MCAH Training website down
October 3, 2018

Most of the time we talk about privacy, we're referring to our clients' privacy in HMIS. Today, we want to alert you to a possible security risk to your own usernames and passwords.

Yesterday, we were notified that MCAH's website has been hit with a hacking attack and both and are not functional. The training website with user information may have been compromised.

Check your passwords
First off, if you are one of the many people who use the same username and password for multiple sites, you may want to check your other logins and change the password. In the future, do not use the same password for multiple websites. It makes your online information vulnerable if one or more sites are compromised. Please protect your data!

HMIS Training will be delayed
Secondly, access to NC HMIS training has been cut off. MCAH is working to release a guide with their current training videos late this week or early next week. However, the training site and quiz functionality will be disabled until MCAH's new system is set up. The NCCEH Data Center is reviewing our own options for how to provide virtual training before the HMIS@NCCEH launch.

Request Training
Lastly, if you need staff to be training, please use our Data Center Training Request Form, BoS License Request Form, and Triangle CoC License Request Form to alert us to your needs. In-person trainings will be scheduled soon!

Remember that these forms and other resources can be found on our main website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Data Center so we can review potential solutions! We appreciate your patience this week!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |