2025 Eucharist Retreat participants receiving their Bibles

Eucharist Retreat Recap

March 21, 2025

Dear Trinity,

Last weekend we had the honor and privilege of witnessing a Trinity rite of passage for five of our Level II and Level III students: Anya Cortina, Addie Chevitarese, Harvey Cox, Nicholas Price, and Tate VanHaitsma. These students spent a total of 12+ committed hours at Trinity on Friday and Saturday during the biennial Eucharist Retreat. Over the course of the weekend, they diligently prepared materials, prayers, and reflections, baked fresh communion bread, and engaged in one on one Rites of Reconciliation with our priests to discuss their gifts and strengths as well as where they feel “blocks” in the True Vine. 

The weekend concluded with a special service that was entirely put on by these five, from the prayers, to the music, to the reflections, and the Eucharist, they helped make the service super special in numerous ways! I am so grateful to our catechists: Mary, Robin, Betty, Mac, Stephanie, Cathy and Vanessa who made this special day possible in many ways great and small. I am also grateful to the families of the children involved for being so willing to give your child the gift of this weekend and to help prepare and participate in the final feast we all shared together at the end. Our next Eucharist Retreat will be in the Spring of 2027!

This Sunday, we continue our Lenten journey in purple. CGS and Nursery schedule will begin as normal at 9am, but Youth Group will be taking a break next Thursday, March 27th, for the SBUnified Spring Break. As you reflect on the trials and the trainings of this season in the rhythm of the life of the Church, it is my prayer that God will meet you on the road, and help you carry your burdens with you. 

Until Sunday,


Lenten Community Atrium

This Lent, we are beginning a new opportunity to engage with the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program on Friday afternoons from 3:30-5pm, starting March 14. This is a supplementary opportunity led by Theo and other catechists from the broader community that will allow your child more time in the atrium. This will not replace Sunday morning, but allows for more time with the parables and other ecumenical materials. We are beginning only with Lv I (ages 3-6) for now. Please let Theo know if you are interested or have questions!

Care Kits March 30

On March 30, at Coffee Hour after both services, we will be assembling Care Kits for our neighbors most in need. This is a special ministry that is led by Susan and Paul Zink! We greatly appreciate your donations of shelf-stable food items, cash, or time in assembling and distributing the kits. Here is the full list of items needed:

Sign Up Here!

Intergenerational Art from the Heart

Our dear friend Karen Putnam, who usually provides a special "Art from the Heart" activity for Easter Sunday, has also invited our children to another intergenerational art from the heart experience this spring:

Saturday Mornings @ 10:30am 

❤️ April 5, May 3 & June 7


5486 Calle Real, SB 93111

Ask Theo for more info!

Family Camp Registration Now Open!


This Week at Trinity

Nursery Care

Sun 9:00am-11:30am

Our nursery is a safe, play-based environment for infant parishioners ages 0 - 3½. Children may be dropped off upstairs in the Parish Hall as early as 9:00am, where they will be cared for by dedicated volunteers until you return.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Sun 9:00am-11:00am

CGS is a Montessori-based religious formation program for child parishioners ages 3½ - 12. Children may arrive as early as 9am in the Children and Youth building behind the sanctuary. The children rejoin the 10:00am service with friends and family in time for the Eucharist.

Youth Group

Thurs 7:00pm-8:30pm 

Youth Group is a time of connection and community for teen parishioners, ages 13-18. This week we will be taking a break for SBUnified Spring Break! Safe travels to everyone!

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Trinity is an LGBTQ+ welcoming and affirming congregation on Chumash Land --- Church Directory on Realm

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