Energy Oilers Baseball vs Northside @ 1198 Quitman St. 77009 |
ACT In-School Exam for 11th Graders
Wednesday |
PTO Chick-fil-a
Cohort 6 Parent Meeting @ 1808 Sampson St.
Cohort 1 Course Selection |
InvenTeam Breakfast Taco Fundraiser |
Energy's Day of Service - Block Walk at 8:30am at New Building
April 10th
April 11th
College Night @ 6pm
April 12th
English II STAAR EOC NACAC National College Fair |
April 14th
April 18th - 21st
April 21st
April 23rd - 27th
Campus Laptop Check
April 24th
SAT In-School Exam for 11th Graders
April 25th
Administrative Professionals Day
IPAA Weatherford Field Trip
April 26th
Energy Oilers Baseball Game vs Spring, 7pm @ 2500 S Loop 77302
April 27th
PTO Social and Auction
April 28th
C-Stem Competition
Senior Prom -
8 pm to 12 am
5430 Westheimer Rd. 77056
May 18 - 19th
UIL Robotics Tournament at Austin Convention Center
Attention, students! Energy's National Honor Society has partnered with the Travis Manion Foundation - once again - and is looking for volunteers for its Spring Service Project. These projects will allow the school to establish a close relationship with the Third Ward community surrounding the new campus while teaching students about leadership and service. There will be four major events held on April 7th, 21st, and 22nd. On April 7th, there are two choices for service: Character and Leadership Training or a block walk. The Character and Leadership Training takes place in Jacinto City, where volunteers learn to improve their leadership skills and earn up to seven hours of community service. Also on April 7th, volunteers will be visiting the neighborhood around Energy's new campus to complete service projects in the community. Groups of three (two students and one adult) will be trained on how to talk to people on a block walk. April 21st is Energy's Day of Service, during which volunteers will weed, plant, and harvest on the 3rd ward community garden, continue their service projects from April 7th, and have a STEM Showcase. Lastly, on April 22nd, Ms. Mein will take sixty volunteers from Energy and participate in Earth Day Houston, a zero-waste event.
Please be mindful that you will have to provide your own transportation to downtown. If you're interested in any of these projects, sign up here: http://bit.ly/signupoplegacy. Please contact Ms. DeLaRosa if you have any questions.
We hope to see you there!
On Saturday, April 7th, Energy student leaders will participate in the Character and Leadership training course aboard the Battleship Texas, a program developed by the Travis Manion Foundation. TMF's character and leadership training implores veterans and survivors to inspire young adults to live with character, develop their leadership skills, and activates them to serve their communities in honor of fallen heroes. The curriculum hopes to bring a more in-depth experiential learning format to students. This mentorship program can range from one-day event. TMF veteran Ambassadors work with small group of students to explore what it means to live a life of character and introduce an expanded array of character strengths. During this training, students will learn what type of value and visions TMF's holds. In addition, students and veterans discussing what character means and how one can use their character to contribute to their community. Overall, the goal of this program is to impart the necessary tools and training to young adult to help them build and foster a better character.
On Tuesday, March 27th, Ms. Myers and three of Energy's leading students, Amal Abuzaiter, Sheffiyat Salawu, and Elizabeth Ramos, attended the Women with Energy Summit at the Junior League of Houston. This event was presented by the Offshore Energy Center (OEC) Society, which represents the Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig Museum and Education Center. The OEC Society aims to raise public awareness for the energy and offshore industries through gatherings like the Women with Energy Summit. The Women with Energy Summit offers a platform for female industry leaders to share experiences and practices for individual success and leadership. Not only did Energy students hear from these inspiring figures, but they also networked with women across the industry. This event opens communication for professional development and leadership. We would like to give a special thanks to the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) for providing this opportunity to our Energy students.
Last week, Mr. McMillan began the Power of Play project with his Game Design class. The goal of this project is to create a game similar to that of Dungeons and Dragons.
Students will select a genre for their game and then use their knowledge of archetypes to create character cards that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each player. Additionally, there will be one game master in every game that will give participants quests or missions in order to successfully complete the game. This project will allow students to enhance their capacity for creativity and help them refine higher-learning techniques.
Last week, Ms. Sundrani's Pre-Calculus class kicked off their new PBL, Spin Me Right Round. The project is propelled by the driving question, "How can we as mathematicians design and build a working Ferris wheel?" Students will study applications of trigonometric functions, modeling using equations, and communications of mathematics. The final product for this project is for students to develop a functional amusement park ride that travels along a circular path. Groups of four have each chosen their own unique amusement park ride that has similar fundamentals of a Ferris wheel. The rides will be collectively grouped to form complete amusement parks, and the Energy community will have the opportunity to vote on the best one.
