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April 29 , 2020

Please send us photos of your mother for our special Mother's Day recognition on Sunday, May 10, 2020. You may send them to [email protected] or [email protected]. Scroll down for more details.

Rector's Ramblings

Facts, feelings, and faith are creating quite the stew these days.  They've been playing on each other and woven together for as long as there have been human beings of course, but now and again they really go at it. As we all try to make sense of the days we're living in, I would say we've definitely seen the "three F's" combining and contrasting in powerful ways. Sometimes it's helpful, and sometimes it seems to add to the confusion and the anxiety. 


Worship This Week
Please join us on the Christ Church Facebook page here, or on our YouTube page here, this coming Sunday for worship at 9:15 am. We will be celebrating a musical Morning Prayer from the church and invite you to watch the service with us live.

(We had some internet connectivity issues this past Sunday, which caused the Facebook service to cut out several times and did not allow the service to stream
to either YouTube or the website. We believe we have the issue resolved and will be back up this week. If you experience difficulty while watching the worship 
service live at 9:15 am, it will be available for viewing later in the day.)
Evening Prayer
If you enjoy hearing Evening Prayer read, please look for it at 5:00 pm on the Christ Church Facebook page. The bulletin for evening prayer can be found here.
Daily Morning Prayer, Wherever You Are
Start your day and lift your spirits each morning by reading Morning Prayer. If you're at home and have your prayer book handy, find a quiet spot, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and select Morning Prayer I (BCP page 37) or Morning Prayer II (BCP page 75) and begin. If you're away from home, you can find the Book of Common Prayer at and the Scripture and Collects of the Day at


Bishop's Eastertide Bible Study
Bishop Benhase is leading a diocesan-wide Bible Study focusing on the Letter to the Philippians during Eastertide. It is available on both the Diocese's Facebook page and YouTube channel each Wednesday at 11:00 am. Each session will be pre-recorded, so there will not be an opportunity to ask questions in real time, but the Bishop encourages folks to ask questions on the Diocese's Facebook page and he will respond to them following each session. Below is the schedule. the materials are available here. Please join us! 
April 29 - Our Call to Imitate Christ's Humility (2:1-11) 
We Are Lights Shining in the World (2:12-18) 
Paul's Fellow Laborers (2:19-30) 
May 6 - Nothing in the Law Can Save Us (3:1-11) 
Pressing Towards the Goal, Which is Christ (3:12-4:1) 
May 13 - Closing Exhortations (4:2-9) 
Acknowledgment of the Philippians' Gift (4:10-20) 
Benediction (4:21-23) 
Forward Day by Day
If you are a regular reader of the Forward Day by Day devotionals that are typically available in the Christ Church office and would like to continue to have access to them, please contact Glenn Queener at [email protected]. Glenn would like to have your name and street address, so he can send you copies of the booklets. You can also find the devotionals online here.
Adult Sunday Class Zooming Along
The Adult Sunday Class, led by the Rev. Bob Brown has moved to Mondays, at 11:00 am, via Zoom. If you'd like to join the group, you can find it here:  The meeting ID is: 430 040 512  

The Adult class has begun a new study entitled Stories based on a book by Will Willimon who is the Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry and Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Duke University Divinity School in Durham, North Carolina. 
For questions about where to get the book or how to connect with Zoom, please contact Bob at [email protected].
Wednesday Men's Study Group Meeting Remotely
The Men's Study Group that meets on Wednesdays, at 10:30 am, is meeting remotely using Zoom. They are currently studying, Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, by David Quammen. If you'd like to join the group , please contact Te Turner at [email protected] .
Women's Book Study
The Women's Book Study Group has begun meeting remotely, via Zoom, on Thursdays, at 1:00 pm. The book they're reading is Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All by Karen Ehman.  The book is available at Christian book stores and on Amazon. Please contact Mtr. Ashton at [email protected] if you'd like to join the group and for more information about meeting using Zoom.
EC101 continues to meet remotely, via Zoom, on Thursdays, at 5:30 pm. If you'd like to know more about the class, or just want to get more information about the Episcopal Church, please contact Mtr. Becky at  [email protected]
 Children and Youth

Youth and Children's Activities

All in-person classes and activities for children and youth at Christ Church are cancelled until further notice. Mtr. Katie is communicating with our families through emails (click here for the latest) and on the Chris t Church Families Facebook page here . If you need to get i n touch with Mtr. Katie, please contact her at [email protected].

Mtr. Katie's suggested devotions for youth can be found at . These  daily devotions are geared towards teenagers - put together by youth ministers. You can even sign up to have the devotion emailed to you daily.
Parents Zoom Check-In - Thursday April 30 at 7:00 pm

Parents, please join us as we gather online to share with each other how we've have been coping through these last several weeks. We will begin with prayer and a topic to check in on. It will be casual and we are hoping for it to be more engaging than lecture. So grab your favorite beverage, let the kids play and let's support one another in this time.

To get Zoom Meeting information for this check-in, please contact Mtr. Katie at [email protected].

