

news & events

September 13 - September 22, 2024

Lessons for this Sunday

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

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From the Field

2024 Annual Stewardship Campaign

Online Pledge Card

Hornsby Elementary

Thanks YOU!

for your support of student learning.

Your generous gifts of classroom supplies include everything:

from notebooks and bookbags to headphones, and from hand sanitizer to a mountain of tissue just in time for flu season.

Thank you for your loving support of our neighbors: the teachers and children of Hornsby Elementary School.

Our school supply drive continues through September.


Every year, as the temperature begins to come down off the boil in Augusta, there's a parallel rise: the rise of festival season. Now that most weeks feature at least a couple days when it's safe to be outside, downtown comes alive with a non-stop series of events. There's a broad range of these throughout the autumn, from the massive Arts in the Heart and Ironman, to Broad Street trick or treating that you might not even notice if you drove through town.

As best as we can, the church office will try to give you a heads up on traffic patterns (we are often as surprised as you are by street closures). But we've done something wrong, or left some mission on the table, if all we notice in the vibrant life of downtown is inconvenient traffic. We are the Episcopal witness to the gospel in downtown Augusta, and this season features some of the most exciting events in our neighborhood. Of course, when roads are closed, we are frustrated. But we are also hosts and partners and a beacon of the love of God in the midst of all that festival-going and sweating.

Our first chance at being intentional in our hospitality will be Arts in the Heart the weekend of September 20. Thousands of visitors will pour into downtown, and many of them will use our convenient parking lot. While most folks around us charge for parking, we will give it away for free, along with a warm greeting and a bottle of water (because let's face it, the temperature won't be that far off the boil). Friday night, September 20 is our big opportunity for this hospitality as our parking lot is closed for a private event on Saturday night. Send me an email at if you'd like to join me under our tent in the parking lot for a few hours that night greeting our neighbors and being A Church for the City, a Church for You. And then throughout autumn as you encounter all the activity in our neighborhood, give thanks for the privilege of serving God together in such a lively, interesting neighborhood with so many of God's people to serve.



Backpack & School Supply Drive for

Hornsby Elementary

September 1-30

As part of our support for our partner neighborhood school, during September we are gathering school supplies and backpacks for the children at Hornsby Elementary. New students arrive throughout the year. Dropping off extra supplies ensures new arrivals and the classrooms have all they need for the year. A supply list from Hornsby is available here.

The Nursery will be open Sun, Sept. 15

9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursery is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available this Sunday morning beginning at 9:00.

Sunday Worship Schedule for 09/15/24

8 AM Rite I

11 AM Rite II

11 AM Facebook Live

11 AM YouTube Live

5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion

6:30 PM - Compline + Sit and Wait

All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.

McDonald's for Breakfast

Sunday, 9 - 10 AM Tyler Hall

Busy morning? Breakfast with your friends at Saint Paul's instead! We have McDonald's biscuits, burritos, and hash browns for breakfast this Sunday in Tyler Hall at 9 AM. Donations welcomed.

Children's Choirs Rehearsals

Sunday, 9:25 - 10 AM

The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9 and the St. Nicholas Choir (Pre-K through grade 2) rehearse Sundays, 9:25-10:00 AM. If you or any family or friends are interested in the choir program, please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.

Sunday Forum

The Epistle of James, led by Fr. Biddy

Sundays, 9:30 AM, The Berlin Room

Martin Luther famously called the Epistle of James an “epistle of straw” and put it in an appendix to his translation of the Bible. The book has often been overlooked and denigrated since. And yet of all the letters in the New Testament, it may be the closest to the content of Jesus’ teaching ministry. We’ll read it carefully to start the program year, using the most recent scholarship on James to understand it and apply it to our lives today.

Godly Play (grades pk4-2)

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

St. Francis' Room, CMC

Kim Butler and Sara Dimsdale will lead our younger children in the Saint Francis Room (Godly Play Room). If your child is in the Saint Nicholas choir, they will transition from choir to formation.

