July 23, 2023
Our next meeting is Monday, July 23, 2023. Our meeting is from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. As a reminder we are meeting bi-monthly - twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our newsletter has moved to bi-monthly and will come out the Sunday before a Monday meeting.
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Jeanette will provide an update on the Opioid meeting that took place Monday, July 17th. The meeting dealt with rule making for SB23-144. This bill was one of CCA's top legislative priorities in the 2023 legislative session and it is critical to get the input of advocates during rulemaking. Jeanette will explain how to find notices and sign up for Proposed Rules with the different state agencies. | |
We are planning on having individual proponents and opponents at successive Advocacy Committee meetings on Prop HH. Our first speaker is Nellie Moran, with "Yes on Proposition HH". She is only available from 9:30AM to 10:00AM, so we will start the meeting promptly. An opponent of Prop HH will be attending our August 14th meeting. There is also work being done to plan a forum on Prop HH in September. To refresh yourself on Prop HH see our last newsletter - CLICK HERE | |
A big thank you to everyone that participated in the Home Instead Give65 fundraiser for Colorado Center for Aging. We should have a total on what was raised by the end early August. | |
We sent out two surveys to our members last week | |
The first survey went to people that have attended Advocacy Committee Meetings. We will have an initial peak into the results of this survey at this meeting. If you have not filled out the survey yet please do so. If you have misplaced the link please email us. | |
The second survey went to all members, fans and followers of CCA on Friday, July 21st. Please fill out this survey by Monday, August 7, 2023. We will be reviewing the final results of both surveys at the Monday, August 28th CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting. | |
Questions about CCA Advocacy Committee
Jeanette Hensley - email - 303-249-5598
Co-Chair of CCA Advocacy Committee
Rich Mauro - email - Direct: 303-480-6778
Co-Chair of CCA Advocacy Committee and Senior Policy and Legislative Analyst Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)
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Zoom Link for Monday's Meeting | |
Topic: CCA: Advocacy Committee Meeting
9:30AM - 11:00AM/11:30AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 481 5119
NEW Passcode: CCA2023#
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,8814815119#,,,,*01201897# US
+12532158782,,8814815119#,,,,*01201897# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 881 481 5119
Passcode: 01201897
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbZvU5bskJ
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News & Highlights from CCA & our Network | |
Help Us with the Upcoming Direct Care Worker Public Awareness Campaign
Deadline Monday, July 31, 2023
Would you like to help inform the approach of the upcoming Direct Care Worker public awareness campaign? Here are three options to share your input. You can use any or all of them!
Feel free to share these links with direct care workers, anyone interested in direct care work, family or friends of direct care workers, or individuals affected by direct care work. Responses will be kept anonymous. The survey will close Monday, July 31, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. MT.
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How to Identify and Prevent Financial Fraud Schemes
Committed Against Senior Citizens
"This Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) advisory is intended to highlight the growing trend of financial fraud committed against the senior citizen population.Through this advisory, we want to make you aware of the work of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Elder Justice Initiative, which has identified a number of common financial fraud schemes that are often committed by either (1) someone who is known to a senior citizen or (2) a stranger who is able to gain the trust of a senior citizen in order to defraud them ..." - READ MORE
Source Office of Inspector General (OIG)
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Apply for an ARPA 7.02 Member Emergency Preparedness
Surviving In Place Battery Backup Power Supply Systems
The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) has recognized the importance of being prepared for a power outage emergency for individuals utilizing life-sustaining medical devices. With funding made available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and in collaboration with The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE), we will be distributing Battery Backup Power Supply Systems to eligible Health First Colorado members, assisting them in having the necessary equipment to be better prepared and in maintaining their health, safety and independence. If you are interested in getting a Backup Power Supply System, please complete the application, found here. Once received, the application will be reviewed, information verified, and a determination made if the applicant qualifies. There is a limited supply and a final decision will be made on eligibility and the availability of devices. All applicants will be notified of their results within two months of receipt of the application. All questions should be directed to Julia Beems at 303-315-1284 or julia.beems@ucdenver.edu.
