The Division of Critical Care Medicine and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Cincinnati Children’s
November 2021 Newsletter
Volume 22, Issue 5
Kindervelt's 50th Jubilee
Celebrating 50 years of Making a Difference
November 12, 2021
Link also provides a way to purchase raffle tickets and make donations in honor of the 50th Jubilee.
It’s Jubilee time!! The Fall Event Committee has been hard at work preparing for this historic event. Come one, come all…it’s sure to be a fun evening. Simply register or donate by clicking this link or scanning the code. Plenty of details regarding the evening in this issue, so check it out and join us. Bring a friend too!
The tours of the new Critical Care Building were wonderful. We appreciate the Development Department leading the tours and giving us the opportunity to see the amazing facility. Thanks also to Drs. Stalets and Dewan who were on hand to explain many of the exciting things that will be available in the PICU area. Every minute we put into fundraising for CCHMC is time well spent, especially knowing, and now seeing firsthand, how important our contribution is to their needs. Don’t ever forget that every bit of time a Kindervelt member gives is making a true difference in many lives; thank you for that!
PLENTY happening this month, so take some time to absorb it all in this edition.
See you at the Fall Event: 50th Jubilee, to celebrate! Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family.
Katrina Smith
Kindervelt City President
“Together, We Are Family”
By - Nancy Groves VanBuskirk
If you watched the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Critical Care Building, you couldn’t help but notice how big a role “togetherness” played in the creation of the new building. Input came from not only the hospital staff, but from the families of patients, and the community. Support came from the many donors, including Kindervelt, and the area civic leaders.
In a thank you letter for Kindervelt’s May gift of $410,000 for the new Critical Care Building and the PICU, Michael Fisher President and CEO of CCHMC wrote:
“Thank you for choosing to invest in our exciting new Critical Care Building and create the Kindervelt Endowed Chair for Critical Medicine to provide and coordinate care for our pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Like most any family, the Cincinnati Children’s family takes care of one another. I am grateful for that. And I am especially grateful for Kindervelt’s commitment to that idea. Our patients, colleagues, and community all benefit.
Our new building, and the chair position, will serve kids and families for generations to come. Thanks for making that possible.”
Mark Jahnke, Chair, Cincinnati Children’s Board of Trustees wrote this thank you letter to Kindervelt:
On behalf of the Board, our team and all those we serve, thank you.
I am grateful for our special partnership with Kindervelt and I am proud of all the good we do together. Kindervelt’s latest gift is no exception. An investment in our Critical Care Building and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is an investment in our future. It is a big project that will result in big impact. Thank you for being a part of this important work. Most of all, thank you for caring for our kids and families with such passion and commitment.”
Over our fifty years we have received many such letters from past CCHMC Presidents and CEOs, Board of Trustee Chairs, and the many doctors and division chairs for the commitments we have supported. Our collaborative spirit has definitely made us better together, and together, we can change the outcome, and together we can make a difference.
Preventing Cardiac Arrests in Critically Ill Children
Maya Dewan, MD MPH and Lindsey Moore RN
The main focus of care in the PICU is to optimize care of critically ill children and prevent further deterioration which may result in a cardiac arrest or a child’s heart stopping. Cardiac arrests in the PICU have traditionally been thought of as unpreventable events. This has resulted in traditional pediatric cardiac arrest research focusing on how to improve the quality of CPR. While here at Cincinnati Children’s PICU, we continue to train our code team for optimal CPR, we have adopted the mantra that “NO CPR is better than GOOD CPR”. Based on this, we have focused on preventing CPR in the PICU.
How do you prevent cardiac arrests in very sick children? The answer comes from work done at Cincinnati Children’s outside the intensive care units on improving situation awareness. Situation awareness can be defined as “knowing what is happening around me.” . . . . . . . .
New Critical Care Building Tours
Many were able to take advantage of the new Critical Care building tours on October 8th. We have a gallery of some photos, check it out HERE.
KV #16 Nine (9) members of our group were able to tour the new building on Friday, October 8th, and experience first-hand how impressive and beautiful it is! Be sure to take the tour the next time it's offered!
November 5th - KV #16 Bunco Party at Lakeridge Hall, 7 - 9:30pm
November 6th - Kindervelt Krafts, Seton High School, 10 - 3pm
November 6th - Release Party for Listerman's Kindervelt IPA, 2-5pm Listerman Brewery
November 12th - Kindervelt Fall Event: 50th Jubilee, 6:30 - 10:30pm
December 4th & 5th - Kindervelt Krafts, Findlay Market
March 5th - "Let the Good Times Bowl" - Stone Lanes
May 18th - Kindervelt's Annual Meeting - Kenwood Country Club
Join Kindervelt #16
and Listermann Brewery
Listermann Brewery and KV #16 are having a Release Day for the Kindervelt IPA beer.
10% of the proceeds will go to Kindervelt.
1621 Dana Ave.
Saturday, November 6th, 2 - 5pm
Wagon of Toys Raffle
Just a few more days to get your chances! Imagine the Holiday shopping that could be done as the winner of this awesome raffle!
“Radio Flyer Wagon Full of Toys.”
Drawing held at the KV Krafts at Seton High School Saturday, November 6th.
Chances are $5 each, 5 for $20. For more information, please contact Bonnie Hueneman at 513-235-1122 or bonniehueneman@gmail.com.
50th Jubilee Raffles
Winners will be drawn at Kindervelt's 50th Jubilee, Friday, November 12th at the Jewish Community Center. Need not be present to win but love it if you were!
