On the Agenda: 

We are in unprecedented and historic times. We are honored to be shoulder-to-shoulder serving with you at this time. Our critical infrastructure is fully operational. We continue to take measures to ensure that people are safe and medication is received and delivered on time. Pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to be generous and responsive to our requests on your behalf - and shipments into our distribution center are record-setting for the organization. During these times of uncertainty,  you can count on us.

We know that you are taking on higher risks today to help serve the patients that need you. We thank you for your service and honor the work that you are doing every single day.

Charitable Formulary Webinar  spotlight

Join us for the upcoming Charitable Formulary Webinar on Wednesday April 15th at Noon, central!

Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA, Director of Pharmaceutical Services at the Dispensary of Hope will be discussing our newly updated Charitable Formulary. Dr. Blackburn will be highlighting new medications and changes in our inventory, as well as answering your questions on how to support your charitable program. 

Register for the webinar HERE.

*Reminder - Good Friday Closure. To view the schedule, click Here

*We have extended the deadline for Q1 2020 Quarterly Numbers to May 10th. 

Don't forget about the Dispensary of Hope Resources page ! We have compiled a wealth of resources to help you with your Dispensary of Hope and Charitable Programs. Click HERE to visit the Resource Library!

Account Management Team
Phone: 615-736-5075
Dispensary of Hope www.dispensaryofhope.org
2700 Brick Church Pike
Nashville, Tennessee 37207