Battery Backup Application - CLICK HERE
More information about the project Surviving in Place - CLICK HERE
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CU Program for Low-Income Seniors: Senior Smiles
Patients who are currently participating in the CU Dental Team Care Clinics or those who are accepted through the CU School of Dental Medicine screening process and are age 60+, do not qualify for Medicaid or Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program, do not have private dental insurance, and their income is at or below 250% of the most current federal poverty guidelines based on family size, and are a Colorado Resident are eligible for Senior Smiles - LEARN MORE
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Xcel Energy seeks $45M rate increase - down from $312M amid
consumer outrage over rising bills
"Xcel Energy filed a plan for a $312 million electricity rate increase last year, but as hearings on the bill hike open this week at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission the figure has been whittled down to $45 million. The new rate proposal is the result of negotiations by Xcel Energy with more than a dozen parties including state regulators, consumer advocates, major commercial and industrial customers and municipal governments ..." - READ MORE
Source https://coloradosun.com/
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Why Coloradans aren’t so sure about a property tax cut
"When likely voters first hear about Democrats’ plan to rearrange billions of dollars of taxes, a narrow majority of them like it, a recent survey found. About 54 percent of voters said they supported Proposition HH after learning its most basic details. But as they learned more, the poll found that support weakened - showing Colorado may be heading for a tough fight this fall over property taxes, schools, local governments and, of course, TABOR refunds ..." - READ MORE
Source https://www.cpr.org
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Tiny homes starting to be a big-deal solution for
people priced out of Colorado’s housing market
LONGMONT — "The popular tiny home movement is growing bigger in Colorado thanks to a new law aimed at allowing factory-built homes of about 400 square feet or less to become permanent fixtures in neighborhoods and in one case, to be used as an emerging therapy to get homeless military veterans back on their feet. Advocates say House Bill 1242 which went into effect July 1st will spur more purchases since it sets building standards for the scaled-down structures ..." - READ MORE
Source https://coloradosun.com
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RTD’s accessibility services can be hit or miss.
Here’s what some wheelchair users say they’ve faced while trying to get rides
"Joe Beaver had just left a performance at the John Hand Theater in Lowry, and it was time to get back home. For Beaver, who uses a wheelchair, getting to the theater was rather easy. He’d booked a ride in advance with RTD’s Access-a-Ride program that serves people with disabilities who cannot always use the bus system. It took about a half hour to make the 12-mile trip from his home to the theater ..." - READ MORE
Source https://denverite.com
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The Loss of His Grandmother Inspires a Gerontologist's Mission
"His grandmother's rapid decline in a nursing home, due to the effects of a UTI and pressure sores, saddened him and spurred him on to action. "It's challenging to be a gerontologist and also be a caregiver. It is one thing to study, but when it's in your backyard, it is a lot different than reading words." That realization motivates 39-year-old Israel Cross, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) ..." - READ MORE
Source https://www.nextavenue.org/
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Rural Colorado to benefit from $85 million for workforce development
including nursing resources amid shortage
"Colorado needs thousands more nurses a year to keep up with growing demand amid staffing shortages and retirements in the health care workforce. But a $1.3 million grant to the Colorado State University Pueblo graduate school and nursing program as part of an $85 million state project is intended to keep adequate health care flowing through that pipeline ..." - READ MORE
Source https://coloradosun.com
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Experiment to pay Denver’s homeless has reached $5 million and 846 people
"An experiment to see how no-strings-attached cash payments will change the lives of people who are homeless in Denver is showing some promising results, according to the project’s organizers. The Denver Basic Income Project has handed out more than $5 million to 846 people since November, an attempt to help people make changes that would get them closer to stable living. Six months in, participants reported that they’ve used the money not only for basic needs such as transportation and groceries, but for life-altering items including housing and cars ..." - READ MORE
Source https://coloradosun.com
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July 28, 2023 - Friday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Direct Care Workforce Collaborative (DCWC) Value & Awareness Action Group
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 969 40536000, Passcode: 115140
Join via Phone: 1-877-853-5257
This Action Group works collaboratively with stakeholders to identify and move forward strategies to support the recruitment and retention of Colorado's direct care workforce. This group intends to meet every other month on the fourth Friday from 1 - 2 p.m. MT. Reasonable accommodations for the meetings will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request. Please contact John Barry at john.r.barry@state.co.us or the Department's 504/ADA Coordinator at hcpf504ada@state.co.us atleast one week prior to the scheduled meeting to make arrangements.
