News from The RADish Ranch

July 7, 2022

84th Edition


Hello {First Name},

This month we've gone back and pulled some of our favourite archived newsletters to share with you.

Our summer Therapeutic Parenting Course (video edition - perfect for busy parents!) begins on July 12th, so if you're looking for answers to behaviours, bonding, peace in your home, and parent self-care, come and join us! Details at the end of the newsletter.

Happy summer and enjoy!

Karen Poitras
President & Founder of The RADish Ranch

Many, many more archived newsletters from the past years are available on our website at Take a look!

Why your kids need a Feelings Journal | June 2020

"Writing about our feelings and experiences helps us release some of the associated emotions and process the events in our lives."

We all know how our kids with RAD are with talking about their feelings...

Getting them to write a daily feelings journal allows them to slowly get comfortable with their own feelings; there's no judgement, all feelings are acceptable, and they begin to feel gratefulness. Only after that will they feel ready to share their feelings with you in person - face-to-face and honestly.

Below are the guidelines to get you kids started. Don't stress out about it, start slowly and give everyone some time to adjust. 


Bonding & Healing Through Play | September 2018

A big part of bonding with your child is having fun. You must have fun every single day, 6 days out of 7 (one day to recuperate and plan for the week ahead), for healing to happen.

Children with attachment disorder don't see the love you have for them. They push your buttons to drive you crazy and push love away, and you end up being a parents who doesn't have fun anymore with your kids.

When you get down to the business of playing and your child sees the sparkle in your eyes, your smile, hears your laughter, and enjoys being with you - Boom! Connection happens.


The Language of Therapeutic Parents | July 2018

Therapeutic parenting isn't something we just do - it's a whole new life style, complete with it's very own language, as it were.

When using language with traumatized kids we have to be careful of what we say, how we say it, and when we say it. Yikes!

Just like in some languages where the tone you say a word in can completely change it's meaning, the same is true when speaking to a child with attachment disorder. They hear our words differently than children with healthy brains, making it so important as to how we say things.

Also important is how you feel when saying the words; what you're feeling inside (happy, frustrated, curious, unemotional, boiling mad) comes out in your voice.

This is your brief introduction or recap of the language of Therapeutic Parents.


Slooooow & Looooovable | March 2018

As a parent of a child with RAD, do you ever feel like you are going to go crazy just from how sloooooooow your child is?! Slow to move, answer, work, eat, - everything?!

It's such a common situation with our kiddos that one of the jobs we teach them is to be Fast & Snappy (you've heard of this, but it probably seems like a far-off, mythical thing in your house).

So, until your child gets motivated to want to get healthy and work on their life, let's embrace the slowness. Here are some things to help you do just that!


P.S. This newsletter contains my very favourite song about sloths!

Are you looking for parenting answers?

Join our video course and bring HOPE and HEALING to your home this summer!

Questions about any of our content? Contact Karen at
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“Behold, I will bring health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.”
Jeremiah 33:6
Box 58, Mariapolis, MB. R0K 1K0

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