Our third challenge is to totally remove single use plastic cutlery, plates and cups during our holiday celebrations.

Using your regular dishes, silverware and glass drinking glasses instead will:

  • Show your guest you care about the reducing waste & the environment; many guests will notice.

  • Set a prettier table. Use your fancy dishes or even your every day set. It looks so much nicer than plastic.

  • Saves you money $$$, you already have dishes so why buy new ones.

  • Are easy to clean up, just put in the dishwasher. Washing dishes is a much better environmental choice than purchasing disposables.

  • Plastics cause lots of trash. Cutlery and dishes are not recyclable and it is estimated that Americans use 40 Billion plastic utensils every year. Plastic cups are recyclable in our RI program, but still use a lot of energy and resources that reusable glasses eliminate.