Hello Kristina,

Before you read this, I want you to stop and take two or three deep breaths. Imagine your heart as a sun shining bright and giving you all the warm, light and peace you need in this moment.

With so much intense energy, heightened emotions and the winds of change swishing around it's easy to get caught up and forget that you can always come back to yourself and your breath for a reprieve, some centering, and a reset of your nervous system.

Another thing you can do, like in the photo of me here, is to use Nature to help sooth and calm you, particularly trees. Just standing with your back against one you can feel yourself becoming more calm, grounded and energetically aligned. Bonus points if you are barefoot.

With the outer world being shaken up with the horrors of war and terrorism on top of all the political, environmental and economic turmoil and transformation, because the macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm, perhaps your inner world is being shaken up, is in turmoil or being transformed as well.

Unless you are directly involved in or affected by these big external events - my heart goes out to you if you are and hope that you have whatever support you need - it's easy to feel helpless. But it's important to remember that one thing we do have control of, or at least can have an impact on, is fostering and maintaining peace and harmony within ourselves, our close personal relationships and wider sphere of influence.

We can also control where put our attention and how much we take into our psyches, monitor our inputs, and find the balance between what is helpful and informative versus what is intoxicating us with fear, anger and sadness. Remember that what we focus on grows.

No matter what, we can also strive for unity in how we view each other and the situations around us. Because underneath the labels, we are all human beings.

I once heard the quote, attributed to the Dalai Lama, "When the world looks bad, look at a flower; there is another truth." On Wednesday after days of horrific news I went outside and saw two butterflies floating around and doing their thing with some flowers. It was a beautiful reminder on many levels of how many energies can coexist, to surrender to the process of transformation, focus on what is in front of us and respond with gratitude and appreciation or take any appropriate actions we feel called to do, which can look different for everyone in every moment.

As I mentioned in August's PGG, you might consider asking yourself, "what is mine to do"? And from September's PGG, how are you using your precious time and energy? How can you contribute in a helpful way to improve your state of being and that of others? How can you see beauty in the smallest things? How can you create more beauty in your world?

One way you are guaranteed to help the world situation is by cultivating peace within and bringing that peace with you wherever you go. But, btw, even if you just held that vibration within you alone on a mountaintop, you would still be adding the energy of peace to the collective soup and we would benefit. In other words, we all have our part to play in healing humanity, one way or another.

You can see one of the butterflies and other pick-me-ups in the Good Vibes highlight reel on my Instagram, and for inspiration about how to create more peace in your relationships check out this video.

If you'd like to take a big picture look at your life and how to reassess it amidst these big energies I'm extending my special Autumn Alignment Coaching Session to October 22nd. Scroll down or click here for more details and to book.

And of course if you wanna feel some feel good vibes with a catchy tune, check out the new video for my book Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower Your Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul. It's a great way to nourish yourself so grab a copy and add some positive energy to your daily life!

Thanks for making it this far! If you would like to show your appreciation for my work (like these messages) please share, like, follow, subscribe and/or donate/tip via the links in my signature. Thank you for your support!

Big hug <3




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P.S. If you are a longtime reader, just a reminder that I've been taking a break from the format of weekly PGGs which you can refresh your memory about here.

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Autumn Alignment

Coaching Session

The Fall, like the start of a school year, is a time of new beginnings and re-evaluating your path:

Who am I? Where have I been? Where do I want to go next? How do I get unstuck? How can better live in harmony with my values?

This is a great opportunity to sit down with me and review these questions, gain some clarity and get you more aligned and on track to career and life fulfillment, peace and balance.

As a holistic career coach or over 16(!) years, this is my specialty and can assess and address the root of your situation with precision, speed and accuracy.

$239** for a 75 minute Zoom or phone call

Click here to book your session

(Scheduling will be coordinated after purchase)

**Valid 9/15/23 through 10/15/23

^Extended through 10/22^

Looking for guidance and support in your career and life?

"Kristina combines both career and soul, which is extremely rare."

Kristina’s coaching expertise is phenomenal — all-encompassing, inclusive of the mind, body & spirit, nonjudgmental, insightful and deeply involved in providing solutions and tools to be a better version of yourself. ~ Audrey N.

Visit Kristina's Coaching Website

Kristina's Interview on the Dish with Dina Podcast

Aside from discussing self-care, gratitude, and being present, Kristina and Dina dish about how avocados can bring people together, the value in respecting and referring to health and wellness specialists, and yet another memory involving the Easy Bake Oven.

Click here for clips and highlights on IG

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Say It To Make It

If you've heard about affirmations but never knew what they were or how to create or use them, this potent little book is just the tool you need!


I LOVE this book and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a little boost of positivity in their lives. ~ Margaret H.

Click here for more reviews and highlights on IG

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Read this article featuring Kristina

Check out this article where Kristina was featured as one of two experts on self-awareness.

“Being connected with yourself is the best form of information that you can have about the choices that you want to make,” Leonardi said, adding that being self-aware can help you choose a career that makes you happy and, once you’re in that career, contribute in a way that helps you succeed.

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Check out this book of the first 131 essays now at a crazy-discounted rate on Amazon!

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