
Have a Happy
Join us!!
Sunday, December 1,
at 8 am and 10 am.
the First Sunday of Advent

WHAM is so very grateful for the food collected in our Thanksgiving food drive. We lost count of the number of paper bags you filled (easily over 70!) but the results speak for themselves. 

We delivered over 1,126 pounds of food!! Thank you so much for thinking of those less fortunate, especially this time of year. 

Stewardship Campaign
Fr. Mark sent an email highlighting Ascension’s generosity and updating you on our stewardship campaign. For those of you haven’t had a chance to see it, you can read it HERE , and check out the chart below.
Continue to Help those in need...
Thanksgiving is shortly behind us and Christmas approaches. Thank you for your generosity, we ask that you continue to improve the lives of those around you. Those in need, be it need of food, clothing, or joy. There are many needs, and many ways to help. Please do not feel as if you have to do it all!! Pick one or two and grow from there. Here are some simple ways to get involved by helping those in need in the community around us:
A Letter to Ascension from Fr. Mark Brown, CEO of WHAM:
Good afternoon! As you might have heard in the news, our biggest food partner, the Houston Food Bank, had a large accident resulting in the loss of 1.8 million pounds of produce that would have gone to local food pantries including WHAM's. We are feeling the effects of that shortage as seen by the empty shelves that our clients are encountering. Our Pantry Manager is attempting to purchase needed items, and she is finding these expenses are not in our budget. This in addition to the holiday meals we are trying to distribute these next months.
We are reaching out to you to see if your congregation can help us. 
Would you be willing to reach out to your congregation on our behalf to help with our Food Pantry needs? A goal of $5000 - $7500 would help greatly with these needs. Produce is definitely in shortage right now, and we will need to purchase these items that our clients need until we can recover from this food loss, as well as the following food items:
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly
  • boxed cereal
  • canned chicken
  • canned tuna
  • small bottles of cooking oil
  • canned corn
  • canned green beans
  • canned mixed vegetables
  • dried pasta
  • dried beans
  • tomato sauce
  • rice
  • water 
Food items can be dropped off Monday thru Friday (except next Thursday and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving) at the donation drop off location on the left of our building next to the store entrance. They can drive their cars up to that area and someone will be there to accept it. If for any reason that gate is closed please have them go to the side door facing Meadowglen, marked Administrative Offices, ring the door bell and someone will assist them. Our hours are Monday- Friday, 10am-3pm for food donations.
We welcome any help your congregation can provide. Thank you so much for supporting the poor and the needy in our midst, and together with us, being the hands and feet of our Lord here in Houston.
Please let us know if you have questions. Thanks! 
The Mission of Yahweh
Gift Campaign
This year the Mission of Yahweh is sponsoring an online campaign for the families that live there. You can help by purchasing gifts which the families have selected through their online store, or simply by making a donation. Your generous gifts will provide over 105 women and 130 children with gifts and personal essentials .   CLICK HERE
Volunteer Your Time
The Mission of Yahweh is looking for volunteers to help on the day of December 7th to move furniture around and help set up a toy store for their aftercare residents. 
Visit their website
The website contains a great source for information about ongoing needs such as food, clothing, toys, toiletries, and donations to their resale shop.

WHAM is also collecting blankets
As the temperature continues to drop, many homeless people find themselves sleeping on the streets with no means to stay warm. The supplies at WHAM are depleting quickly. Please drop off blankets M-F 9-5, at the side door of WHAM’s Administrative Office at 10501 Meadowglen Ln, Houston 77042.
Support through Running!
2020 will be WHAM's first year as a beneficiary charity of the Chevron Houston Marathon. WHAM still has spots for runners in the Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K. Register today at and know you are helping feed and lift up people in need when you choose to support them as your beneficiary charity! Check out the fundraising opportunities.
Christmas is Coming!!
Christmas Brass Underwriters         
Please make an offering to help underwrite the Christmas Brass Ensemble expense. Checks may be mailed, placed in the offering plate, or brought to the church office. Be sure that your check is made out to the church and indicate “for Choir Fund/Christmas Brass”. You may dedicate your the gift in memory of, in honor of, in thanksgiving for, etc., and the contribution will be acknowledged in the Christmas orders of service. Thank you for your support of the Music Department. As with the poinsettias, the deadline for the printed dedications will be December 18th. 
Christmas Poinsettia Offerings
You may sign-up to donate and dedicate a poinsettia. We ask that you sign the flower chart in the narthex and write your dedication in the book below the chart. The dedications may be made in honor of someone, in memory of someone or in thanksgiving for all the wonderful things that God has put in your life. The cost is $25, but any donation amount is welcome. Any questions can be directed to the office or to Mrs. Ann Burton.  The deadline for the printed dedications will be December 18th.
Thank you Liz Goodman,
our Christmas Pageant Coordinator
The Christmas Pageant will be held in lieu of the sermon at the 10 am service on the Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/22!! Thank you to Liz Goodman for stepping up to oversee this event. We still need several volunteers who are willing to corral our little angels and shepherds at rehearsal and during the presentation. Rehearsals will be held following the Sunday School lesson on December 1, and during the Sunday School hour on December 8th and 15th. Please, please, please let Liz know you are willing to help!!  
Sound Ministry
The sound ministry needs help! If you can operate a smart phone, you can operate the sound system. We need a minimum of three volunteers to help Kathleen, head of the sound ministry. Not sure if you can handle it, or if you'll like it. Talk to Kathleen, she can show you the ropes. Give it a test run.
Vestry Nominations
 Do you know a person who has demonstrated a passion for Ascension and shown themselves to be a leader? Today through December 15th, we will take nominations of people you think will be good vestry members. Each nomination should include the nominee’s name, and what you think qualifies them for this leadership position. We ask that you speak to them first about their willingness to serve. They should be confirmed pledging members who are in good standing. The Nominating Committee will confirm each person’s willingness to serve before their name goes on the ballot. Thank you for your help in this process which is vital to the ongoing life of Ascension. You may use the nomination form in the bulletin. Just fill it out, tear it out and drop it in the plate. Or email the office with your nomination.
Don't forget the flowers!
Sign up to donate flowers each Sunday, by signing the flower chart, which is posted in the narthex, enter your dedication in the book below it, and place your donation in the alms basin or send it to the office, marked flower fund. (The cost is $100, which includes delivery.) All questions can be answered by Ann Burton (713) 782-6572.
Your Current Vestry

To Annual Meeting of 2020:
Glenn Criswell, Michelle Feagin, Liz Goodman, Margo Kaplan, Tom Sutton

To Annual Meeting of 2021:
Sharon Black, Olive Gomes, Edwin Murvee, Gemma Williams

To Annual Meeting of 2022:
Allison Garcia, Nigel Hypolite

Stay Connected

Rector: The Rev. Mark McDonald

Organist/ Choirmaster: Suzanne Anderson

Bookkeeper: Ann Seitz

Office Manager: Samantha King
713-781-1330 |