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Jewish Pro-Life Foundation 24 March 2024 -14 Adar II 5784

Purim: Jewish Survival Then and Now

Reports From Our Recent Networking Events

SCOTUS on RU-486 this Tuesday

Hadassah Lacks Awareness of

Abortion Homicide Dangers, Regrets, and Illegal Baby Organ Harvesting

✡︎ Shalom and Happy Purim, Friends ✡︎

Today Jews around the globe are celebrating Purim, a time in Jewish history when we survived a very real imminent demise. How did this Jewish genocide nearly happen?

The people of Israel and Judah had traveled throughout the Near East following the exiles of the Jews by the Assyrians and the Babylonians. Eventually Persia absorbed nearly all of these lands into their empire, which reached its greatest extent during Esther’s lifetime. Thus, Haman’s plot to exterminate all Jews throughout the Persian Empire in 479 BCE would have annihilated virtually all of the Jewish people. The time was ripe for a corrupt administrative state to convince a narcissistic, morally weak, out of touch leader to kill all the Jews. Jewish courage and chutzpah bolstered by the Almighty’s intervention save the day.

Jews have survived many past serious threats by genocidal, power hungry maniacs obsessed with destroying Yiddishkeit. A fundamental difference between then and now is that except for a few brief moments in history, Jews were not killing themselves through child sacrifice as many Jews have been doing in Israel and the Diaspora for decades. The serious demographic and political consequences of millions of Jewish citizens cancelled in the womb and their nonexistent progeny remains unacknowledged by most policy wonks, Jews, and friends of the Jews. Clearly, Jewish self destruction contributes to the existential threat to Yiddishkeit as our enemies gain more power and influence. We are dooming ourselves.

Some Jewish progressive secularists who formerly supported the BDS movement and unrealistic peace treaties with our enemies, now see the error of their ways. ‘Death to the Jews’ rallies in large cities following the October 7th events and international and domestic enmity towards Israel afterwards makes the possibility of Jewish annihilation suddenly real and personal.

Abortion homicide, however, remains a religious right in a wide spectrum of Jewish communities. In the absence of clear consistent Jewish opposition to this apostasy, many Jews still fall prey to specious arguments based on ignorance of Torah, misappropriation of irrelevant minor opinions in ancient texts, and carefully crafted attitudes of compassion that justify ending human life to prevent suffering.

The Jewish people, tasked by our patriarch, Abraham, to show hospitality to friends and neighbors, denies a basic right to life for our closest and most precious, our pre-born children and assistance for their parents. The Jewish practice of child slaughter, and the defense and support of it, reminds us not of the survival instincts of Persian Jews in Esther’s time, but of the prophetic warnings against Moloch worship in Tanakh.

In our Torah portion last week, Vayikra: Leviticus 1:1-5:26, the Sanctuary is now built and God calls Moses to enter and begin instructing the Israelites about how to prepare and practice offering gifts to God - charitable and peace offerings, and sin and guilt offerings

Restoration of our covenant with God begins in Leviticus when we sacrifice a representation of our animal soul, a useful part of ourselves when applied within limits but an injurious part of ourselves when turned against God, ourselves, and our fellows. Eventually in Tanakh, we are asked to forego the sacrifice of a representation of our animal soul. We are asked, instead, to sacrifice our egos and our self-possessed idolatry so that the grace of God can enter our minds and hearts and transform us into vessels for His Divine destiny.

During the time of the Purim story, many Jews did not believe they could be completely wiped out. Mordechai convinced them of the seriousness of the threat by sending them numerous letters warning them of the impending doom. Today, many Jews do not believe that we face existential threats woven together from the threads of generational, self-perpetuated abortion homicide and support of government policies biased against Jewish safety and security. The JPLF warns Jews about the certain doom ahead and offers pathways to Teshuvah and sanity for all afflicted. God willing, our message will help avert tragedy in our time.

Though spiritual mysteries and laws can seem esoteric to many of us, we truly believe that much of the tribulation and tragedy impacting our people can be remedied as we inject Torah based pro-life education into Jewish culture in Israel and the Diaspora. Our Israel Pro-Life Education Project launches on April 1st. The website will be available in many languages, and the digital marketing campaign will educate many Jewish secularists who long for Teshuvah but who need a guiding hand to healing and restoration. This can and will elicit mercy from Heaven and save our people from doom.

Thank you for reading and sharing this newsletter and welcome to our new subscribers and donors.


May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

We were warmly welcomed at Aquinas Academy in Gibsonia PA. I received very positive feedback from the students, faculty and administration. Thank you to our friends who invited us! It was an honor to share our thoughts with you and a pleasure to meet new friends.

Tabling at the TPUSA event at the U of Pittsburgh went well, too. Our 12 week baby dolls were a hit! During the evening, I spoke with a Russian immigrant who reported that Jew hatred once again thrives in Putin’s Russia. As in many countries, attacks on Jews receive quiet sanction by governments aligned with Iran’s proxy wars against the Jews in Israel and around the world. She also reported that heath policy in Russia now discourages abortion and promotes family formation. I found this AP story:

From Stalin to Putin, abortion has had a complicated history in Russia

To our embarrassment but not to our surprise, Jewish abortion advocate and anthropologist, Michelle Rivken-Fish is featured in this story.

The highlight of the TPUSA tabling for me was when a security guard working at the event approached me to share that during the Covid shutdown she considered having an abortion. At eight weeks along, she called Planned Parenthood and was told she would have to wait until she was 16 weeks before they would schedule the abortion. (I explained that the clinic would get a higher price and an added profit of baby organs sold to the U of Pitt fetal tissue hub.) She refused Planned Parenthood’s offer, knowing that at 16 weeks ‘it’ would have ‘arms and legs.’ A good friend promised to help, and she kept that promise. Today, her son is adorable and thriving after a premature birth.

Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood employee of the year, spoke at the Right to Life Louisville Celebrate Life banquet. We attended at the invitation of the host. Abby’s story, shared with remarkable honesty and wisdom, chronicles her journey from clueless, yet willing pawn of the abortion industry to redemption and healing through God’s grace and love. She shared that close proximity with abortion industry leaders convinced her that Moloch worship underlies the zeal for high profit margins from surgical and chemical child murder and baby organ trafficking.

I was blessed to meet and talk with Abby. Her nonprofit organization, And Then There Were None is successful in rescuing abortion workers from the clutches of Planned Parenthood, as she was rescued. The organization has developed an international group, and Abby offered to help us reach out to rescue Jewish abortion workers in Israel. She is supportive of our Teshuvah based healing program, Tikvat Rachel.

We followed up with our new friends from the Maryland March for Life in Annapolis, one of whom is Jeffery Trimbath, the president of the Maryland Family Instutute. If you live in Maryland, please contact Jeffrey and offer your support. His contact information is at Jeffrey welcomes connections with Jewish pro-lifers in Maryland to strengthen his ties with the Jewish community. Jeffrey is on good terms with Rabbi Menken from the Coalition for Jewish Values in Baltimore.

Upcoming Events

April Monthly Mishpacha

Monday April 1, 2024 7 pm ET

New day and time. I will send the zoom invitation next week.

PA March for Life September 23, 2024. Website

NJ March for Life September 26, 2024. Flyer

For our NJ friends, we can hire a private bus to help you attend. Let is know.

Oral Arguments for AHM v FDA Scheduled for March 26

Medication abortion accounted for 63% of US abortions in 2023

FDA Lied to Women. Now Abortion Pills are Killing and Injuring Them Check out our ad in the right column!

Hadassah for Reproductive Justice! is hosting a watch party of the film 'Preconceived' and post abortion care kit assembly event on May 5, 2024. The movie demonizes pregnancy care centers and the kit includes chocolates, maxi pads, heat packs, tea bags and cards of well wishes. Care package were also filled at Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills, CA by NCJW members last August. Promoted as 'meaningful support,' these kits deny the death of an innocent human being, the dangerous physical risks to mothers of surgical and chemical abortion, as well as the emotional and mental trauma experienced by both mothers and fathers and other family members.

Jewish women assemble post-abortion care packages to offer ‘meaningful support’


Join us for Hadassah Northeast PACK Project: Post-Abortion Care Kit. Sunday, May 5th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Event #1: 2024 PACK Kick Off Watch Party of "Preconceived" in Newton(also an at home viewing option was on March 19th)

Event #2: PACK Project - Assemble Post Abortion Care Kits

50 Years Later, I Still Anguish Over My Abortion

Illegal trafficking of baby organs and cells used in university testing, new drug analysis, genetic research, and vaccine creation is back in the news with recent breaking reports from the Center for Medical Progress of organ harvesting sales contracts between Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest and the U of San Diego.

BREAKING: Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts for “Valuable Consideration” of Owning University “Intellectual Property”, New Documents Reveal

Our faltering majority in Congress is hearing about it.

Congressional Hearing Exposes How Abortion Industry Sells Aborted Baby Parts

Let's get current. It is no longer necessary to torture and destroy a baby in the womb to save the mother's life.

The Pro-Life Reply to: "Is Abortion Ever Medically Necessary?"


Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.

You can view his Shabbat sermons at

Contact Rabbi Bovit at

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah (, a Sephardic-based online community of Jews, Noahides, and other seekers. He offers a wide range of online Jewish studies as well as Shabbat and holiday services. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship in world religions, and his dedication to traditional Jewish and biblical teachings. Rabbi Nachman is available to speak at your event!

You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at and

Contact Rabbi Nachman at


Rabbi Yakov Dovid Cohen is the founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code. Rabbi Cohen received his Bachelor's Degree at the Rabbinical College of America in 1982 and was ordained in 1985 at the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva New York, and a degree from Monash University Australia 1992. Renowned Talmudic scholar and Dayan, a writer on various Jewish subjects, most recently worked on a compilation of the Rebbe's works for Noahide practice and a book titled Divine Image. Contact Rabbi Cohen at

Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Power Point

114 slides from Tanakh, Talmud, science, and medicine.

View and Download from our website library here.

Jewish Pro-Life Replies to Jewish Pro-Abortion Claims

Our quick reference guide to help you provide Torah based talking points. View and Download in our website library here.

Our SPEAKERS LIST is your go to source for booking a Jewish pro-life speaker/educator for your synagogue, legislative working group, or adult/teen learning program.

View, Download and Share all of our memes, flyers, power point slides and more from the photo albums listed available on our website here. Available in various formats for easy sharing on social media and in emails.

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Contact Us

Cecily Routman

Rabbi David Novak

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman

Rabbi Menashe Bovit

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation

PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143 

A note to our financial supporters

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization. As of 1/1/2023, the IRS granted our application to reclassify our private foundation as a public charity. This may benefit your tax deductibility. Please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax deductions. Please view the IRS determination letter here.

Our Federal Tax ID number: 26-1438181.

You Make It Possible

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation depends on generous donations to help us bring much needed Torah based pro-life education to the Jewish community, provide Jewish friendly pregnancy care and adoption referrals, and offer healing to Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion.Together we save Jewish lives and heal Jewish hearts. We are making Judaism, the original pro-life religion, pro-life again!


The JPLF does not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate for political office or any political campaign. Any mention of public figures herein is purely for informational and educational purposes and should not be interpreted as a statement of electoral support or opposition.