Hello, Heart of Virginia! | |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a brain disorder found more commonly in children, but adults can have it as well. It involves difficulty with keeping attention, controlling one’s urges, and in maintaining the ability to act appropriately in response to different situations. ADHD may include problems involving inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, or any combination of these. Learn more about it and how you can help!
[Scout Safety Moment]
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Closed for Labor Day
September 2nd
The Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center and Scout Shop will be CLOSED in observance of Labor Day on Saturday, August 31st and Monday, September 2nd. We will reopen with regular business hours on Tuesday, September 3rd.
"Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America's strength, prosperity, and well-being."
[Learn More]
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The All-New HOVC.org Is Live!
The newsletters aren't the only thing changing around here; the Heart of Virginia Council website has been completely redesigned! The new website, still found at hovc.org, has had more than just a facelift; it has been thoughtfully reorganized to make it easier for you to find information pertinent to your relationship with Scouting. The Events Calendar is easily located no matter what page you browse to, the site has a modern look and functionality, is mobile friendly, secure, translatable into several languages, and easily modified for users with low vision. Plus, we've made it easier than ever to learn about and join Scouting!
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Range & Target Activities Updates
September 1st
Range and target activities provide Scouting the opportunity to instruct critical safe firearm handling to all age groups while also providing an opportunity for a Scout to learn self-discipline, concentration, mental discipline, self-reliance, self-esteem, problem-solving and responsibility. Range and target activities within Scouting programs will be updated effective September 1st. Details on these changes are now posted in the Guide to Safe Scouting, and additional information is available within this FAQ.
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Nawakwa Scouting Museum Open House
September 7th
The Nawakwa Scouting Museum, located at Camp T. Brady Saunders in Goochland, VA, will be open to all registered Scouts (Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts and Explorers) and Scouters and their families on Saturday, September 7th, from 8:30am to 5:00pm. The Museum houses an impressive array of Scouting memorabilia, including local, national and international patches (camp patches, historic rank badges, Eagle Scout metals, Order of the Arrow flaps, Council Shoulder patches, Wood Badge, etc.), vintage handbooks, uniforms, National and International Jamboree items and much more.
[Attend the Open House]
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Nitrocross at the Richmond Raceway
September 7th—8th
Nitrocross, the next frontier of motorsports, is coming to Richmond, and we're all invited! Every event is a festival of speed, sound, and spectacle, where live entertainment and multiple motorsport disciplines come together to create an experience like no other. Where the pavement ends, the future begins! Come out to this premiere event September 7th and 8th, and use code "SCOUTS" to receive a special Nitrocross patch made just for us!
[Grab Your Tickets!]
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Lifesaving & Canoeing Merit Badge Combo Class
September 14th—15th
Join our Lifesaving and Canoeing Merit Badge Combo Class, where you'll alternate between the lifesaving and canoeing merit badges. This unique format ensures that all participants work on both badges simultaneously. To participate, you must pass the BSA swim test, have already earned the swimming merit badge, and demonstrate the ability to swim 400 yards continuously using the front crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke with strong form and rhythmic breathing.
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Cub Scout Range Master Training (Free)
September 15th
We're excited to offer FREE Cub Scout Range Master Training for adults who'd like to run range and target activities for the Scouts in their Dens and Pack. This special training is scheduled for September 15th at Cut Adventure Camp and covers important materials such as setting up a range, safety, handling, maintaining and storing equipment, and instructing your Scouts.
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Popcorn Costume-Making Workshop
September 7th
Have some fun at the Costume-Making Workshop on September 7th from 9 AM - 12 Noon. Popcorn-Selling Units can make a fun popcorn costume to help promote their sale!
[Popcorn Costume-Making Workshop]
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Popcorn Kernels, Nut Captains, and Other
Fashion-Forward Scouters
Some new apparel has popped onto the scene, and we're going nuts over our fun tie-dye shirts! Catch the eye of potential customers at your show and sell events, support your Scout as they sell door-to-door, or just represent the Heart of Virginia Council's fabulous fall fundraiser.
[Grab Some New Garb!]
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Popcorn & Peanut BINGO
Product Sale Distribution was a big success, and Scouts are already out fundraising for their adventures! Download BINGO sheets to play at your next Show and Sell (found on the Popcorn Virginia website under Resources > Unit Leaders & Scouts). The first 300 Scouts to claim BINGO receive a special 2.5" vinyl sticker for their laptop or water bottle.
[Download Your BINGO Sheets]
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Cub Chat Live, 3pm on Fridays
Each Friday at 3pm Eastern, Scouting Magazine hosts Cub Chat Live broadcasts on Facebook and YouTube. Each week, they talk about useful tips, tricks and ideas that help your den or Pack!
September 6th: Planning a Fun Join Night
September 13th: Onboarding New Leaders
September 20th: Cub Scout Uniform Method at Play
September 27th: TBA
[Tune In]
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Den Leader Specific Training
October 5th
To truly embody the spirit of 'Doing Our Best,' join us for In-Person Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader Training. While the online course meets the basic training requirement, in-person training equips you to excel in your role. It also offers a valuable opportunity to network, share ideas, and collaborate with leaders from other units—one of Scouting's greatest strengths. This course is designed to equip Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Den Leaders with the knowledge and practical tools needed to plan and lead successful Den meetings.
[Train Your Den Leaders]
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Creepy Hollow at Cub Adventure Camp
October 19th—20th & 26th—27th
Join us at Cub Adventure Camp for a weekend filled with fall fun and spooky thrills! Whether you stay overnight in your own tent or just visit for the day, the Heart of Virginia Council welcomes all Cub and Webelos Scouts to experience this event with your Pack or as a family campout. Arrive on Friday to set up camp, or come for the day on Saturday to enjoy a variety of Fall and Halloween-themed activities. Highlights include BB shooting, archery, fishing, a haunted trail, crafts, a costume contest, and so much more!
[Get Creepy!]
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Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
November 2nd
Ready to take your Scouting Skills to the next level? Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation is an essential training program designed to equip leaders with the tools they need to guide Scouts in the great outdoors. BALOO is perfect for Cub Scout leaders, focusing on the essentials of camping with younger Scouts. You'll learn how to safely plan and execute outdoor adventures, creating unforgettable experiences for your Pack. In order for your unit to have an outdoor camping experience, you must have someone on-site who is BALOO trained!
[Get BALOO Trained]
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Cub Scout Program Hub
The Cub Scout Program has undergone updates for the 2024-2025 year, following a lengthy and tremendous effort by the National Cub Scouting Committee. To help Cubmasters and Den Leadership teams best prepare for their upcoming meetings, we've built a Cub Scout Program Hub (the Cub Hub) that outlines each rank adventure, how adventure focuses can be leveraged to achieve them across your ranked dens, and provides additional resources (like individual rank trackers) to support you and keep you organized.
[Visit the Cub Hub]
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Customized Weekend Experiences
As you plan your program year, now is the perfect time to consider booking a customized Weekend Experience at the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation. Craft adventures around the activities your Scouts enjoy the most, like camping, fishing, range & target sports, climbing, boating, sports, and more!
[Plan Your Weekend Experience]
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Scouts BSA, Exploring, Venturing, & Sea Scouts | |
Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training
September 21st
We're excited to offer Scoutmaster / Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training on September 21st at T. Brady Saunders for registered leaders throughout the Heart of Virginia Council. This training is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters. The cost is FREE and includes water, light refreshments, and "Trained" patches for leaders who have completed all training requirements for their registered position.
[Get Trained!]
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Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation
October 6th
The HOVC Advancement Committee is pleased to offer Orientation sessions, for those selected by their units, to be Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors. Please remember that we need each Troop to have at least one designated Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor in order to fulfill the objectives of the badge. Unit leaders and Committees, think about who is best suited to guide your Scouts, on this personal journey.