Zoom Link for Meeting - CLICK HERE
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August 8, 2023 - Tuesday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Health Care Policy & Financing's (HCPF) Annual Stakeholder Webinar
Please register to join Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) leaders for a webinar on August 8th from 9-11 a.m. This event will share what we accomplished together last year, address priorities for this fiscal year, and invite stakeholder feedback and comments.
Register Today - CLICK HERE
Website https://hcpf.colorado.gov/
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August 10, 2023 - Thursday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Colorado Center on Law and Policy 25th Anniversary Celebration
Location: Governor’s Residence Carriage House
Address: 400 E 8th Ave, Denver, CO 80203
For a quarter century, Colorado Center on Law and Policy has fought to improve the lives of people across Colorado. We have much to be proud of, but we couldn't have done it without YOU. Join CCLP and dear friends for this in-person celebration as we thank some of CCLP's strongest advocates, and introduce our new executive director Lydia McCoy!
Tickets available online - CLICK HERE
Website https://cclponline.org/
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August 14, 2023 - Monday, 9:30AM - 11:00AM
CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting via Zoom
There will be a CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting on Monday, August 14, 2023 from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. Newcomers and visitors are welcome.
Website https://coloradocenterforaging.org/
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August 15, 2023 - Tuesday, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Time
National Institute on Aging (NIA) Advances in Science Webinar with Dr. Hodes
You are invited to join the FasterCures' "Advances in Science" webinar featuring guest speaker Richard J. Hodes, M.D., Director of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institutes of Health. Hear the latest scientific and public health advances specific to Alzheimer’s research and geroscience. Register today and you will receive the weblink to join closer to the event.
Register Today - CLICK HERE
Website https://www.nih.gov/
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August 28, 2023 - Monday, 9:30AM - 11:00AM
CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting via Zoom
There will be a CCA Advocacy Committee Meeting on Monday, August 28, 2023 from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. Newcomers and visitors are welcome.
Website https://coloradocenterforaging.org/
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Cyber-Seniors provides FREE technology support and training for senior citizens
Founded in 2015 by the creators of the award-winning documentary film CYBER-SENIORS, this non-profit organization provides senior citizens with tech-training using an intergenerational, volunteer model.
Website https://cyberseniors.org/
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CU Anschutz COAST-IT Program
The Multidisciplinary Center on Aging at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is actively reaching out to more older adults in the community for the COAST-IT (Connecting Older Adults and Students Through Inter-professional Telecare) program. Older adults will have the opportunity to engage with a student from either the CU Anschutz School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, or School of Dental Medicine programs to mentor the future generation of healthcare clinicians.
Contact Joanna Fitzgibbons at joanna.fitzgibbons@cuanschutz.edu for more information
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Denver Public Library Technology Classes & Workshops
From computer basics to digital privacy to applying for benefits online, Denver Public Library offers a variety of technology classes and workshops.
Website https://www.denverlibrary.org/techclasses
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Senior Planet
If you’re a senior aged 60 and older, these live online classes are designed just for you! Learn about finance, wellness, fitness, computers and technology, and so much more. You will also find a real community of fellow life-long learners.
Website https://seniorplanet.org/classes/
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Library Services through Strong Library
Thanks to Denver voters, Freegal Music+, an ad-free, unlimited streaming platform, and Statista, an easy-to-use portal for integrating statistics and reports, are available to anybody with a DPL library card. These new services are made possible because of #StrongLibraryStrongDenver, supported by the DPL Fund. Learn more here:
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CCA Advocacy Committee Summer-Fall Meetings 2023 | |
We are going into our summer-fall schedule where we will meet bi-monthly - twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our summer meetings will be from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. | |
If you are not a member of Colorado Center for Aging - Join Today! | |
Colorado Center for Aging is a 501c3 non-profit organization,
born out of the roots of Colorado Senior Lobby (CSL) - LEARN MORE
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