Beautiful, one of a kind 14K gold Kindervelt pendant with 10 sparkling emeralds. Custom made by Larry Hug of Hug Jewelers.
Wine tasting for 24 at Neal's Design Remodel Showroom. You and your guests will sample white and red wines from around the world, paired with light hors d'oeuvres.
“Wagon Full of Cheer.” Stock your bar with a large selection of assorted spirits, and wine. Also included will be a cheese board set with the wines and fixings for the liquor (cherries, olives, lime juice, grenadine, margarita salt, bitters).
Saturday, November 6 - Volunteers Needed
Seton High School
3901 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati 45205
We're looking for lots of Kindervelt members and their family and friends to help us with our annual Kindervelt Kraft Show. Please consider signing up for a shift or more!!
KV #3 It's a November full of Kindervelt events for KV #3! Our annual "Make It - Bake It - Fake It" auction is Thursday, November 11th, followed the next evening by the KV Fall Event: 50th Jubilee. We look forward to celebrating this milestone with members of the other fabulous KV groups and city-wide members. KV #3 is also busy helping plan the city wide bowling event for March and are in the process of soliciting sponsors and silent auction donations. The ongoing sale of member-made goodies each month continues to increase our bank account and waistlines!
KV #8 welcomes new members Julie Anglim, Maggie Schweitzer, Amy Getgey, Jennifer Streets, Linda Linker, Christy Brown and Angela Morrow.
KV #16 Is hoping that Mary Volker is recuperating from her shoulder surgery and will be able to enjoy the Fall weather and some outdoor festivities.
KV #30 will once again be baking for the holidays. There will be a limit of 30 orders. More information will be included in the December newsletter.
KV #68 would like to WELCOME our two new members Debbie Eilerman and Sheryl Meister. We are so happy to have them.
KV #77 welcomes back Judy Williams. We are thrilled to have you back!
KV #78 welcomes Karen King who has jumped right in with all our crafting. We also wish her a speedy recovery from hand surgery.
KV #78 wishes our member Mary Beth Young, the Fall Event Chair, good luck in the final few weeks of preparation for the 50th Jubilee. It’s sure to be a fantastic event and we appreciate all she does(which is A LOT) for our group and citywide!
KV #19 raised over $600 at our Open House at Interiors Plus in Mason. We enjoyed some wine, eating the treats and shopping till we dropped. In addition to the % of sales donated by Interiors Plus, they also provided a beautiful flower arrangement for a raffle. The lucky winner was Kim Lucken - a fellow Kindervelter who came to support our fundraiser. Congratulations to Kim!
November 1st - Eva Bruhn Nakos #30
November 2nd - Barbara Dahl #29
November 3rd - Pat Wahl #68
November 6th - Carol Zacher #77
November 8th - Gale McLaughlin #22
November 15th - Mary Jo Hoffman #77
November 20th - Suzanne Pavlakis #30
November 26th - Cathy Moore #8
November 26th - Debbie Clerc #22
November 30th - Stephanie Hass #8
KV #8 - would like to congratulate Brad Bevington as the “Basket of Cheer” raffle winner. We would also like to thank all those who contributed to the raffle.
KV #16 A very special Congratulations to Anna and Kevin Davis on the birth of their beautiful baby girl - Myla Marie Davis born on 10/28, 12:30 am, 6 lbs., 8 oz., 19.5 in. long! This is so exciting - we're usually celebrating the birth of grandbabies and now we have new members just starting their families. Congratulations - we're all so excited for you and your firstborn!
KV #16 Sends congratulations to Andrea Beaver on her recent engagement to Drew Violette and for the happy couple nothing but love and enjoyment in planning a beautiful May wedding, 2022!
KV #77 Sends congratulations to April Rainey on the birth of her granddaughter.
KV #78 Congratulates Terri Dahlem on the birth of her grandson, Logan Tucker Wallace, October 22nd.
KV #30 is saddened by the loss of Mary Diane Simon a long time member of Kindervelt. Donations to Kindervelt will be made in memory of Mary Diane and Eugene Carlson, husband of member JoAnn Carlson.
KV #16 Sends a huge thank you to the members who volunteered at the Kroger Wellness event on a very hot and humid recent Saturday in downtown Cincinnati, the Western & Southern Tennis Tournament and the Mum Sale at College Hill Coffee Company on 10/25. We had fun while raising funds for CCHMC! Thank you everyone!
KV #8 wishes to thank Char McBrayer, Kristin Gettins and Shelly O'Neil for a fun and successful Road Rally event.
KV #68 would like to thank Rita Finley for hosting our October meeting at her house and for all the delicious treats.
KV #68 sends a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Bonnie Hueneman for stepping up to be the “KV Krafts Chair Elect for 2022.”
KV #77 sends a big thank you to Jill Tapp for her donation to their group!
Thank You to Our
50th Jubilee Sponsors
Emerald Sponsor ...................................Sapphire Sponsor
Young Family Foundation.................................. Neil & Katrina Smith
Silver Sponsor
Crystal Sponsor
Coldwell Banker - Stephanie Janssen, Realtor
Bob & Jen Castellini
Melanie Gallagher
Buffie & Eppa Rixey
Bob & Angie Buechner
The Seven Hills Group - Morgan Stanley
Interested in supporting us? Sponsor information on our website, HERE.
Kindervelt | 513-636-0293 | 3333 Burnet Ave, MLC 9002, Cincinnati, Oh 45229