[Attend Orientation]
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ScoutQuest Fall Camporee
October 18th—20th
Join the Arrohattoc and Crater Districts for a weekend of outdoor activities at the ScoutQuest Fall Camporee, October 18th—20th at the Chesterfield County Fairgrounds. Your patrol arrives back from a hike to find an empty camp. Your Scoutmaster has gone missing. She’s left her walking stick and her tent is wide open and the fire has died out. All that’s left is a folded piece of notebook paper addressed to your Patrol Leader. It’s not like her to leave camp unattended, so you’re understandably worried that something is wrong. Will you solve the mystery?
[Solve the Mystery at ScoutQuest]
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In-Person Den Chief Training
October 19th
In-Person Den Chief Training offers a blend of fun and character-building, teaching participants essential skills in leadership, organization, and working with Cub Scouts. This training is ideal for youth who are currently serving or aspire to serve as a Den Chief for a Cub Scout or Webelos to Arrow of Light Den. It's also valuable for registered adult leaders who want to understand the duties and roles of Den Chiefs and work effectively with them. We recommend participants be at least First-Class Rank (or nearing it).
[Train Your Den Chief]
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Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) November 2nd—3rd
Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills is tailed for adult leaders in Scouts BSA, covering the fundamental outdoor skills every Scout needs to know, from setting up camp to using a map and compass This hands-on IOLS course ensures you're prepared to deliver the best, safest Scouting experience possible. Invest in your leadership journey and empower the next generation of Scouts with the confidence and skills they need to survive.
Save the Date!
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Customized Weekend Experiences
As you plan your program year, now is the perfect time to consider booking a customized Weekend Experience at the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation for your Troop, Crew, or Ship. Craft adventures around the activities your Scouts enjoy the most, like camping, range & target sports, climbing and rappelling, boating, welding, COPE, and more!
[Plan Your Weekend Experience]
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In My Scouting Era (Rescheduled)
December 7th
The In My Scouting Era event has been rescheduled! Bring your friends to Camp T. Brady Saunders and experience the fun of Scouting on December 7th. Enjoy waterfront activities, range and target activities, hiking, climbing, s'mores, and more! This event is FREE to girl Troops who bring prospective members who are not yet registered. Everyone will receive a fun, limited-edition laptop decal!
[In My Scouting Era]
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Save the Date for Winter Camp
January 17th - 20th, 2025
Scouts, don’t sit around this winter being bored – come chill out with your friends at Winter Camp 2025 (January 17th—20th)! Enjoy winter climbing at the Patty Dunn Climbing Tower, earn merit badges, and participate in our Troop Cook Off! Winter Camp 2025 registration opens September 16th. Are you Yeti for Adventure?
[Winter Camp Details]
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Troop Talk Live, 3pm on 2nd Wednesdays
The second Wednesday of each month at 3pm, Scouting Magazine hosts Troop Talk Live on Facebook. These brief chats cover a variety of topics, from accommodating Scouts with disabilities to uniforming, youth leadership, the Path to Eagle, and more.
September 11th: TBA
October 9th: TBA
November 13th: TBA
December 11th: TBA
[Tune In]
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Calling All Radio Scouts
The FCC Amateur Radio Service and Scouting share a common mission: service to others. The Camp TBS Amateur Radio Club (ARC) was formed in 2019 while the affiliated operating station was constructed. The station is located at Camp T. Brady Saunders. The goal of this project is to provide a space for STEM programs in radio and teaching the Radio Merit Badge. Membership is informal and offered to BSA registered youth and adult volunteers at no cost.
[Join the Club!]
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COPE & Climbing Level 1 Training
October 4th—6th
Join us October 4th—6th for foundational COPE and Climbing instruction. Successful participants will be qualified to assist a COPE Director or Level 2 Instructor in running sessions. Along the way, you'll discover your leadership style, learn team-building techniques, and master using games to motivate and engage others. Level 1 Training is your first step toward advanced team-building skills and is required before moving on to Level 2 Instructor Training, where you'll delve into course design and oversight. Open to adults and mature youth (16+).
[Take Level 1 Training]
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Seasonal Scout Shop Hours through November 2nd
We're excited to extend our Scout Shop Hours through November 2nd in an effort to best serve you during this busy recruitment season. Take advantage of the new hours and our Uniforming Sale, where you'll enjoy 20% off matching uniform bottoms with the purchase of a uniform top. See you soon at 8090 Villa Park Drive in Henrico!
