Sande Hart
, Partnership activist and leader of the Charter for Compassion Women & Girls writes,"How do we create environments in our homes, in our workplace, in our community events, and in classrooms, where we normalize Partnership values and practices on a daily basis so our children grow into the assumption that a viable Partnership social system is 'just the way it is'? I believe
is where we start. When in circle, everyone is seen, every voice is heard, no one is at the head of the table; to make space for more, all you have to do is widen the circle without losing its shape or value."
In honor of International Women's Day, and in advance of the 63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, The Alchemy of Women and Girls Collective Wisdom and Power will convene a Circle gathering for women and girls in New York City. "We know this is where we start to discover who we are so we can better contribute to a Partnership society."
We are deeply grateful Sande for your inspired work and dedication to "changing the story" on behalf of women, girls and healthy families!