Graduate Recognition Sunday
On Sunday May 17, we will be recognizing our graduating high school seniors and college students during our 9:15 am online worship service. If your child or grandchild will be a 2020 graduate, please contact Julie Hancock at  [email protected] with the name of your graduate and information about where he or she went to high school or college and at any post-graduation plans. We would also like a photo of your graduate, to share with the parish. Please send in your information to Julie by Wednesday, May 13, 2020.
EYCS College Scholarship Applications Open
Applications for the next round of college scholarships from Episcopal Youth and Children's Services for college students is now open! EYCS began as an orphanage for girls in Savannah in the early 1800's and has morphed an organization supporting children and youth in our diocese by awarding scholarships for summer camp programs at Honey Creek and college scholarships. 
  1. You may apply by going to and selecting the Educational Scholarships tab at the top of the page. 
  2. Completed applications should be submitted and/or postmarked by May 31, 2020.
  3. All applicants must be Episcopalian, 22 years of age or under, and legal residents of and members in good standing within the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.  Funds are only available for undergraduate (not graduate) study and are awarded based on family need. 
  4. Applicant must be, or intend to become, a full-time undergraduate student taking and passing at least 12 credit hours per grading period.  
  5. Education scholarships are approved for one school year only.  Applicants may reapply in successive years (for a maximum of 4 years).
Christ Church Families on Facebook
Families! Please join the Christ Church Families Facebook group to keep up with all the latest events and activities. Find us on Facebook here !


and Outreach

The Backpack Buddies Update

The Backpack Buddies ministry continues to go full speed ahead, despite the additional (and important) health and safety restrictions for our assembly lines, complex delivery schedules and increasing food shortages. By the time this week's deliveries are done, we will have given away 2482 bags of food to Glynn County kids during the month of April. That's more than 11,000 pounds of food! Thank you to our Backpack Buddy angels and donors! Well done!
We do have a couple of urgent needs for Backpack Buddies assembly line: paper grocery bags, and shelf-stable proteins like Vienna sausages, cans of Beanee Weenees and Raviolios, and plastic jars of peanut butter. If you can spare a few paper bags and/or pick up some of the protein items the next time you're in the grocery store, we would be very grateful. All items may be dropped off on the front porch at the Christ Church Parish House.

If you would like to help the Backpack Buddies ministry with a monetary donation, it would be greatly appreciated. You can donate by check (just mail it to Christ Church, at 6329 Frederica Road St. Simons Island, GA 31522 - check memo, Backpack Buddies) or give online here (choose Backpack Program). We are now feeding nearly 300 additional children per week, so every cent will be put to good use!

For more information about the Backpack Buddies program, please contact Susan Shipman at [email protected].
Recognizing Our Street Beat Graduates
Street Beat is a Safe Harbor program that supports homeless teens in Glynn County. Christ Church ministers to these youth through our hunger outreach program. We are now collecting cards and donations for gift cards for three Street Beat graduates, Shakiya, Isreal and Taliyah, who will soon graduate from high school. Two of the young ladies will be joining the military and the other will be going to college. You may congratulate these young women by dropping off signed graduation cards and contributions towards gift cards in the basket on the front porch of the Christ Church Parish House, by May 25. Please contact Tony Kreimborg at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Helping the Community in Times of Need
We invite all parishioners to support community relief efforts as they are able. 
Two local non-profits (there are others) that will be doing good works to address this current crisis include: 

FaithWorks - many of you know FaithWorks and their many outreaches, from The Well, to Sparrows Nest and much more.

Firebox - a relief organization here in Glynn County, started by the folks as Southern Soul to support restaurant workers in need. Many restaurant workers have been out of work for a while, with no income for themselves or their families.
The Beauty of Easter Continues
Now that we are in the Season of Easter, beautiful flowers on the doors at St. Ignatius remind us of our joy in knowing that Christ is Risen and give us hope for the future. 

We Need Your Photos!
Mother's Day is less than two weeks away, and this year, we'd like to honor our mothers with a special musical tribute during our online morning worship service, at 9:15 am, on Sunday,  May 10, 2020. 

What we would like to do is show photos of all of our beautiful mothers and the women who have been like mothers to us. If you have photos that you would like to share, please send them to either Fr. Tom at [email protected] or to Julie Hancock at  [email protected], by Thursday, May 7, and we will include your mother in a special Mother's Day visual presentation. If possible, please share your mother's name with your submitted photos. (Names will not be shown during the visual presentation, but will be listed in the service bulletin, for which you will receive an email link.)

We're also missing seeing all your dear faces and would love to see how you're faring at home, as you practice social distancing. If you've got photos of yourself or your family members at home that you'd be willing to share, please send them to Julie at  [email protected]. We will, in turn, share them with all of the congregation on a Sunday in the near future, so that we can all "see" each other again!

