July 2019
Announcing Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future
 by Riane Eisler and Douglas P. Fry

Research Shows That Caring—Not Greed—is Humanity's Default Tendency
We can build more humane and sustainable societies by shifting environments that shape our brains say renowned social scientist Riane Eisler and noted anthropologist Douglas P. Fry, in their new book Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives and Future . The book features the latest neuroscience research showing how, through the interaction between genes and our lived experience, behavior patterns can move over time toward the pro-social, cooperative, nurturing behavior (that brain scans show we are inclined toward), and that this requires a shift from a system of domination to one of partnership. Read More

*Order the book at a 30% discount directly from the publisher with promo code ASPROMP8

"In a world that feels ever more dangerous, divided, and out of balance, Nurturing Our Humanity outlines the roadmap for how we raise a healthier generation of children and move away from a punitive and
domination-based society to a world that leads with partnership—
where empathy, care, and community are valued above all, and each
can fulfill our full human potential."
—Jennifer Siebel Newsom, First Partner of California, Filmmaker

Save the date: Safe Conversations webinar September 12
CPS is honored to host the September 12, 2019 webinar “ Safe Conversations: Shifting from Domination to Partnership in Relationship ” with Riane Eisler and Relationships First co-founders Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt and Dr. Harville Hendrix. Join us and discover how the simple 3-step Safe Conversations process is a key element of human connection in all of our relationships and foundational for the shift to partnership systems. Stay tuned for more information and registration links.
Riane Eisler presented keynote at historic Bretton Woods Conference
Riane Eisler gave a keynote speech July 23, 2019 at the Bretton Woods Global Economic Visioning Summit, on the urgently needed new economic model that values and rewards caring for people and planet, and goes beyond the outmoded paradigms of capitalism and socialism, which fail to do so. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference that created the World Bank and its sister institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

CPS Summer 2019 Community Gathering
Change IS happening. We were pleased to connect with many of you on June 28, 2019 in the CPS Community Gathering and Book Launch. Thank you for your commitment to continue our vital work!
Did you know:
• Collectively, partnership leaders have reached over 30,000+ people in the last year.
• 75% of attendees said that their leadership involvement will be increasing in the coming year.
• Partnership and caring economy leaders are active in over 30 countries worldwide.
Check Out CPS's New Website!
You can take action as an integral part of the partnership movement! Our new website is focused on ways you can educate yourself and get involved in building partnership systems in your community. New resources include an overview of partnership systems , detailed listings of what you can do by your role or by issue; how to connect locally with other partnership leaders, information on CPS programs, webinars and classes , and more.

Be a Part of the Partnership Movement. Contribute to the on-the-ground work of caring economy and partnership leaders by making a one-time or monthly recurring donation to the Center for Partnership Studies. Through your donation you ensure that your voice is heard – and that it has real impact. Please join us in making a difference. Thank you!
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The CPS Community News is an empowering resource! View and download past issues of the Partnership Community News.