This Week's Top Stories

September 5 2019
CCPs for the buy-side in securities finance, long thought of as an elusive unicorn, are now coming to fruition in what may be the most important change to the industry in the modern era. The balance sheet benefits to the sell-side of lower RWA are well-known, but equally important is how the buy-side may come to define itself in securities finance once CCPs are more widely used. A guest post from Pirum.

September 4 2019
Finadium has created a database of US hedge fund/prime brokerage relationships based on SEC ADV filings. The database will be available to Finadium clients as part of the standard research subscription, with no additional cost. Here’s what you need to know for access. 
September 4 2019
Total Return Futures are establishing themselves as an alternative to swaps, and at our upcoming Finadium Investors in Securities Lending Conference in Paris on 24 September, we are gathering Crédit Agricole CIB, Eurex, Euronext and Natixis to take a closer look at how this market is evolving as the futures product spreads from Europe to US and Asia, and from sell- to buy-side.

September 3 2019
It’s time to rethink some long-held assumptions in financial markets. Continuously rising US Treasury issuance will have its natural consequences: it’s not possible for funding markets to take on a limitless amount of capacity. What would happen in practical terms if, when and how that capacity is reached?
September 2 2019
In a move that seems to have surprised nobody, the Securities and Exchange Commission fined an ICO research firm with misleading practices. We look back at some of our predictions in early 2018, taking stock of the “Wild East” of cryptocurrencies today, and what’s going on for institutional grade research.