LSA Corrections - Target Zones!
We need your help to submit accurate and complete data for our CoC! Please respond to Data Center calls and emails
as soon as possible to correct or confirm data.
Social Security Numbers
Unlike most elements, SSN is not accessible for corrections by users. Only System Admins at the Data Center can assist corrections here. SSNs flag as missing or errors when they are partial or accidentally mislabeled on the DQ dropdown question.
Homeless History Questions
Questions to help identify chronically homeless (CH) clients are required for all clients, even if you know they are not CH clients. Make sure that all five responses from paper forms are copied into HMIS. If you see a pattern of missing Homeless History questions, let the Data Center know and can help you consider workflow improvements
Housing Move-In Date (RRH and PSH only)
Enter Housing Move-In Dates through Interim Updates for the Head of Household. Remember, this data element is asking you for the date the client first slept in their new unit, not when the lease was signed.
Exit Destination
We've seen HUGE improvements in Destination data collection in recent years, but you can get an even better picture of outcomes when you follow-up with clients on where they stayed. Having trouble deciding what a client response means for HMIS? Keep our
Exit Destination Guide handy for those interview!