January 2022

FRANÇAIS | ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ

Safety Spotlight


Did you know that between 2017 and 2021, injuries resulting from slips, trips, and falls accounted for more than 20% of the claims received by the WSCC? We often think of the embarrassment caused by falling from trips and slips. However, we should not forget that slips, trips, and falls can easily cause bumps, bruises, and serious pain. In the worst cases, these incidents can lead to traumatic injuries.

A slip will happen when your feet lose traction with the surface you’re walking on. Trips occur when you lose your balance after your foot or your body collides with something. In both cases, injuries can be serious and lead to a long recovery time.

Even if most of the slips, trips, and falls happen during winter, indoor workplaces are not immune from these incidents:

  • Liquids can make a walking surface slippery. (e.g. melting snow, spilled coffee, etc.)
  • Loose and unanchored rugs or mats, as well as uneven walking surfaces, cause trips. 
  • A cluttered floor, uncovered cables, and opened bottom drawers are also common causes of trips. 

Pay attentions to these hazards to lower the risks of injuries! To learn more about slips, trips, and falls and how to prevent them, see the WSCC’s Safety Spotlight webpage.

Working Outside 


The length of time workers can perform outdoor work depends on many factors, including air temperature, wind speed, humidity, and the clothing they’re wearing.

Schedule warm-ups! Using a cold work warm-up schedule for those working outside is a good way to reduce the risks posed by exposure to cold temperatures. Depending on the air temperature and wind speed (when workers are not sheltered from the wind), a cold work warm-up schedule will specify how long workers can perform tasks outside before requiring a warm-up break.

For example, when the outside temperature is -33°C and there is no wind, workers can perform outdoor work for up to 75 minutes before taking a 10-minute break in a warm area. If there’s a 20 km/h wind, maximum working periods are reduced to 40 minutes. Note that weather conditions should be assessed every 4 hours, and the warm-up schedule adjusted accordingly.

Other factors should be monitored as they can influence the length of time someone can spend outside. For instance, if a worker’s clothing becomes wet, the employee should immediately go to a warm area and change to dry clothes.

Consult WSCC’s Thermal Conditions Code of Practice to learn more about cold work warm-up schedules. 

Employer Assessments:

Monthly Late Payment Penalty

Employers can avoid a monthly late payment penalty by paying the outstanding balance on their assessments on or before the payment due date. The legislated penalty on current and previous overdue amounts is 2% per month. The penalty begins on the first day the payment is overdue. To learn more about this legislated penalty, check out this handy resource.

Payment Due Dates

Payment due dates for employers who are pre-approved to pay in installments are March 31, May 31, July 31, and September 30.

Employers who are not paying in installments can review their payment due date by checking their Employer Monthly Statement or Employer Activity Report on WSCC Connect.

Use WSCC Connect and never miss a payment

Sign up for e-statement notifications: A notification is sent to the user with the Payments and Statements role in WSCC Connect when the Employer Monthly Statement is ready for viewing.

Set up automatic payments: Employers can set up automatic payments through WSCC Connect

Remember, we’re here to help! Call us toll-free at 1-844-238-5008 and select option 3.

Other Payment Options

  • Pay with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, Visa Debit, and Mastercard Debit through WSCC Connect, by phone, or in person at our Yellowknife office.
  • Cheques can be sent through the mail or dropped off in person at our Yellowknife office. (Please allow enough time for your payment to reach us before the due date. You can send post-dated cheques dated to the installment dates.)
  • RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) online bill payment.
  • Electronic Fund Transfers
  • Interac E-transfers.

For more information, contact our Finance team toll-free at 1-844-238-5088 and select option 3.

Policy Update

The Governance Council reviewed and approved revisions to 7 policies, and approved 3 new policies at its December 2022 meeting in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

Revised policies

  • 00.08, Decision Making
  • 03.09, Psychiatric and Psychological Disorders
  • 05.01, Vocational Rehabilitation Eligibility
  • 05.02, Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Programs
  • 05.05, Vocational Rehabilitation Allowances and Grants
  • 09.01, Safety Training (Previously titled, Safety Education and Training)
  • 10.03, Procurement

New policies

  • 09.03, Prioritizing Worksite Inspections
  • 09.04, Home Worksite Inspections and Investigations
  • 09.05, Safety Education and Prioritizing Outreach

All revised and new policies come into effect on January 16, 2023. Consult the WSCC Policy Manual to find the revised and new policies. You can also visit our Governance Council Directives web page to view all governance directives.

Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut,
5022 49th Street, 5th Floor, Centre Square Tower, Box 8888, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2R3 Canada