September HMIS Updates
September 3, 2020
Success! Wednesday night's script worked.
This past Wednesday, HMIS was unavailable between 4:30 and 6 pm to run a visibility fix (announced in last week's News Alert). The good news is that it worked, so we can carry on without further action.
Privacy Document Update: NEW ROI and P&P!
HMIS@NCCEH Policies and Procedures (P&P)
This document established the standards for our HMIS practices, including some privacy practices. Our governing body, HMIS@NCCEH Advisory Board, has recently updated this document as part of an annual review. Changes include:
Specific time-limits for Verbal ROIs were removed.
  • Verbal ROIs are valid for 1 year
  • All clients must be presented with a written ROI copy to sign at the first in-person meeting
A new option is allowed for Visibility.
  • Projects may be added to existing Visibility / Sharing groups. This means that under certain circumstances that when new agencies join coordinating groups, they will be allowed to see everything that current projects can see.
  • The Data Center will look at circumstances on a case by case basis based on the number of clients impacted, length of time sharing has existed, etc. This option is not required.

HMIS@NCCEH Release of Information
Our HMIS@NCCEH Advisory Board also revised our Release of Information effective immediately for all new clients and current clients' next annual assessment. Changes include:
The Introduction outlining ways client information may be used has been clarified.
  • We reinforced data use principles with language like information may be used "to benefit you directly or indirectly."
  • The Privacy Notice is named to clarify where Uses and Disclosures like Serious threat to health and safety and Research are listed.
Sections 2 and 3 have been updated to include a client's past data.
  • Due to the P&P changes and in recognition of existing Privacy Notice language that changes to privacy practices may occur without notice, the ROI now references historical data.
  • The list describing data elements in Sections 2 and 3 now include references to the client's "History of housing, homelessness, and services provided to you."
Print new Releases of Information
Since the ROI has been updated, make sure to print new copies!

Changes clarify that how client data may be used, how sharing can include services previously provided, and that further details can be found in the Privacy Notice.
This September, all HMIS@NCCEH Licensed Users will have 4 weeks to review Privacy materials and pass a Quiz. Everyone active on Aug 24th must complete this requirement.

New Staff or HMIS Users?
Agency Administrators should request HMIS licenses for New Users using the HMIS License Request Form. New Users will then receive detailed instructions for how to complete HMIS Training.
Mark you calendars for upcoming Trainings!
Your next HMIS Users Meetings
Your next HMIS Users Meeting will review HMIS updates, Federal Reporting, and field your questions. Join this discussion and learning session for your CoC!

System Updates - Annual Privacy Training, Privacy Document updates
How Can We Help - Reviewing Data for LSA, ESG-CV CAPER updates
What's Next - Calendar and upcoming reporting deadlines

Dates & Links
Computer screen with comment boxes
Coordinated Entry Data Elements Training 9/23
New HMIS Data Elements are coming to our site October 1st. Get ready to see these new elements in HMIS Assessments and Paper Forms with this Live Demo Training. We will show you how and when to use Current Living Situation (4.12), CE Assessment (4.19), and CE Event (4.20) in your coordinated entry projects and beyond!

Who should attend? All are welcome! However, you must attend or watch the recording if you are:
  • All Street Outreach project users (first half only!)
  • HMIS Users managing CE Projects in NC Balance of State and Orange CoCs (Durham has a little more time to plan)

When? Wednesday, September 23rd from 11 am - 12 pm
New Paper Assessment forms soon!
Due to the CE Data Element changes, all HMIS@NCCEH paper forms will be updated by the end of September. Don't print more than a couple week's worth at a time! New PDFs will be posted to our Administrative page and also the State ESG Materials page.
Remember, Agency Admins are expected to attend/review the HMIS Users Meeting recording to stay up to date with HMIS tools and reporting. A recording will be posted later on the page along with slides for reference. But, we hope to see you there!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |