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Jewish Pro-Life Foundation 12 April 2024 - 4 Nissan 5784

Parshas Tazria:Spiritual Growth Begins at Conception

Upcoming Events

GOD TALK - Rabbi Novak's New Book

Abortion and the Holocaust Blog

Risks to Jews from the Politics of Abortion Policy

Hebrew Language Videos

Saving Jewish Lives in Israel Despite Predictions of Escalating War in the Middle East

✡︎ Shalom and Good Shabbos, Friends ✡︎

The Torah portion this week, Tazria: Vayikra (Leviticus)

12:1-13:59, opens with a list of rituals needed to purify a woman after childbirth. Tazria means “conceives’ or ‘she will cause to grow the child in her womb,’ alluding to the Divine Blueprint of Life - the seed that houses within it the design for another human being from conception onwards. Mothers devote much energy to growing children before birth and nurturing their development afterwards, encouraging them to grow into the spiritually mature person that truly reflects the image of God. 

The portion’s discussion of impurity moves beyond the previous week’s listings of impure animals to a discussion of flawed human beings, who have the unique ability to grow spiritually through Torah study, prayer, atonement, self sacrifice, and service to God and our fellows. While God gives us an innate desire to grow closer to Him and to a life based in Torah principles, our spiritual growth often stalls due to fears, personal ambitions, misinformation, misunderstanding of Torah fundamentals, and worldly distractions. These pitfalls invariably result in an acute personal crisis, disappointments and heartache, and emotional and mental disturbances. Motivated by pain we make an effort to renew our relationship with HaShem, leading to further spiritual elevation. This explains why God allows sin, especially sin rising out of ego and self will. It ultimately leads to sincerely genuine personality change.

In Tazria, we learn that Tzara’at, specific light colored abnormal lesions on the garments, body, or head, indicates the character defects of gossip, slander, and haughtiness. This unsightly physical condition concomitant with imposed social isolation drives the sufferer to abandon malicious truth telling, justified faultfinding and self righteous egotism. The process can ultimately produce a purified individual who stays focused on self improvement rather than pointing out the flaws in other people. 

Commitment to self appraisal and spiritual growth comes only after painful awareness of our own limited understanding, as well as a heart felt desire to rely upon HaShem’s grace, love and kindness. Tolerance, patience, and empathy inform our efforts to educate our family and friends about the need for life saving alternatives to unplanned pregnancy and a deep desire to protect pre-born innocent life. We ought not judge those who fall under the spell of the death culture, as many of us once did. Baruch HaShem that our eyes are opened to the miracle and value of human life in the womb. Our ability to move forward rests on the belief that HaShem can cause serious self examination of long held abortion assumptions and bestow a life affirming view on each human mind and soul. 

Thank you for reading and sharing this newsletter and welcome to our new subscribers.


May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

Upcoming Events

National Faith Advisory Board

My Faith Matters: Pastors Impacting Policy Luncheon Thursday May 30, 2024

Revival Today Church, Coraopolis, PA


NRLC Conference Friday June 28, 2024 Panel Discussion

11:15 am-12:30 pm ET

"Elevate & Empower: Strategies for Successful Minority Outreach and Engagement."

Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington (Crystal City), Virginia

PA March for Life September 23, 2024. Website

NJ March for Life September 26, 2024. Flyer

For our NJ friends, we can hire a private bus to help you attend. Let is know.


Our very own JPLF Vice President, Rabbi David Novak's new book!

David Novak is one of the most distinguished Jewish theologians in the world, offers a new interpretation of how the Jewish people and the Jewish tradition talk about God. What does the Torah say about God? How does the God of the Torah talk about Godself? And how does the God of the Torah talk about human beings? The book traces the history and theology of God-talk in Judaism, and how it remains relevant, now more than ever, and speaks directly to contemporary issues such as human rights.

Abortion and the Holocaust

Guest blogger Tamara Aronowsky draws the parallels between both holocausts while honoring the memory of both.

And in Hebrew

Political posturing on abortion policy now has one side betting they can win with a promise to pass a federal law giving a right to unlimited, government funded abortion homicide until birth and beyond - and the other side betting they can win with a promise to allow each state to decide if abortion homicide or abortion bans or somewhere in between will be the law.