[Visit the Scout Shop]
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Uniforming Sale through November 3rd
Now through November 3rd, receive 20% off your uniform bottoms with the purchase of a matching uniform top. All month long, enjoy 20% off a brand-new book cover to protect your rank handbook. Looking for a new activity uniform? We'll give you 20% off all Class B shirts in October!
[Visit the Scout Shop]
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24-Hour Notice for Orders & Free Rank Patches
Did you know that we will shop your order and have it ready for you to pick up? This is a service we're proud to offer, and want to remind our customers to please provide us 24-hour notice for all orders. We also require you provide us with 24-hour notice before picking up your free rank patches (for qualifying units).
[Visit the Scout Shop]
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Patch Sewing Service
Did you know that the Scout Shop offers a Patch Sewing Service to save you time and frustration (especially if you don't own a sewing machine, and the thought of hand-stitching or using Badge Magic makes you shudder)? We offer brand new uniform shirts with all the pre-sewn bells and whistles, and can even add Unit Numerals, badges of office, and even merit badge patches for just $3.50 per patch.
[Visit the Scout Shop]
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Glow Trail Run 5K and Kids 1-Miler
October 5th
Get ready to shine! Join us for a unique glow-in-the-dark race where you can run, jog, or walk through our stunning all-terrain trail course, all under the stars! Don't miss out on this unique after-dark adventure! The 2nd Annual Glow Trail Run 5K and Kids 1-Miler takes place on October 5th at Cub Adventure Camp and Camp T. Brady Saunders and is open to everyone (so bring a buddy or two)!
[Get Glowing!]
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22nd Annual Sporting Clays Classic
October 10th
We're excited to extend our Scout Shop Hours through November 2nd in an effort to best serve you during this busy recruitment season. Take advantage of the new hours and our Uniforming Sale, where you'll enjoy 20% off matching uniform bottoms with the purchase of a uniform top. Plus, get 20% off rank book covers through the month of September. See you soon at 8090 Villa Park Drive in Henrico!
[Visit the Scout Shop]
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September Roundtables
Roundtable is a monthly program offered by districts that give leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. Each district offers special supplemental training for volunteers at the beginning of the month.
[Learn More & Get the Dates]
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Heart of Virginia Council Strategic Plan
Scouting has a rich history of positively impacting the lives of over 130 million youth, and we have a bright future ahead of us. We have modernized our traditional programs with the innovations of science and technology, while infusing safety into all aspects of our program. We continue to enable the girls and boys involved to develop lifelong friendships and build the life skills needed to become the future leaders of our communities, businesses, and country.
[Read Our Full Strategic Plan]
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Heart of Virginia Council Master Plan
We invite you to visit our Heart of Virginia Council Master Plan page to learn more about where we've spent more than $950,550 to improve our Scout Reservation, and how we intend to continue making improvements in the years to come! These projects cannot be completed without the support of the units who participate in our annual fundraising (Popcorn & Peanuts, and Camp Cards) or our very generous donors! Thank you!
[View the HOVC Master Plan]
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Recognition, Memorials & Honors | |
The Eagle's Nest
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. The Eagle's Nest celebrates the accomplishments of those Scouts who have attained that highest rank in Scouting.
[Visit the Eagle's Nest]
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Memorials & Honors
Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. Honors and Memorials can be made at the Leadership Center or by mailing donations to 8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228. Please include a memo denoting the individual(s) you are donating in honor or memorial of.
[View Our Memorials & Honors]
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Review Us on Google
The HOVC Communications team continues to work hard to provide existing, new, and potential Scouts with the best possible experience! That includes access to great, accurate information… and we think YOU are an important source! We would love to hear from you about your positive experiences with HOVC.
[Leave a Review]
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Friday 5 & Courier Newsletters
Get the top news stories of the week and month by subscribing to our Friday 5 and Courier newsletters. We'll keep you updated on the news you need every Friday at noon. Subscribe and view the archives by visiting the link below.
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