Monthly Digest is Out

Open the March issue to read about upcoming forums from the JOC Action Circles on gun violence prevention (April 6) and climate change (May 3). Stay updated on the emergency fund for refugees and immigrants, and find opportunities for local engagement. The complete collection of the Justice and Outreach Council (JOC) Digest issues can be found on Trinity's website.

See the Full Event Calendar    
View Past Issues of Trinity Notes
Children and Youth

Nursery on Sundays 9-11:30am

The nursery is available for infants and for toddlers under the age of three and a half. It is located on the second floor of the Parish Hall.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

Sunday, March 23, 9-11:30am

CGS is a Montessori-based religious formation program for child parishioners ages 3½ - 12. Children may arrive as early as 9am in the Children and Youth building behind the sanctuary.

Youth Group

Thursday, March 27, 7-8:30pm

Youth Group is a time of connection and community for teen parishioners, ages 13-18. This week, we will be continuing our series on Faith and the Environment.

Read the Children and Youth Newsletter for More

Community Events and Announcements

Even the Trees Weep

Free Community Concert at St. Mark's in-the Valley

Saturday, March 22, 7-8pm

Join our friends at St. Mark's in-the Valley for a musical response to the tragedy of school shootings. Kellan Dunlap, a tenor, taught music at local high schools in the Detroit area and one of the schools was tragically the site of a shooting in 2021. This hourlong program of existing classical songs, and new songs built from the poems and testimonials of students, teachers and parents, poems and spoken word is presented to "act as a catalyst for reflection, fostering ongoing conversations surrounding this sensitive and often politicized topic."

Vigil for Migrant Families

Monday, March 31, 6pm

Santa Barbara City Hall

In these moments when full identities are wiped out with the stroke of a pen, where families are pushed further into the shadows by force of executive action, where parents are taken from their children, we respectfully ask for a night to lift the voices of those most impacted by injustice and to advocate for human rights. Bring a candle, a teddy bear for a child in crisis, and a bag of groceries for a family in need. This vigil is sponsored by La Casa de la Raza and many local community organizations.

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1500 State St, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101 | 805-965-7419 |