As your HMIS Lead Agency, we are required by HUD to keep everyone’s HMIS knowledge up to date. To do this, our Policies dictate that everyone renew and update their knowledge on the privacy requirements in HMIS. This is a very simple process and can be completed in two steps! It will require everyone to rewatch the training video on HMIS Privacy and then take the quiz. The two steps are outlined below with their links:
All said and done, the process should take under an hour!
The Data Center will get notification once the quiz is complete and check you off our list. The quiz is available starting today, Tuesday, September 1 and will be due Tuesday, September 29th. If you don’t complete the quiz within the time frame, your HMIS License will be inactivated. It can be reactivated, for most users, once we receive your completed privacy quiz.
If there are any questions or concerns please contact the Data Center at hmis@ncceh.org or 919-410-6997. We are still working remotely, so please leave a message and we will get back with you as soon as we can.
Thanks and happy watching!
The Data Center