eNews | 11-12-2021
Dear Kehillah,

It's always an enjoyable experience to walk through Kehillah and view the unique activities happening during Reflective Practice. To list *all* of the offerings would take up too much space in a newsletter, but here is a glance at some of the creative endeavors students are taking part in from the lure of fun music emanating from Ms. Cohen's Israeli Dance Reflective Practice, to the Knitty Committee's colorful creations.
Creativity comes in many forms in the classroom as well. The creation in the bottom picture with Zev was for a physics project underway with "Mr. G" - building a gadget to demonstrate Newton's Laws. What was needed was a way to secure a weight to a mechanical scale. Zev took the scale apart and used a hand drill and zip ties to attach the weight to the cover!

Ms. Vicenty's Astronomy Class continues to explore new avenues with their "Space Radishes". The whole project is absolutely thriving, and their recent progress can be seen HERE.
Stanford's Challenge Success Program and Kehillah

This year, Kehillah is excited to collaborate with Challenge Success, a program associated with Stanford's Graduate School of Education. Challenge Success assists schools in exploring initiatives to enhance the student experience. The program focuses on strategies to promote wellness and engagement with the learning process. Currently, a committee of students, administrators, faculty, and parents is spearheading this work on campus.

On Wednesday, November 17, Kehillah students will take a survey designed by Challenge Success researchers that gathers data on students' well-being and educational experiences.
See the attached document that explains the goals of the survey and provides parents with a consent form. You only need to return the consent form if you do not want your child to take this survey.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Introducing: The Salon and The 2021 Showcase
Sign up by November 16, 2021

As part of the first installment of a new part of the theatre program, The Salon, we are happy to announce the 2021 SHOWCASE!!! It will be performed on December 8th, 2021, at 4:00 PM. You can sign up with any act you want—improv, singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument—the sky’s the limit. Group acts are also welcome! The deadline to sign up is NEXT TUESDAY, November 16th!! Below is the sign up form.

The first meeting is Wednesday, November 17th. We hope to see you there!! Please reach out to Roni Gal-OZ or Rachelle Lang if you have any questions.
Stu Gov Apparel Store is OPEN

Fashionable and functional, the Stu Gov's apparel store will give you a great look for a great cause. Purchase your apparel and your quality items will arrive at Kehillah for pick up. The store closes on November 29, 2021 so time is limited, SHOP NOW!
Kol Hakavod to All of the Fall Athletes!
The Fall season came to a close with the Sports Night celebrations for girls JV and varsity volleyball, cross country, and soccer. The celebrations was full of great memories, lots of laughter, team awards, and all-league awards. There were plenty of highlights on the fields, courts, and track, but the most telling sign of a positive season was the camaraderie and friendship that was on full display before, during, and after the ceremonies.

Thank you for the support this Fall and we look forward to a great basketball season!

Go Rams!!
Announcing Spring Musical Auditions

December 13, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Call Backs & Dance Call:
December 14, 4-6:00 PM

With music by hit composer Andrew Lippa, The Addams Family is a comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family and features an original story. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family– a man her parents have never met. More info on Schoology.

To register for an audition and for more information, please join the Spring Musical Schoology Group: 
(access code: QB6M-X96P-FVB39) 

Continue to keep our community COVID-19 safe

We appreciate your dedication to the health and wellbeing of our community. Our updated COVID Policies can be found HERE and at the link below. Please be sure to sign-up for an appointment in addition to being responsible outside of school. Register here.

Keep submitting your daily health checks with FeverFree for the fastest morning arrival procedure.Visit our COVID-19 CORNER for the latest information.
Tickets Are on Sale For the A Wrinkle in Time -- Opening Night Sold Out!

There are a few tickets left for Kehillah Theatre's production of A Wrinkle in Time. From the book written by Madeleine L’Engle, and adapted for the stage by Morgan Gould, this play will be open to all families with proof of vaccine and/or a clear COVID test (details on the linked page). Performances will be held in our MPR. Details on the page linked below.
Don't Forget the Challah Days

Get fresh, local, free-range Challah. Use the form linked here to sign-up for delicious locally baked challah. Proceeds go to a charity to be determined; almost $100 raised so far!
NEW: Weekly Drash! This Week's Submission by Rabbi Dennis

It is not uncommon in today’s world that we journey through our days with our head down looking towards our phones, our ears clogged with sounds of music and podcasts, and our souls disconnected to the presence of the wonders that surround us. I believe Parashat Vayeitzei teaches us the story of Jacob’s Ladder for many reasons.
KPA Hikes Continue! Join Your Community With Your Family; Furry Friends Too!
Sunday, Nov 13 @ 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
KPA’s next hike will be Sunday, October 330th from 1:30 - 2:30 PM. Meet at Alpine Trailhead. Qing Keller will lead the hike and all (including dogs on leash) are invited.
🚰Remember to bring water and sunscreen.
Kindness Club - Winter Drive for Home First Services

The Kindness club is hosting a Winter Drive for HomeFirst Services! HomeFirst fights homelessness through fostering people's ability to find and keep housing. Every year, they assist over 5,000 adults, veterans, families, and youth.

They provide year-round shelters, seasonal cold-weather shelters, and emergency assistance, as well as mental health services, veterans' services, case management, and more! The drive began on November 8 and will end on November 18th (next Friday)!

Bring in socks & blankets, or anything from their Amazon wishlist: Some of the needed items include:
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Bath towels
  • Cotton underwear for women
  • Socks
Kehillah Fund 2021-2022
Every gift counts and has an impact on Kehillah student lives, faculty, and your community.

In order for Kehillah to benefit from the matching gift program, please submit your gift (or pledge) by December 30, 2021.

Making a gift online is quick and easy. You can have an impact on our community right now by clicking to donate, pledge, or to learn more about the Kehillah Fund.
Help us make the match!
Community Events
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Kehillah Jewish High School | 3900 Fabian Way, Palo Alto | kehillah.org