While a states rights policy may help gain enough votes to secure a political victory, allowing state ratification of legal murder of innocents has serious future ramifications for other people under attack.

The Center for Reproduction Rights website features a US map showing up to date levels of 'protected' abortion rights in each state.

After Roe Fell: Abortion Laws by State

We found two more Hebrew language videos for our Israel website! Here are the Hebrew and English versions. Please enjoy and share. Our website and digital media campaign has been approved for publication. We're waiting to go live.

HEBREW "So, You're Pregnant..." video.

ENGLISH So, You're Pregnant... video

HEBREW Life Before Birth

ENGLISH Life Before Birth

Secular Pro-Life has important insights for our outreach to secular Jews.

Data show pro-life movement must work harder in less religious states

Let's hope this prediction never materializes. I mentioned it to our digital marketer project manager yesterday. He said he is concentrating on our project rather than on the constant threats of war escalation. God bless our friends at Viral Marketing!

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop in the Middle East

About Michael

It's more critical than ever to start protecting pre-born Israelis...

Peace Begins in the Womb

and in HEBREW

השלום מתחיל ברחם

Let's get current. It is no longer necessary to torture and destroy a baby in the womb to save the mother's life.

The Pro-Life Reply to: "Is Abortion Ever Medically Necessary?"


Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the rabbi at Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY, an online/brick and mortar synagogue composed of spiritual seekers who worship in an Ashkenazi 'Conservadox' style. Rabbi Bovit teaches with humor combined with love of Chassidism and Torah. He conducts online Shabbat services and Torah classes.

You can view his Shabbat sermons at

Contact Rabbi Bovit at

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah (, a Sephardic-based online community of Jews, Noahides, and other seekers. He offers a wide range of online Jewish studies as well as Shabbat and holiday services. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship in world religions, and his dedication to traditional Jewish and biblical teachings. Rabbi Nachman is available to speak at your event!

You can access Rabbi Nachman's online services and classes at and

Contact Rabbi Nachman at


Rabbi Yakov Dovid Cohen is the founder and director of Institute of Noahide Code. Rabbi Cohen received his Bachelor's Degree at the Rabbinical College of America in 1982 and was ordained in 1985 at the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva New York, and a degree from Monash University Australia 1992. Renowned Talmudic scholar and Dayan, a writer on various Jewish subjects, most recently worked on a compilation of the Rebbe's works for Noahide practice and a book titled Divine Image. Contact Rabbi Cohen at

Judaism: The Original Pro-Life Religion Power Point

114 slides from Tanakh, Talmud, science, and medicine.

View and Download from our website library here.

Jewish Pro-Life Replies to Jewish Pro-Abortion Claims

Our quick reference guide to help you provide Torah based talking points. View and Download in our website library here.

Our SPEAKERS LIST is your go to source for booking a Jewish pro-life speaker/educator for your synagogue, legislative working group, or adult/teen learning program.

View, Download and Share all of our memes, flyers, power point slides and more from the photo albums listed available on our website here. Available in various formats for easy sharing on social media and in emails.

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Contact Us

Cecily Routman

Rabbi David Novak

Rabbi Shlomo Nachman

Rabbi Menashe Bovit

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation

Our Hebrew website in Israel

PO Box 292 Sewickley PA 15143 

A note to our financial supporters

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization. As of 1/1/2023, the IRS granted our application to reclassify our private foundation as a public charity. This may benefit your tax deductibility. Please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax deductions. Please view the IRS determination letter here.

Our Federal Tax ID number: 26-1438181.

You Make It Possible

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation depends on generous donations to help us bring much needed Torah based pro-life education to the Jewish community, provide Jewish friendly pregnancy care and adoption referrals, and offer healing to Jewish women and men who suffer after abortion.Together we save Jewish lives and heal Jewish hearts. We are making Judaism, the original pro-life religion, pro-life again!


The JPLF does not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate for political office or any political campaign. Any mention of public figures herein is purely for informational and educational purposes and should not be interpreted as a statement of electoral support or opposition.