HMIS@NCCEH Policies and Procedures (P&P)
This document established the standards for our HMIS practices, including some privacy practices. Our governing body, HMIS@NCCEH Advisory Board, has recently updated this document as part of an annual review. Changes include:
Specific time-limits for Verbal ROIs were removed.
- Verbal ROIs are valid for 1 year
- All clients must be presented with a written ROI copy to sign at the first in-person meeting
A new option is allowed for Visibility.
- Projects may be added to existing Visibility / Sharing groups. This means that under certain circumstances that when new agencies join coordinating groups, they will be allowed to see everything that current projects can see.
- The Data Center will look at circumstances on a case by case basis based on the number of clients impacted, length of time sharing has existed, etc. This option is not required.
HMIS@NCCEH Release of Information
Our HMIS@NCCEH Advisory Board also revised our Release of Information effective immediately for all new clients and current clients' next annual assessment. Changes include:
The Introduction outlining ways client information may be used has been clarified.
- We reinforced data use principles with language like information may be used "to benefit you directly or indirectly."
- The Privacy Notice is named to clarify where Uses and Disclosures like Serious threat to health and safety and Research are listed.
Sections 2 and 3 have been updated to include a client's past data.
- Due to the P&P changes and in recognition of existing Privacy Notice language that changes to privacy practices may occur without notice, the ROI now references historical data.
- The list describing data elements in Sections 2 and 3 now include references to the client's "History of housing, homelessness, and services provided to you."