Weaving God's Promises (grades 3-5)

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

St. Patrick's Room, CMC

Kitty Gordon and Jackie Pingel will lead our older children. They will meet in the Saint Patrick Room (large classroom across from the office). If your child is in the Canterbury choir, they will transition from choir to the formation class.

Middle School Formation Classes

Sundays, 10-10:45 AM

St. Benedict's Room, CMC

Our middle school formation (grades 6-8) meets Sunday morning in the St. Benedict Room (down the hall next to the women's restroom). Mtr. Kimberly leads this class.

No EYC This Sunday only

Please note the change

Sundays, 5-7 PM

EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12) will not meet this Sunday night. Please note the change in our schedule. EYC returns at Saint Paul's next Sunday, September 22. Contact Bill and Mary Lynn for more information.

Celtic Service

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

With Prayers for Healing

Sundays, 5:30 PM

Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion is a candle-lit service that emphasizes the contemplative side of worship, features some of Augusta’s best Celtic musicians, and offers prayers for healing for those attending, for others, and for the world. Come as you are and enter into a place of rest, prayer, and reflection.

Celeste Ray is our guest musician this week.

Sit and Wait

Sit and Wait this Sunday

Sundays, 6:30 PM, Chapel 

Sit and Wait follows the Celtic Service Sunday evenings (6:30 PM). The service begins with a Service of Compline and will end with a twenty-minute sit. The people end in silence.

Please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by phone at (706) 910-9331 for further information.

BUILDING BRIDGES: Saint Paul's in the Community

Look for this listing of where Saint Paul's

is building relationships in Augusta and the CSRA.

This Week:

9/9/2024 - Byllesby Center Board Meeting

9/11/2024 - Staff and Clergy of Tabernacle Baptist Church Visit/Tour at Saint Paul's 

9/12/2024 - RJGA (Racial Justice GA) parish visit at Our Saviour-Martinez

9/13/2024 - WIP (Women In Philanthropy) visit to Apparo Academy

Next Week:

9/20-21/2024 - Commemoration of St. Anna Alexander and Dedication ceremony of the memorial of the victims of lynching in Brunswick, GA.

EVENTS NEXT WEEK | September 16 - September 22

Senior Lunch

Wednesday, September 18, 12 noon, Tyler Hall

Our monthly Senior Lunches return September 18 at 12 Noon in Tyler Hall. While gearing to retirees, anyone is welcome. No agenda; just a relaxing social time. Donations welcome. Please sign up in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or using the link below.


Compline - ZOOM

Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM

Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 595 177 454

Dial-In: (646) 876-9923

Password: Email the Parish Office to request.

Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.

Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.

Mid-Week Eucharist

Thursdays, 11:30 AM

A mid-week Eucharist in the Chapel begins at 11:30 AM. Lunch in Tyler Hall follows at 12 noon with a weekly Bible study (more information below.) Join us as your schedule allows: Come for Eucharist and lunch, lunch and Bible study, or stay for all three. (So that we may honor mid-day schedules, lunch is scheduled for 15 minutes and will continue through the Bible study conversations.)

Lectio at Lunch

Thursdays, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall 

Every Thursday in Tyler Hall you’ll find a lunch combo that can’t be beat! We offer a tasty meal with a generous helping of fellowship, plus a lively discussion arising from the Gospel of Mark. Our text is N.T. Wright’s Mark for Everyone which takes this Gospel in small bites, reflecting on each week’s reading with relevant and important insights. We finish promptly at 1:00 PM and invite you to join us as your schedule allows. You may bring your own lunch or share in the meal provided. Donations accepted.

Questions? Contact Kitty Gordon.