Virtual Coffee Hour - 10:30 am 
After Sunday Worship, why don't you drop by the Christ Church Virtual Coffee Hour at 10:30 am and see who's there. Stay and chat for a bit with some of the other friendly folks you haven't seen in a while!  It's easy enough to do from your laptop, tablet or phone. Just go to  Zoom Meetings at: 

Meeting ID: 792 428 337
Password: 005760

 See you on Sunday!
Stay Informed

A Message from Bishop-Elect Frank Logue
By now you may have heard that, because of concerns about the coronavirus, in-person attendance at my ordination and consecration as your bishop will be limited to no more than 30 people total. In light of this great disappointment, I wanted to speak briefly to you, the people of the Diocese of Georgia. I am deeply grieved by the loss of our gathering in person for this important occasion in our common life. And yet, at the same time, I find myself oddly at peace about it. I would've thought that my fondest wish would be for a large ordination liturgy in which we all celebrate in the same room. But, given the current circumstances, it has become clear to me that my fondest wish is that the vulnerable among us stay safe and well.
There have been times that I have not been able to be present for someone's ordination as a deacon or priest, due to an unavoidable conflict. I write to the person to let her or him know that when the gathered community is asked if they support this person in their ministry the chorus of voices shouting "We Will!" is not limited to those in attendance, and includes many others who have supported them up to that point and will do so after. I let them know that although I cannot give a hearty "We will!" in person, I will be present in spirit and adding my voice in prayer. In the case of the May 30 ordination and consecration, we will make this spiritual connection tangible through the live stream of the event so that you can join in from home. No, it is not the same, but Jesus taught us to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Worshiping in this way makes that love all the more real.
During the walkabouts leading up to the bishop election, I found myself being asked the question why it is that I feel called to serve you as your bishop. And an answer I said one evening is that I love the Diocese of Georgia, its people and its churches. I added that I love my wife, I love Mexican food and I love walking on the beach. I just don't mean the same thing when I say love in each of those cases. But when I say that I love Diocese of Georgia, it is not only because I have seen the people of this diocese on their best days, though I have enjoyed some wonderfully good days while serving among you.  We have enjoyed some amazing times. But when I say I love this Diocese, it is because my work as your Canon to the Ordinary has placed me with people and congregations on some of your worst and hardest days. And on your worst days, the love of God shines through the brightest. In floods and hurricanes, in schism and more, you rise to the occasion in ways that have given me hope. On the worst days, you are pretty awesome.
May 30, while different than we had planned or hoped for, is going to be not our worst, but one of our best days. Not because I will become the 11th Bishop of Georgia, but because we will protect the vulnerable among us, even as we use technology to worship together. I felt your very real support when serving as a church planter in Kingsland. I have felt that support as Canon to the Ordinary. I have experienced your support all the more powerfully as I have traveled to Diocese since November's election. There is nothing that can diminish the joy and light I feel in becoming your Bishop. I look forward to following Jesus together for many years to come.
We are going to let the Holy Spirit work through us to do more than we can ask for or imagine, and it is going to be amazing.
So while I wish we could gather in person for my ordination, I am counting on us gathering in spirit and online, as we begin this new part of our journey together.
- The Rev. Canon Frank Logue, Bishop-Elect
Giving Made Easy

You may use the CCF website to make pledges, donations and payments for some activities. Just select "Giving" at the top of the CCF homepage. This brings you to the pay portal. The process is fast and easy and allows you to pay by credit or debit card or by electronic bank transfer. You may change or add new payment methods at any time. Contact: Stan Kyker, CCF financial administrator at 912-638-8683.

Pastoral Care and Prayer List

Pastoral Care 

Your pastoral care team is here for you! If you have a pastoral concern, a blessing you'd like to share, want to arrange a hospital or home visit, and/or receive Holy Communion, please contact Mother Ashton Williston at 912-638-8683 or [email protected].

Prayer List

To amend our prayer list or to update the church on the condition of your loved one, please email Mtr. Ashton Williston at [email protected]  or call the church office at 912-638-8683.

Nancy  Acree
Bob Baker
Tory Braden
Judy Bradford
Roland Bradford
Gene Broadwell
Bob Dart Brown
Beverly Burns
Jackie Byrne
Colleen Cassidy
Zoann Covington
Jody Custer
Jackie Davis
Linda Davidson
Mary Lou Detwiler
Dave Essig
Dave Geiszler
Sheika Gramshammer
Mary Hanley
Burgess Hartsell
Larry Hartsell
Andrew Hobbs
Carol Hoffine
Lise Hofmann
Angela Holland
Jessica Hope
Gordon Jackson
Holly Lamb
Bob Lazier
Bill Littleton
Dorothy Lowery
Dott Marler
Tom Martin
Kathy Marvel
Claire McCarty
Frank Owenby
Pep Peppiat
Johnny Riddle
Julia Riddle
Terry Hall Robbins

Clyde Smith
Willou Smith
David Somerville
Sam Spak
James St. Clair
Mike Swindling
Edith Tayloe
Meghan Thrift
Sarah Whitman
Jennifer Willingham
Mell Wray
Hollis Youngner

John Churchill
Betty Sullivan