Bears with Cub Scout Pack 2831 work on their Super Science beltloop with a little help from a very special visitor! We love it when a unit goes all out to bring a fun and engaging program to their Scouts.

Hello, Heart of Virginia!

September 13th, 2024

News You Can Use

Food Lion Show and Sell Events

September 14th

This Saturday, September 14th, local Cub Scout Packs and Scouts BSA Troops will be set up at over 36 Food Lion stores across Council fundraising with Popcorn & Peanuts! Check the link to see where Scouts will be and "pop" by and purchase some delicious snacks to support their programs! Most Scouts will be set up from 10 AM - 2 PM, but times will vary. If your Unit wants to participate, it's not too late - reach out to Find out which Units are selling here: 2024 Food Lion Sign-Ups: 2024 Popcorn & Peanut Sale: Food Lion Sign-Up (

[Visit the Popcorn Virginia Website]

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation

October 6th

The HOVC Advancement Committee is pleased to offer Orientation sessions, for those selected by their units, to be Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors. Please remember that we need each Troop to have at least one designated Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor in order to fulfill the objectives of the badge. Unit leaders and Committees, think about who is best suited to guide your Scouts, on this personal journey.

[Attend Orientation]

Cub Scouts

Den Leader Specific Training

October 5th

To truly embody the spirit of 'Doing Our Best,' join us for In-Person Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader Training. While the online course meets the basic training requirement, in-person training equips you to excel in your role. It also offers a valuable opportunity to network, share ideas, and collaborate with leaders from other units—one of Scouting's greatest strengths. This course is designed to equip Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Den Leaders with the knowledge and practical tools needed to plan and lead successful Den meetings.

[Train Your Den Leaders]

Scouts BSA, Exploring, Venturing, & Sea Scouts

Winter Camp Registration Opens

September 16th

Scouts, don’t sit around this winter being bored – come chill out with your friends at Winter Camp 2025 (January 17th—20th)! Enjoy winter climbing at the Patty Dunn Climbing Tower, earn merit badges, and participate in our Troop Cook Off!  Winter Camp 2025 registration opens September 16th.  We are seeking merit badge counselors and support staff members. You may volunteer for one day or the whole weekend. Staff receive a staff swag item, patch, indoor housing and free meals. We would love for you to join our Winter Camp team. If you are interested in volunteering, complete this staff interest form.

[Winter Camp Details]

ScoutQuest Fall Camporee

October 18th—20th

Join the Arrohattoc and Crater Districts for a weekend of outdoor activities at the ScoutQuest Fall Camporee, October 18th—20th at the Chesterfield County Fairgrounds. Your patrol arrives back from a hike to find an empty camp. Your Scoutmaster has gone missing. She’s left her walking stick and her tent is wide open and the fire has died out. All that’s left is a folded piece of notebook paper addressed to your Patrol Leader. It’s not like her to leave camp unattended, so you’re understandably worried that something is wrong. Will you solve the mystery?

[Solve the Mystery at ScoutQuest]

Did You See This Month's Courier?

Get these five stories and so much more by reading the Courier, our monthly newsletter! Scheduled for the last Friday of the month at noon, the Courier features all the news, special events, and useful information you need to get the most of your Scouting experience.

[Read This Month's Courier]

"I think inside every adult is the heart of a child."

- Shigeru Miyamoto, Japanese video game designer, producer, and game director at Nintendo who created

the legendary Super Mario Bros game, which released on this date in 1985.

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Heart of Virginia Council: (804) 355-4306

Scout Shop: (804) 204-2628

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228

Scouts First Helpline:  (844) 726-8871

Scout Shop Hours of Operation Through November 2nd

Monday 9:00am to 5:30pm

Tuesday 9:00am to 7:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm to 7:00pm

Thursday 9:00am to 7:00pm

Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm

Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm

Prepared. For Life.