On Monday, March 28th, and Tuesday, March 29th, juniors from the Bazinga cohort participated in a field trip at the Sea Star Base Galveston, where they rode the BaySmart Express through the Intracoastal Waterway and Galveston Bay. The Sea Star Base Galveston is a non-profit organization and a high-adventure marine and maritime destination. It offers aquatic education programs that instill lifetime leadership, teamwork skills and independence in body, mind, and spirit (Sea Star Base Galveston, 2018). During the trip, students learned about maritime technology and boat terminology, as well as how mariners use the fundamental nautical chart to navigate bodies of water. Afterward, students studied diverse shorebirds and their importance to the North and South Deer Island ecosystem. At the Intracoastal Waterway, students viewed different types of ships, such as pilot boats, oil tankers, barges, ferries, and the Hamburg Süd MONTE VERDE container vessel (one of largest ships to visit the Port of Houston). After visiting the BaySmart Express, students toured different sailboats such as La Isla, Salsa 2, and the sailboat of a famous World War II hero's son, James Doolittle Jr. Finally, students handled oysters, a keystone species, which is currently making a recovery with help from restoration projects. Thank you to the Moody Foundation for sponsoring the Bazinga Cohort's BaySmart Express field trip and to the Sea Star crew, Captain Cassidy, Captain Margaret, Captain Janota, and Captain David, for allowing our students to enjoy such an amazing opportunity!
On Thursday, March 29th, Becca Cook visited Energy Institute to speak about Ethics for Eating to the Bazinga Squad Cohort as their entry event. The Ethics for Eating presentation is part of the
Ethical Choices Program (ECP), which informs high school and college students about the importance and responsibility of their food choices through non-judgmental, open dialogue. They offer free presentations to classrooms around the United States, Canada, and even Australia, discussing agricultural systems and healthy lifestyles that prevent disease while preserving and protecting our wildlife. The program conducts activities, plays videos, and asks open-ended questions about three main discussion points: health, environment, and animals.
The Health discussion point uses medical research linking American diets to diseases and how plant-based diets are proven to improve human life. The Environment aspect covers how current agricultural methods pollute the Earth through animal by-products and fertilizers, and how these methods deplete natural resources and contribute to global warming. Finally, the Animal aspect discusses how "factory farms" are cruel to animals, as they are placed in crowded areas and separate offspring from their parents.
Through each of the presentations, ECP centers the idea of environmental impacts that surround the students' choices. The program aims to encourage the classroom to make important decisions that could change the future's agricultural systems.
April is full of college activities and events! The juniors kick us off with ACT testing tomorrow. Please make sure to arrive on-time. Once the test starts, nobody else can start testing.
Families of all grade levels are invited to join us on April 11th for College Night. There are various sessions to choose from such as Scholarships and Financial Aid, Essay Writing, Application Basics, and more. Go to http://www.tinyurl.com/EIHSCollegeNight to sign up.
On the following day, April 12th, all juniors will attend the NACAC College Fair at NRG Stadium. Students need to dress professionally and be prepared to speak to college representatives. Visit the NACAC College Fair Website for a list of schools that will be in attendance. We recommend that students start deciding which schools they would like to visit, researching those schools online, and preparing some questions for the representatives. The questions should be ones that could not be answered by visiting the school's website.
Finally, on April 24th the juniors will take the SAT. Good luck juniors!
This week's spotlight goes to Ms. Rebecca De La Rosa! She teaches AP English Literature and is the sponsor of the EIHS National Honor Society. Ms. De La Rosa graduated from the University of Houston, receiving a bachelor's in English and a master's in Education. She has taught students for nineteen years, including four years at Energy. She loves teaching the students here because they take responsibility for their education and produce creative deliverables. Outside of Energy, she teaches at Houston Community College as a professor of Integrated Reading and Writing. She is a huge Texans fan, loves sandwiches, and she enjoys going out to eat with her friends and watching reality shows. Ms. De La Rosa, we appreciate your hard work at Energy and wish you the best in everything.
Words of Wisdom from Ms. De La Rosa:
"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." - Conan O'Brien
Last week, members of the Art Car Club continued working on the Noble Energy sponsored art car. In addition to their regular after-school meetings, students worked on the car all day Friday and Saturday in preparation for the fast-approaching
2018 Houston Art Car Parade. The club has been carving giant tentacles for their "electric octopus" out of styrofoam and mounting the tentacle segments to the car. On Saturday, Houston-based art-car artist and mentor Julian Luna gave a welding demonstration and guided students through the process of securely mounting the head of the octopus on top of the car. Additionally, students began planning for the electrical components that will eventually illuminate suction cups along the underside of each tentacle. With less than two weeks left to finish the car, the Art Car Club still has many things to do, but they look forward to showcasing the final product at the parade on April 14th.
Friday, April 27th
The Parent-Teacher Social & Auction is just one month away! Go to the Auction website to view items and purchase your tickets to the event. Even if you can not attend the actual event, bidding is available to our entire community online for most items.
PTO is looking for parents interested in serving on the
PTO 2018 - 2019 Executive Board,
for details or to volunteer, please contact Jennie Biggs,
and join us for our next
PTO General Meeting, Wednesday, April 18th, 7:00 pm.
The student-run fellowship starts with a FREE, week-long, residential intensive program at Rice University from June 10th-16th. All rising sophomore, juniors, and seniors in high school in the Houston area are welcome to apply! Applications close on April 20th at 11:59PM. The Institute of Engagement seeks to help young people take responsible ownership of their Houston. Curated by young, for the young, the Institute of Engagement is a year-long civic fellowship for Greater Houston Area high school students.
Twenty fellows will explore the present and past civic framework of their communities, engage in project management workshops, and ultimately lead their own community based project.