Arts in the Heart Hospitality

Friday, September 20

The annual Arts in the Heart festival brings thousands of visitors to our neighborhood – and a lot of those visitors use our convenient parking lot. On Friday night and on Sunday afternoon, we’ll welcome these guests with friendly faces, water, and a little bit of the love of Jesus. (On Saturday, our parking lot will not be available for public parking because of an event.) Email Fr. Eric to join the Friday night hospitality team (and fun).

The Sunday Forum

Sunday, September 22, 9:30 AM, Berlin Room

"Be Ye Doers" - Led by Fr. Biddy

Following on from our reading of James and its injunction to “be ye doers of the Word,” this one-off adult forum session will focus on applying the lessons of James to our life together at Saint Paul’s. Make plans to attend this important conversation.

Reception following Celtic Evening Prayer

Sunday, September 22

Join us on the Portico next Sunday for a light reception following the Celtic. This is a good opportunity to get to know your neighbors in the pew and to invite others to the Celtic service.


Sept./October Dates for your calendar

Sept. 16 - Vestry Meeting

October 2 - MMM...Ecuador Night

October 6 -Sunday Breakfast

October 6 - Blessing of the Animals

Tuesday's Music Live Begins

Tuesday, September 24, 12 Noon

The 36th season of Tuesday's Music Live begins with a concert by the Duo Beaux Arts at 12:00 noon on September 24th. The concert is free and lasts 30 minutes. Visit for the season schedule.

Caring Prayer

Thursday, September 26, 3:30 PM

Our Caregivers Support Group is evolving to be a group for anyone who wants to pray and needs support. We gather on the fourth Thursday of each month at 3:30 PM in the chapel to pray Evening Prayer together, check in with each other, and provide mutual support. The group remains appropriate for caregivers, and is also now open for anyone who is mourning, lives with chronic illness, has lost their job, or faces any kind of challenge that might be helped by love and prayer. Contact Fr. Eric for more information.

Snack Pack Outreach

Saturday, Sept. 28, 9 AM, Tyler Hall

Snack Pack Outreach is a new ministry at Saint Paul's designed to meet the greatest need of our immediate neighbors. Snack Packs are small bags of food containing some type of protein, cracker, water, etc., to help sustain someone until their next meal.

Two Ways to Help:

  • Donate items for our snack packs, especially protein (example: tuna pouches, Vienna sausages with a pull tab ,meat sticks, meat jerky)
  • Help us pack bags Saturday, Sept. 28

Contact Mandy Harmon or Melissa Friedman for more information.

Ironman Sunday

September 29, 5 AM - 4 PM

If it's September, Ironman Sunday is near! Sign up to serve on Ironman Sunday by contacting Kim Butler.

This will be the 10th year that Saint Paul’s has opened our doors to athletes, families, friends, and spectators from all over the world. We have a fantastic day planned that gives us the opportunity to love our neighbors and serve as the hands of Christ by demonstrating hospitality, support, and encouragement. There are volunteer opportunities throughout the day and a place for each of us to be involved in some way.


Race Day Hospitality in the River Room

5 AM - 11 AM

Grilling on the Riverwalk

12 PM - 2 PM

Cheer Station on the Riverwalk

12 PM - 4 PM

More information here.

Other Announcements

Join the Choir

Basses are especially needed in the Saint Paul's Choir. If you're interested in this ministry please be in touch with Director of Music, Keith Shafer.

Fall Program Guide Available

"A Church for the City -- A Church for You!

Our new Fall Program Guide is available here. A printed copy is available in the Narthex and in the rack outside the parish office. We invite you to browse this publication and look for ways that you can discover or rediscover where you belong, what you are called to do, and how we might grow together in God's Presence.

Gifts to Saint Paul's Church

"All that we are and all that we have comes from God. In gratitude, we honor him by giving of ourselves and our gifts to care for his world."

--Saint Paul’s Vestry Theology of Stewardship

Gifts can be made using the link below, on-line at, or by mail to Saint Paul’s Church, 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA 30901. Thank you for your generosity.

Make a Gift


Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.
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